Morning Run

Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
I have came to conclusion I do not like to run in the heat (and by heat anything over 75 degrees F). Today was 83 and low humidity and I was dying. I thinking about moving my run from lunch to the morning. I will need to get up at 4:30 to do this :(. So I won't have time to eat and let it sit before my run. So my question is, if you run first thing in the AM, do you eat first? If so, what?


  • Pvestin
    Pvestin Posts: 19 Member
    I usually do not eat before I workout in the morning. If I do its coffee with 1/2 cup of flax milk, maybe a banana. I do try to drink some water before I head out just to be less dehydrated.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I roll out of my bed and go. Deodorant and brushing my teeth can wait until I get back. Same with eating. If it is a longer run I might eat a banana. I think its all about personal preference and this is something you might have to learn via trial and error.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I do not eat before I run in the morning. Coffee or tea only.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I don't eat **** before I run, regardless of time of day...just the thought makes me want to vomit...all that food sloshing around in my gut while I'm trying to kill 5K or way.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Cup of coffee, TCOB, and out the door.
  • AndreeAnneB
    AndreeAnneB Posts: 20 Member
    I usually drink a little bit of orange juice, or eat a fruit if I already feel hungry.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    I don't eat before I run in the morning. I like running in the heat and humidity (just for the sweat factor) but morning runs are way better. Might have a glass of chocolate milk first
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Deleted due to dbll post
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I do not eat before I run in the morning. Coffee or tea only.

    Same here (except if I'm a 2+ hr run on Sunday, then 'll probably have some PB on toast and a banana at least a couple of hours before heading out)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Same here, I've been doing my morning c25k before I eat. I felt heavier when I ate b4 doing c25k. I just have my cup of coffe too
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Nothing but maybe a gulp of water depending how I feel.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I don't eat. Get up, get dressed and go.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    I have been working out every morning before work at 5AM with most of my days solid cardio. I never eat or drink anything. Just get up, get dressed and go to it. So far, I haven't had any problems and July 2 will be my one year anniversary of doing it every day no workday missed.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    No breakfast for me, a little bit of water sometimes but that is it and then water afterwards. I stil don't want food until about an hour after my run/walk.
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    If I run early in the morning, I might have a small glass of juice (orange, cranberry, etc.) for a little boost, and a larger glass of water. If its a long run, I might add a banana or a cereal bar. Either one is light enough for me but help with getting a carb boost.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I never eat. It's a cup of coffee and 2 cups of water (hopefully a success trip to the bathroom) and I am out the door. Even if I run at lunch, it is at least 2 hours before I will run that i have my last food.
  • sue284
    sue284 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't eat before I run. Sometimes I'll have a coffee, but generally it's just get up and get out.
  • bsdive
    bsdive Posts: 75 Member
    I roll out of my bed and go. Deodorant and brushing my teeth can wait until I get back. Same with eating. If it is a longer run I might eat a banana. I think its all about personal preference and this is something you might have to learn via trial and error.

    This is me too-
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I have came to conclusion I do not like to run in the heat (and by heat anything over 75 degrees F). Today was 83 and low humidity and I was dying. I thinking about moving my run from lunch to the morning. I will need to get up at 4:30 to do this :(. So I won't have time to eat and let it sit before my run. So my question is, if you run first thing in the AM, do you eat first? If so, what?

    If it's a longer run (8+) I'll take the time to get some carbs. Otherwise, I like to top up the tank with an ounce or two of energy gel (I use a mix from

    I realize that I have lots of glycogen on board so my body doesn't need the carbs but I like the taste (I made a lemon flavored batch of gel) and I know that it doesn't hurt to have the extra carbs in my body.
  • JayRod2519
    JayRod2519 Posts: 27 Member
    I usually just drink a couple glasses of water, and have a little something for a boost, like a swedish fish or 2, or a few m&m's. Nothing crazy, just a little sugar.