Overwhelmed, where do I start?

I have lost weight in the past. I know the basics of weight loss. But I can't seem to do it again. Any help would be appreciated. I am currently about 225 lbs. My ultimate goal is 135 or so. Several years ago I went from my pregnancy weight of 250 lbs. down to about 140 lbs. I worked very hard. Exercised a lot. Ate healthy. And took Adipex for three months, which helped me lose 30 lbs. I didn't lose it all with the Adipex.
Here I am today at 225. I have a very physical job and I'm tired when I get home. I have terrible plantar fasciitis. As much as I want to get off my butt and exercise, I'm in so much pain. Not only in my feet, but my whole body is so stiff and sore. My knees creak every time I stand up or walk up steps. I'm only 30 years old. My cholesterol is is high.
I still eat a lot of healthy foods, but then I over-eat the junk. I'm a terrible cook and don't know what to make for dinner. My family is not on board with healthy foods. I struggle with dinner every night....what to make. How to prepare it. Will my family eat it? We just can't do chicken every night.
I'm probably just making excuses for myself. How hard is it NOT to eat ice cream? I have zero will-power when it comes to sweets. What's more important to me? Being healthy or eating the donut? The donut always wins....
So can anyone offer me advice where to start? Where can I get the motivation I need to get my butt in gear? It's so depressing that I'm wasting my life being this unhappy, fat and uncomfortable.


  • See someone about your PF- I had that once, and I remember the pain. My physiotherapist helped a lot with stretches. I wish I could remember them all to tell you, but I don't. The one I do remember is having to practice picking things up with my toes. She had me put a towel on the floor and scrunch it with my toes, over and over. I think dealing with the physical pain is a good place to start.

    Try also to go with 1 positive, healthy change. Here's some ideas: If you don't drink much water, start having a glass on the hour, every hour. Try adding a fruit or a vegetable to every meal and snack. Park on the far side of every parking lot and walk further. If you can take the stairs more, do so- add one extra flight into your day.

    Try enlisting your family to help with a meal plan. Make 1 or 2 nights a week "mom's choice". Ask them to give it a shot, and then try researching online for flavors they like to replace with healthier options. For eg. if they love fried chicken, try oven baking it instead. Make half the dinner plate fruit and veges.

    Fill your grocery cart with non-processed foods, and since your job is so demanding, make full use of a slow-cooker so dinner is mostly ready for you. Give yourself 1 donut or ice cream serving once a week, rather than everyday- so it's something to look forward to, try to "earn" the reward with healthier choices. I just don't buy donuts and ice cream- if they're not in the house, i can't consume them.

    Try eating more yummy healthy snacks like trail mix (measure it though), and get some protein from eggs. You should definitely figure out your BMR and other important numbers, then log everything. It takes time.


    Oh and eat more protein. You will feel fuller longer :)

    Above all, don't give up. You are definitely too young to be creaking and groaning. Imagine a lifetime ahead of your pain, and let that be your motivation. My motivation is being healthy enough to play with my kids now and chase my grandkids around later.
  • rhondaec
    rhondaec Posts: 85 Member
    See someone about your PF- I had that once, and I remember the pain. My physiotherapist helped a lot with stretches. I wish I could remember them all to tell you, but I don't. The one I do remember is having to practice picking things up with my toes. She had me put a towel on the floor and scrunch it with my toes, over and over. I think dealing with the physical pain is a good place to start.

    Try also to go with 1 positive, healthy change. Here's some ideas: If you don't drink much water, start having a glass on the hour, every hour. Try adding a fruit or a vegetable to every meal and snack. Park on the far side of every parking lot and walk further. If you can take the stairs more, do so- add one extra flight into your day.

    Try enlisting your family to help with a meal plan. Make 1 or 2 nights a week "mom's choice". Ask them to give it a shot, and then try researching online for flavors they like to replace with healthier options. For eg. if they love fried chicken, try oven baking it instead. Make half the dinner plate fruit and veges.

    Fill your grocery cart with non-processed foods, and since your job is so demanding, make full use of a slow-cooker so dinner is mostly ready for you. Give yourself 1 donut or ice cream serving once a week, rather than everyday- so it's something to look forward to, try to "earn" the reward with healthier choices. I just don't buy donuts and ice cream- if they're not in the house, i can't consume them.

    Try eating more yummy healthy snacks like trail mix (measure it though), and get some protein from eggs. You should definitely figure out your BMR and other important numbers, then log everything. It takes time.


