I'm going to miss beer.



  • bellabug84
    Seltzer water. That's my trick. Last summer, I found myself wanting a couple of beers a night. Eventually, I realized what I was craving was (partially) the carbonation. OK, the alcohol, too, but also the carbonation. So, I started buying La Croix water, and then got a soda stream. Now I have a big glass of fizzy water before I have my first drink. And.... more often than not, I then stop after that first one.

    (Right now, I'm on a wine spritzer binge--the one good thing about warm weather. I feel like I'm getting my drink, but for only 60 calories. When it gets cold, I'll start craving my much more caloric martinis and Manhattans again. But, I'll deal with that when it comes and not worry about it now.)

    Can you share your wine spritzer recipe?

  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    I will never give up my wine! While I probably don't drink a lot to begin with, I still would never give it up. I instead either make sure I save my calories or I have found a low calorie wine which actually tastes pretty good. You should never give up anything you like, it will only make you want it more and then go overboard with it. Still enjoy it, just in moderation (the dreaded M word LOL!)

    what's the low calorie wine you have found?
    Skinny Girl Cocktails has some, but a glass of my fav red is 170 Cal. I'll never give up my beer or wine! I'll just do a little extr work for it and drink in moderation!
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    You can still achieve results and drink your beer lol! I drink beer occasionally. Drink it in moderation. Don't have one every night. And the days you do, work out a little extra!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Just drink enough so you puke, and then only count half :p
  • michellechawner
    I haven't given up anything. You want that beer? Work for it :)

    I drink wince once a week or so, eat pizza, and have ice cream.. I'm still losing weight.
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    I miss beer too
  • hisirishwench
    Just do an extra 20 minutes of cardio! No biggie! Go for a walk! To the beer store and back, if you have to!

    Absolutely - if you know you're going to have a beer or three on Friday, make sure you plan your exercise calories and do the extra to get the job done.

    Being healthy doesn't mean giving up things you like, it means adjusting and finding a balance. I had three glasses of wine the other night, not counting for them I went an extra 1.5 miles on the eliptical the next day going to a 4.5 mile workout and a deficite of over 600 calories for working out that I made sure not to indulge in. Work hard so you can play hard. You can find the balance to what means the most to you!!
  • taycheese
    taycheese Posts: 87 Member
    you can still drink beer, just work for it like michelle said
  • MichelleMac58
    MichelleMac58 Posts: 77 Member
    If you really like it don't deprive yourself...I enjoy a Michelob Ultra (335 ml / 4% alc./vol) at only 95 cals...it's not a daily thing of course but in the summer if I'm thirsty it's what we keep in the fridge. I will not give up wine either...again not a daily thing but when I want a glass I have a glass (Like previous response I sometimes add tonic water to my red wine for a lighter taste or lots of ice just to drink less) I feel no guilt. I watch my cals daily so I will accommodate any alcohol I choose to drink....life is for the living :smile:
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I refuse to give it up. I just workout a lot during the week to make up for what the few drinks I have on a fri or sat night.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    The occassional Miller 64 isnt so devistating to the food diary. Just 64 calories a bottle.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    there is good low carb low cal beer out there

    No there isn't. Not if you really like beer. Have the real thing. Have 1 instead of 2. Walk an extra 15 minutes. Plan it into your calories for the day. Depriving yourself of a food or drink or activity you love is an almost sure fire way to set yourself up for failure and a likely binge. There are ways to make what you love to eat or drink work into a new, healthier lifestyle: cut back gradually, smaller portions or not as frequent, Plan it into your dietary goals for the day, add exercise to get to the same net calories if needed. Have a pint of Guiness or something good from a local micro-brewery and enjoy. :drinker:
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Maintained over 2 years..Never gave up beer, never gave up anything.80-20, Just balance it;-) Cheersô¿ô

    Exactly this!
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Weight-loss can still be attained WITHOUT giving up beer!!!! I shall never give up my beer!!! If it means I walk around 15 pounds over weight then so be it!

    This, this and more of this!!!!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    think a bout your liver
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    think a bout your liver

    My liver likes beer, too. :wink:

    I'm on the fence with this. I am not giving up the occasional wine or beer, but am significantly cutting back. And, am also fitting them into my calorie count.

    Problem is, from personal experience, I know wine and beer derail me a little. I lose less in a week that includes beer or wine, EVEN IF I do extra cardio.

    Miller 64 and the rest really don't taste great. I like the full on 180-200 cal beers. Keep it to two. Pretend it's soda pop. And be prepared to slow your weight loss a tad. :cry:

    Cheers all.
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Maintained over 2 years..Never gave up beer, never gave up anything.80-20, Just balance it;-) Cheersô¿ô

    Exactly this!

    80-20 what? Just curious.
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    I agree with most of the people here...just work out more! Or, if it helps (which it helped me to cut back A LOT), only drink good, craft beer, and the next day, run a mile for every beer you drink. Granted I live in Colorado, where craft beers are delicious and plentiful, but generally they are more expensive, so I won't order as many, I drink them slower, and also if I know that I'm going to run a mile for every beer I drink (on top of the running I already do every day) I am inclined to drink a LOT less. It's just something you have to hold yourself accountable for and not cheat. And as I'm sure you know, if you cheat in your workouts, the only person you're cheating is yourself.
  • rsimoneau1
    rsimoneau1 Posts: 35 Member
    everything in moderation. I had one last night, and will probably have a few this weekend. Offset it with activities during the day. Hiking, jogging/cardio whatever. The trick is, not drinking every night when you get home from work. When you lose 5 solid, then have a couple.

    Find a "light" beer that works for you. Local breweries (for me, I like Maine Beer Co Peeper Ale and Wachussets Light IPA) tend to have low calorie offerings that don't sacrifice taste. Session IPAs like Founders All Day IPA kick *kitten* as well, low cal, low alcohol.
  • AlistairBernardNormal
    AlistairBernardNormal Posts: 989 Member
    Sam Adams Light is great, Corona Light and a lime tastes just like Corona and lime, and Leinenkugel Summer Shandy is only 130 cals a can/bottle!