HELP! I've lost my motivation!

futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started my diet and exercise on June 9th...and I've lost 25 lbs but I haven't lost anything this week! It's such a motivation killer. What can I do to make me not want to quit? I'm on the verge....anyone have any suggestions or tips to stay motivated?


  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Everybody's Body Will Plateau At Some Point In Time So Don't You Quit. And second it may not even be a plateau it could be a result from you gaining an equal amount of muscle that you lost in fat. Also it could be a result of PMS and/or water weight. You never know. It may be time to start tweaking your plan if it's plateau. It's simply time to regroup not quit.
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    I've been stuck here at this weight for a while. The thing that keeps me motivated is remembering that you can never reach what you want to reach if you stop. If you keep going, even just a little, you will eventually get there.

    I also set goals, big and little. The current mini goal has to do with my birthday in October. Since it has an actual date attached, it hellps. When I get discouraged, I might scale back a little for a week, and I will usually grumble and complain a lot, but I keep going. I have no idea if I will reach my mini goal if I don't work right up until then. Vent to your MFP friends and read a message board. It is comforting to realize that you aren't the only one. Good luck. You CAN do this!!
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    Just remember that while weight it the easiest way to see that you are "healthier" its NOT ALL about the weight. Make a list of the things you had trouble with before you started exercising and eating right.... how many of them are either gone or lots better? How about the workout that you just barely made it through when you started?? But now it's easier. Have you measured inches? Get one, use it. What can you do now that you avoided a few weeks ago??

    Don't let the scale be the only thing about you... it's just a number. There are so many other ways to measure how GOOD you feel.
  • Oh dear.. Do I understand... I lost 42, and haven't lost in almost 4 months! Talk about unmotivating! LOL but you just keep pushing through. And having someone you can talk to about your frustrations and let them be real with you and set you back into place always helps me :)
  • Everybody's Body Will Plateau At Some Point In Time So Don't You Quit. And second it may not even be a plateau it could be a result from you gaining an equal amount of muscle that you lost in fat. Also it could be a result of PMS and/or water weight. You never know. It may be time to start tweaking your plan if it's plateau. It's simply time to regroup not quit.

    I totally agree with everything she said and was about to post the same thing. When I get discouraged I just try harder. Easier said than done, I know. Good luck!
  • You are talkin to the QUEEN of plateau here, so I know exactly what you're going through. Check out my profile and you will notice ZERO pounds lost as of yet. But I do not give up. I REFUSE to give up. Why? What keeps me going? Its a very simple fact and thought and I hope it an apply to you as well. My goal weight is 150lbs (which is only 40 pounds away for me right now), and the simple fact is : I have NEVER seen the way I look at that weight! I have NEVER been that weight in my ENTIRE adult life! And its really more the curiosity than anything else that just keeps me so driven. I want to KNOW what I will look like at that weight. I want to know how easy it must feel to run when I'm at that weight. I want to know what pant size I'll be in when I'm at that weight. There are so many things I'm anxious to see and experience when I get to that weight, that if you think about it....stopping will only get me farther and farther AWAY from that goal. So, I don't know if that helps at all. But its something I've been thinking to myself. And no matter how hard these last 40 pounds are going to be to get off...I'll be DAMNED if I give up now. Think about it.
  • raziyad
    raziyad Posts: 17 Member
    You could be losing inches and not pounds. See how your clothes fit. That might make you feel a bit better. You also may need to add a few calories if you've been cutting back too much it could put you into starvation mode. If you are working out you can't be afraid to eat. Keep going. If you've lost 25 lbs you have been doing something right.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    OH MY WORD 25lbs in less than 3 months!!! GEEZZE jump for the stars do a happy dance. You're body has lost so much it just needs to recalibrate, and its only been a week, loosing initially comes quickly the smaller you are the harder it is to loose. I've been at this for 6 wees and only lost 8lbs. Remember its not just about the numbers.
  • I have to agree with Sassy0913 on this one. 25 pounds in 3 months is amazing! your body is adjusting....give it time....just think about how great you will feel when you finally get over this plateau and start to lose again.

    Don't let this time of struggle throw you off. I have done that myself, and here I am starting all over again. I always think....Dang..if only I had kept to it, I would be at my goal weight and I would be able to run in a 5K without my weight hindering me.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks everyone! Sometimes all it takes to keep your motivation is to hear other's stories of not giving up. I think it's nice to lose 25lbs in 3 months but then I get used to losing weight fast so when it slows done it feels like I'm doing something wrong or this is just were I'm going to be for the rest of my life. I really want to lose weight so I can exercise with out hurting. Just like my username...i've always wanted to be a runner. but it hurts my joints so if I lose more weight i might be able to start running.
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    I signed up for a 5K in November...even if I have to crawl to the finish line I'm going to do it! That's my motivation to work out. I don't want to look like a fool during the race. I don't care if I come in last place as long as I finish.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    This is what I did when I was losing motivation at 25 pound weight loss.

    Go to the grocery store and pick up 25 pounds of rice or flour, or to the gym and pick up 25 pounds of weights. Walk around for 5 minutes carrying it. Feel the weight you were carrying before. When you put it down feel how light you feel now. Acknowledge how good it feels to be rid of that weight.

    Helped me stay on the plan.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I started my diet and exercise on June 9th...and I've lost 25 lbs but I haven't lost anything this week! It's such a motivation killer. What can I do to make me not want to quit? I'm on the verge....anyone have any suggestions or tips to stay motivated?
    The bad news is you've lost your motivation. The good news is you don't need it! I'm not being flippant, either. The way I look at it, there's no way I'm going to be motivated day in and day out, so I've made a commitment to myself that I'll work out and eat right whether I feel like it or not. The beauty is that your body still responds to your positive behavior, and when your motivation comes back, you'll be that much closer to your goal!
  • You will do fine JUST DONT GIVE UP!! It takes time you will get there i have been doing this for 2yrs now and have lost a great deal of weight. But this last 10lbs is going to be the death of me lol!! I have only lost 3lbs since june the 4th but i will not give in i look at the big picture this is not a diet its a life change.So if you give up your going to maybe gain the weight back !!! So just keep your head held high and do this for yourself i know you can!!!!
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    The bad news is you've lost your motivation. The good news is you don't need it! I'm not being flippant, either. The way I look at it, there's no way I'm going to be motivated day in and day out, so I've made a commitment to myself that I'll work out and eat right whether I feel like it or not. The beauty is that your body still responds to your positive behavior, and when your motivation comes back, you'll be that much closer to your goal!

    Awesome way to look at it...
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    Everyone has given me so much to think about to keep going..I'm so glad I found this place. :smile:
  • i have to agree with everybody here... dont give up!!! you have come so far in a short time. i have been working out and stuf for 4 mo now and have only lost 18lbs. so ya sometimes i have to drag myself to the gym. but i have to remind myself at least i didnt gain any....
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Don't give up you probably have just hit a plateau. Maybe you just need to tweek your workout. Step it up a notch. Add more weights or workout longer. Don't get discouraged though. You have done great so far. It took you four years to gain it. It will take a little time to get it off. Don't give up. We are all here for you. YOU CAN DO IT!!
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