Okay y'all so this past week I've been with my best friend and I honestly have nothing against my friend but she's 5'10 150 like the perfect shape and I'm the exact opposite of her. Well in her apartment she has nothing but junk.... like literally!!! Like for dinner she would fix Tostinos pizza and pizza rolls with hot wings with ranch and fries!!! Like omg really?? And then she also have all kinds of chocolate (which is my very weakness) but my question is how do y'all to manage to eat clean when you're just starting out and around best friends?? Because this week has been my most horrible down fall since I've started:'(:'(


  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    If you can't eat that stuff in moderation (and I can't).... you have to say in a nice way that you are changing your lifestyle and you can't eat that food because you are losing weight, but your friend should go ahead and enjoy herself. Also, never go to her place hungry. Eat first and be full. Take a sport bottle with water (and lemon slices or other fruit if you like that) so you have a healthy drink.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    A bite here and a bite there will put pounds on u. Be careful.......
  • dedicationandcommitment
    That sounds so practical but the thing is I stayed at her house for about 4 days and it was just so easy just to go in her pantry and snack snack snack all day long like everyone else was and the thing I would feel so guilty about snacking and then not stop....I have very little will power when it comes to chocolate (unfortunately:(:()
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Just know that it can be done-avoiding the temptation. Make sure to eat before going over, and pack snacks. You could also offer to entertain at your home where there are less temptations (if that's an option). I know it's hard, my roommates eat nothing but yummy junk, but it helps when you have your own meals and snacks planned out.
  • dedicationandcommitment
    A bite here and a bite there will put pounds on u. Be careful.......

    And that's exactly what I do...nibble a little here and there thinking I'm not doing much damage but my scales don't lie!!!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    wait a minute...nope....youre right.
  • dedicationandcommitment
    Just know that it can be done-avoiding the temptation. Make sure to eat before going over, and pack snacks. You could also offer to entertain at your home where there are less temptations (if that's an option). I know it's hard, my roommates eat nothing but yummy junk, but it helps when you have your own meals and snacks planned out.

    yeah maybe I should start planning my snacks and meals ahead of time.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    I don't think you need to lose the friend, maybe just talk to her about what you are trying to do and hopefully she will respect that and not try to push junk food on you.

    Another option... why go to her place? why not suggest instead that she go to your place and you can cook a healthy meal :) Or suggest doing something active like walking or biking or go out dancing (just be cautious about calories in drinks!). :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    Just know that it can be done-avoiding the temptation. Make sure to eat before going over, and pack snacks. You could also offer to entertain at your home where there are less temptations (if that's an option). I know it's hard, my roommates eat nothing but yummy junk, but it helps when you have your own meals and snacks planned out.

    yeah maybe I should start planning my snacks and meals ahead of time.

    oh yes planning could help A LOT here! :)
  • dedicationandcommitment
    I don't think you need to lose the friend, maybe just talk to her about what you are trying to do and hopefully she will respect that and not try to push junk food on you.

    Another option... why go to her place? why not suggest instead that she go to your place and you can cook a healthy meal :) Or suggest doing something active like walking or biking or go out dancing (just be cautious about calories in drinks!). :)

    The only reason why we can't come to my place is because I live in the country with absolutely no cell phone reception so no one really comes out here (just the way I like it) plus it was here birthday week and we were celebrating but goodness this week has been super rough on me.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    I hate to say this, but you're going to have to want your new lifestyle more than you want the hot wings, choc and other snacks!! When you know you are going to be staying at her place for a few days, can you bring your own stuff (chopped veggies in baggies, plain greek yogurt mixed with a little dry ranch mix for dipping, a few premade meals in tupperware, couple pieces of fruit, etc)...if you can't work in a couple wings or a piece of choc without going all out, planning it out would probably be your best bet for right now. it isn't forever, and as you become accustomed to your new lifestyle you can venture out a bit and enjoy some treats here and there, log them and move on

    fail to plan, plan to gotta want it more than not. look at your username....dedicationandcommitment.....DOOOOO ITTTTTTT lol

  • dedicationandcommitment
    Just know that it can be done-avoiding the temptation. Make sure to eat before going over, and pack snacks. You could also offer to entertain at your home where there are less temptations (if that's an option). I know it's hard, my roommates eat nothing but yummy junk, but it helps when you have your own meals and snacks planned out.

    yeah maybe I should start planning my snacks and meals ahead of time.

    oh yes planning could help A LOT here! :)

    Well how exactly do you plan because I honestly have no earthly idea of what I am going to eat until the next day!!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    if she is your best friend, sit her down and talk to her. Explain all of that to her.
  • dedicationandcommitment
    I hate to say this, but you're going to have to want your new lifestyle more than you want the hot wings, choc and other snacks!! When you know you are going to be staying at her place for a few days, can you bring your own stuff (chopped veggies in baggies, plain greek yogurt mixed with a little dry ranch mix for dipping, a few premade meals in tupperware, couple pieces of fruit, etc)...if you can't work in a couple wings or a piece of choc without going all out, planning it out would probably be your best bet for right now. it isn't forever, and as you become accustomed to your new lifestyle you can venture out a bit and enjoy some treats here and there, log them and move on

    fail to plan, plan to gotta want it more than not. look at your username....dedicationandcommitment.....DOOOOO ITTTTTTT lol


    over doing it is not the's the nibble here and there and then do it again and then do it again over and over. Ughhhh this is getting difficult!!!!!!!!!
  • dedicationandcommitment
    if she is your best friend, sit her down and talk to her. Explain all of that to her.

    She doesn't understand my reason for wanting to lose weight so I've chose to not tell her anything about it!!!
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Have an apple, some carrots, and some almonds on you at all time. If you start to get hungry, snack on those. Try your best to avoid the kitchen. There's no reason to be in there. Plan your meals ahead of time, that way you're not staring at all the temptation. If you can resist the craving for 15 minutes.... it'll go away. Takes willpower, but if you want to do this, you're going to have to deal with it. People are going to eat stuff you want and shouldn't have, and offer you stuff you want and shouldn't have. My but advice is learn self-restraint, plan ahead, and learn how to say "no thank you!".
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    One of my most difficult things was to surround myself with safe places, people and things. A true friend will understand and want you to get healthy. When friends suggest going out to lunch I say "how about we connect after lunch time for a walk."

    I would never suggest to my friend who has one year of sobriety to meet me at my favorite pub.

    Treat yourself like you would want others to treat you. When I started standing up for myself I started loosing weight. I know it's hard and know I can't give advice but can share what worked/works for me.

    Shirley (in Oregon where it is raining)
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Many times I offer to bring a dish to share to a friend's house because I will at least have one thing that will be healthy. Also if you are going to be there for an extended visit you could go to the store and get a few things for you or offer to go grocery shopping and cook for your friend as a thank you for letting you stay at her house. Being upfront with her about your goals can be helpful too.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would eat at home, then go visit her.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Bring your own healthy treats.

    Sorry, but I think it would be ruid to go to someone's house and ask them to change what they have in the pantry.