Been There. Done That. Time for something new (sorta)

Hello Future friends and motivators!

My name is Lola West, and I am new to my fitness pal. Actually, if I am being honest, this is my second account. (My first one got deleted by accident) So I need friends. I am looking to lose weight and then maintain said weightloss.I would like to walk down a crowded beach and have a few heads turn, not because my suit has crept up my buns, but because i look good.... Is that too much to ask?

Please friend me if you are interested in being an inspiration or you would like some motivation.


  • kane1200
    kane1200 Posts: 14 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    feel free to add me ^^
  • tails1315
    tails1315 Posts: 50
    Hi there! My name is Lindsay and I also got my motivation from the beach. Seeing all the cute swimsuits made me really want to wear one. I live in Mexico on the beach so I wear a swim suit a lot. I will add you! If you are interested I started a blog yesterday. I hope you find some inspiration as that is my goal lol.

    my blog