
First off last year I lost tons of weight. From June to Jan. I lost nearly 75lbs. Looked and felt good. Ran in to some health problems and lost focus... I have now gain nearly all of it back. :(

Now for the last several months I have been trying my best to loose this weight again. I just keep losing the same 5 -8 lbs over and over again.... I gain, lose, gain, lose,gain.. you get the picture.

I want to do this, but can't seem to stay motivated...

I guess this is more of a vent then anything.... I know what I need to do. I just can't seem to do it.


  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    There's nothing any of us can say to really get you motivated. It's up to you to make the first step....and that's usually the hardest step. If you want it bad enough, you'll do what takes to get there. :smile:
  • Daytripperjackie
    Daytripperjackie Posts: 17 Member
    You CAN do it. If you fall off one day, don't use that as an excuse to keep falling... Get right back where you left off. We believe in you. You should too :)
  • elvanderhorst
    I hear ya! I lost 130 and have gained back 40 and just can't get back on track. We can do it together. So, lets pull up those boot straps and do our best to take that first step again. :)
  • annasid78
    I am thinking I am going to start rewarding myself some how for losing and maintaining! It has to be cheap and it has to NOT be food. I am going to think on it for a while and see what I come up with...
  • annasid78
    Here is what I came up with.

    Lose my five again and get $5 or less gift. Maintain for a week get another $5 or less gift. If I instead lose 5lbs (10bls) I get a med. gift. 10$ or less. Maintain or lose another 5 (15 lbs) get a $5 gift. Maintain the 15lb loss get a $5 gift. Lose 20 get a $10 gift. and so on.... when I hit 30lbs I get a $15-$30 gift.

    SOme of my ideas for $5 gift,
    colored ink pens... love to write in diffrent colors. lol
    hair accesories.
    embordry thread to make friendship bracelets
    body spray
    finger nail polish and stickers

    parts for the new swiffer sweeper I want.
    .... not sure what else at this point...