Who's doing Insanity?! ????



  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on day 5 of Recovery Week, starting month 2 on Sunday, and I'm TERRIFIED. But also really excited. I've lost 3 inches off of my waist, and about 7 inches total, as well as 7 pounds. On top of that, I'm seeing muscles that I have literally never seen before -- my arms going to be smokin' by the time I'm done! :)

    My only concern for month 2 (besides dying), is my right knee not being able to handle it, but I'm going to give it my all, be cautious, and modify as necessary.

    Insanity is, well.... insane, but I LOVE it, and my results have been amazing. Someone told me that the warmups in month two are more intense than the actual workouts in month one, but if I survive it, I'm already planning on doing another round.

    Oh -- last thing: your DIET matters the most!! I haven't missed a single day of the workouts, but I was in a school for work for a week, and had to eat out all week. I tried to make as healthy choices as I could, but my diet was crap compared to the other weeks. Even though I still did the workouts every day that week, it was the only week that I didn't lose any weight or inches. Diet is key, and make sure you're eating enough -- for the first week or so, you'll feel hollow, like you can't eat enough to feel full. Listen to that: keep eating, your body needs it!

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    It's true! People do think I'm crazy when I tell them I'm doing it too! I laugh and say, "yeah, maybe, but I feel great!"

    People will think you are crazy. You are. But it's the good kind.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    I'm on round 2 of Insanity :-) Love the workouts, I'm also using the Insanity Upper Body Weight DVD which adds another dimension to my training.
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    I'm not a big fan of the mummy kicks - ha ha ha! Wait until you do the frog jumps in Max. Lots of exercises I never saw the first few weeks, but I'm learning them and sweating through them - ha ha ha!
    Im on Week 5 :) .. Recovery week

    i think its about to get insane as of next week !

    oh and you hate globe jumps ! ... i hate Switch Kicks :( ,
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    Hi. Do you have a mat? I have bad knees and had a similar problem until I started using a jump mat. I didn't get the one on the Beach Body website though as I found it $20 cheaper (same mat!) through Amazon (I think). Hope this helps!
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    I'm doing insanity! Just completed my first week.. It's by far the most challenging workout I've faced.. but I will do it!! Feel free to add x
  • simi5064
    simi5064 Posts: 30 Member
    I have only just started :D feel free to add me.
  • Clizz92
    Clizz92 Posts: 3
    I've done Insanity! It's rough but gets the job done. It takes A LOT out of you though so be sure to eat properly and get an adequate amount of sleep to keep your energy levels up.
  • peniculala
    peniculala Posts: 81 Member
    I just got sanity check today. I'm scared to death to start it though. Just went for a run, so I won't start today...

    Later that same day......Well, check me in to the insane asylum, I went ahead and did it anyway. I was just going to look at it, but I couldn't help myself. Still in my running clothes and I just went right along with it. LOL I look forward to doing it again and then starting the real stuff once I get this one down.
  • stacw1987
    stacw1987 Posts: 206 Member
    Week 3 here!! Really loving it!! :-)

    Please feel free to add me as more motivation the better :-)

    P.S - Switch kicks are the devil!!!! :P
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    Week 3 here!! Really loving it!! :-)

    Please feel free to add me as more motivation the better :-)

    P.S - Switch kicks are the devil!!!! :P

    Everything is the devil in Insanity LOL :) I am in my 18th day. So not sure where you are in your third week.
  • jennycasper
    jennycasper Posts: 12 Member
    P.S - Switch kicks are the devil!!!! :P

    I agree. I fell on my behind yesterday doing them in the "recovery" week. So far lost about 5 pounds and at least as many inches. Plus I feel so much stronger and, for the first time, feel like I will not make a complete fool of myself in the Spartan Sprint in August.

    Insanely, I am looking forward to month 2.

    Feel free to add me.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    I'm on day 4 and the soreness is subsiding! Yay! Lol

    I've done this before and am looking forward to seeing and feeling those great results soon. If I haven't caught you first, please feel free to add me. Having some insaniac support makes ALL the difference. :)
  • Jers43
    Jers43 Posts: 100
    Im starting week seven it is a big commitment over an hour most nights tired after work its worth it seeing results!
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    On my second week..HATE it!!!!!!!!!!!! But doing it with my fiancee to support him ;)
    It is so hard even when you think you are fit! The cardio is horrible :(
    Does anyone else hate the warm up most?? I do!!!
    I love when the stretching part happens as I take a lot of ballet and that part is easy and feels good for me :)
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 434 Member
    I started it this week after needing a new challenge - been doing lots of Jillian Michaels stuff in the last 12 months or so (albeit on and off).

    On day 3 today and NOT enjoying this at all! I can see I'm going to hate every minute of every day, but I can only imagine what an achievement it'll feel like by the end of it. Plus I can only hope it'll get a little bit easier as time goes on!

    Add me if you'd like someone to share the pain! :laugh:
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    On my second week..HATE it!!!!!!!!!!!! But doing it with my fiancee to support him ;)
    It is so hard even when you think you are fit! The cardio is horrible :(
    Does anyone else hate the warm up most?? I do!!!
    I love when the stretching part happens as I take a lot of ballet and that part is easy and feels good for me :)

    The warm up is by far the hardest on my knees. Once I get into the actual workout, it's usually smooth sailing (well, as smooth as Insanity gets), but I have to be careful about my form during the jogging in place thing. Running in place has always been hard on my knees due to my lordosis.

    I'm half way through week 3 and I still have to give myself a little pep talk before I hit play each day. I'm thrilled with the results though. My numbers on the second fit test saw a huge bump, and I have definitely been able to see changes in my progress pictures. I haven't even bothered to weigh myself since starting. I fully expect to gain weight due to water retention and extra food sitting in my stomach, but the fat is still coming off. Feel free to add me.