    Oh and eat more protein. You will feel fuller longer :)

    Above all, don't give up. You are definitely too young to be creaking and groaning. Imagine a lifetime ahead of your pain, and let that be your motivation. My motivation is being healthy enough to play with my kids now and chase my grandkids around later.

    Well Said!!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've been where you are. Everything is tiring so you can't possibly imagine jumping around doing aerobics and eating salads. Well, the good news is that you don't have to do that to lose weight if you don't want to. All you need is a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit by eating less of what you're already eating. You don't NEED exercise. Many people switch to eating healthy or "clean eating" because the benefits are that you have less cravings, less hunger, and can eat bulkier amounts of food (300 calories worth of chicken and vegetables is a lot more food than 300 worth of pizza). But if you can't do that right now it's OK. Just start logging your calories and start with a doable goal like 1 pound per week. Choosing two pounds per week may be too much hunger or too much activity than you can handle right now. When you start to get some results you'll be more motivated to continue.

    Have you looked online for stretches you can do to improve plantar fasciitis? Give it a try.

    I don't deal with picky eaters. I do the grocery shopping and cooking and if my family doesn't like it they can go hungry or have pb&j. I'm not mean about it but that's the way it is. I still buy treats for my family. Just a lot less. Again, I do the shopping so they eat what's here. You don't have to eat chicken every night or be a great cook to eat better. Try skinnytaste.com. My family has never complained about her recipes. They're definitely lighter but that's the point. I'm trying to keep my family and me alive and healthy.

    As far as the choices you make between a donut and being healthy...the first thing you have to change is your thinking. You need to make a concrete decision when you're ready and stick with it. Losing weight is as much if not more of a mental challenge than a physical one. You have to be mentally ready or it won't last. Don't expect perfection from yourself, though, because the first time you hog down on pizza you'll think you've blow everything and why bother I can't do this I might as well quit. Not true. Just let it go and move on.

    Also, since you've done this before you know you can do it. It may be different or slower this time if you don't feel up to working out but that's OK. It's not a race or a sprint.

    So, where do you start? Just start logging your food.
  • Try skinnytaste.com.

    Great reply! Thanks especially for that link! I am so excited to try a bunch of recipes off of there :)
  • PilatesConvert
    PilatesConvert Posts: 55 Member
    I think you start with taking care of yourself. That's medical treatment for the PF and buying/cooking healthy foods for you to eat. If your husband & older kids insist on sweets in the house you can't STOP them, but you can set boundaries like no snack foods in the TV room, or the computer room, or whatever. You can make safer zones for yourself to not even SEE the temptations. Eventually they may come around to picking up the habits you're demonstrating.

    And of course start tracking, and then be patient and consistent. It'll happen. You know from experience.
  • TexNut
    TexNut Posts: 53
    Self-sabotage happens to the best of us...that donut is not your friend! Consider how you'll feel after eating it (or any other junk food) vs. how you'd feel after going for a walk or doing a few minutes of exercises. If you still choose the junk, maybe you need to ask why you're sabotaging yourself?

    Make a few small goals for the week and stick to them as best you can. Then build on those (tweak as needed) for the next week.

    Simple is better when it comes to cooking with a busy schedule or picky eaters. Remember you can always modify why you eat by adding more veggies, salad, etc and choosing the healthier portions of whatever meal everyone else is having. The web has tons of sites for recipes and healthy meal ideas, like those others have mentioned!

    Keep your chin up! :D
  • lorrieavery
    lorrieavery Posts: 4 Member
    i feel your pain about your pain.....................i spent an entire year in bed due to a blood clot in my heart and ballooned up to 236 from my usual 145........the hardest thing ive ever done is to get out of my bed and move. i began the program here @ mfp and my nutritionist told my 1 very important thing......keep your intake of carbs and protein within 30 points of each other for lasting weight loss, that way you lose fat not muscle........if your protein is always low try a good quality whey protein powder mixed with fresh fruit an 1/8 of a cup of sherbert and a splash of fat free milk..........im down to 196 after 3 months..............you CAN do it just stick with it
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    If nothing else..just start logging everything that goes in your mouth during the day. This will reduce mindless eating and make it a decision not just an action. This is what has helped me....have you ever walked past a plate of cookies picked one up, eaten and then not even remember what it tasted like or even that you had eaten it....logging is what will help you get there. As for your family, you will be doing them a favor by encouraging healthy eating...also you can revise what they are eating. For example, if you cook burgers...eat yours on a plate with some veggies and let them use the bun. Use lowfat meats etc....porkschops..use tenderloin or such and buy a bottle of gravy for them...things like this will help you and will be beneficial to the whole family if you are a happy healthy wife and mother and the rest of them will be better off too.