any tips for someone doing their first 5K race??

I will doing a 5K race in a few weeks (I really never thought i'd ever type those words!!) . I was just wondering if anyone had any words of advice? What can i expect on race day???? etc...


  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Anything at all???? Help!
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    Don't wear jeans and flip flops. (I wasn't planning on doing it, just came to support my husband, and tan did it anyway.)
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Don't wear jeans and flip flops. (I wasn't planning on doing it, just came to support my husband, and tan did it anyway.)

    LOL...good advice!!
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    Know your pace and do not try to keep up with everyone else, start and finish at your pace, if you try to rabbit the start you will turtle the finish.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Don't forget to stretch even though there might be a decent time waiting for it to start.

    And pace yourself.. don't get excited and think you have to be in the front (my husband is to competitive lol, he was like oh no you don't pass me.. hahaha.. wasn't expecting that one).

    Don't forget to drink water or bring it.. I always jog with my bottle.

    And have fun! :)
  • compumomma
    compumomma Posts: 24 Member
    Walk the course first so you have an idea of where you are going. When you line up at the start, if you are new to running, you should get in the back of the line so the quicker people don't run you over. Drink plenty of water the day before and eat a good breakfast about 2 hours before the race starts.
  • skylarking036
    Have a great time. Enjoy the atmosphere.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Start slower than everybody else and then go even slower. People are going to be running on adrenaline and then poop out. Be patient, you'll catch up and even pass them!
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Don't change anything from what you normally do before or during a training run. For example, if you normally eat breakfast do that, if not, don't eat. Be sure to hydrate but not too much. Race your pace, not anyone else's. Stretch beforehand and after. Be sure to arrive early (maybe an hour) if there is a packet to pick-up - you'll have time to sign in and take your goodies back to your vehicle before the race and maybe find a new friend or two. Most of all - have a good time! Good luck!
  • johe28
    johe28 Posts: 108 Member
    I can only speak of my experience and hopefully it's helpful. My first 5K I thought it was no big deal. I was gasping and could not run as fast as I'd like. With that, take a break if you need to and get water if you want and available (usually it is). The jitters can take over and pump you up which will help give you a boost of adrenaline. Make sure to get good rest, stretch, drink plenty of water, and have fun. If this is your personal goal, just have fun and complete the race. I would not worry about time. Listen to your body.

    Depending on how big the race is, the start can be quite slow since there are a lot of people. Enjoy and good luck.
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    I will doing a 5K race in a few weeks (I really never thought i'd ever type those words!!) . I was just wondering if anyone had any words of advice? What can i expect on race day???? etc...

    You're going to be nervous at the start line. It happens to everyone at their first race, even if you're not "competing." It's OK, try to ENJOY it. Think of it like a first date... you've got the butterflies in your stomach before the "date" starts, and you're wondering if you will really like him when it's over!

    Just mix in with all of the other people. Most people are there to have a good time, and participate with a group of people who like doing what they're doing.

    Run YOUR race. Don't go out too fast!

    Hit the porta-potty before the race. That nervous stomach will try to get you at about mile 2 if you don't "empty the tank" before you run.

    Someone mentioned stretching. Don't do it unless you ALWAYS do it before a run. Stretching neither hurts nor helps your running. People who always stretch should keep doing it. People who don't stretch should not start.

    RUN WITH A SMILE ON YOUR FACE. You're out there doing it. 99% of the rest of the world is not. You're part of an elite group!

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Few better ways to spend a weekend morning than running with a few hundred of your best friends.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I just did my first 5k a couple weeks ago, as well. Congrats on the undertaking :drinker: The biggest thing that made it hard on me? MY own mind. It was REALLY hot and humid (felt like we had a shower before we ever started!). DON'T LET NEGATIVITY ENTER YOUR MIND - it will slow you down and drag it all out! Keep your positive thoughts and such in the forefront of your mind ALWAYS. Go at your own comfortable pace - race yourself, not others. Bring a water bottle if its really hot. HAVE FUN!!! :D
  • Zaria_Athena
    Zaria_Athena Posts: 56 Member
    Rule 1: Have fun!
    Rule 2: Nothing new - wear that you know is comfortable, don't eat any new foods

    For your first one, truly just let your only goal be to finish and have fun.
    Don't worry about the time.
    You can try to beat that 1st time in your next race.
    You want to feel good the entire race so go at a really comfortable pace.

    ► Pre-race:
    - Hydrate
    - Eat well
    - Pick up your race kit
    - Read over instructions - locations, parking, double check the time etc.
    - Lay out everything you will need the night before
    - Make sure your technology - music and GPS (Garmin) if you use them are charged
    - Get a good night's sleep

    ► Race day
    - hydrate but don't go overboard
    - get there early - get in line for the washroom. You might not really have to go but your nervous bladder will make you think you do!
    - Soak in the atmosphere - talk to other runners
    - Line up properly. The runners in the front of the line will probably be running a 5k in 20 minutes.
    - Start out the race really slow. Aim to get comfortable. You will need to fight against adrenalin that will make you want to go faster and keep up with other people. Reassure yourself that it's better to go slow and do a negative split
    - thank the volunteers
    - enjoy the experience
    - listen to your body. If it's hot slow down.

    HAVE FUN!!!!
  • runamandas
    runamandas Posts: 4 Member
    If you are an ultrarunner(?) not sure guessing by the name you have.... but if you are an ultra runner know that you will never run out of steam... that is what I took with me... after doing my first ultra in 2009 ,.....I set PR's in every distance from 2 miles to the 50k after my first 50k .. just by having the confidence to know I could make the distance no matter what.... I knew that since I was an ultra I could run as hard as I could and would make it to the finish without any problems.......


    if you are not an ultrarunner... then I say have fun with it

    and either way best of luck to you
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    Start slower than everybody else and then go even slower. People are going to be running on adrenaline and then poop out. Be patient, you'll catch up and even pass them!

    ^^ this, 100%

    and I always thought I needed to drink the water they put out throughout the race but it always ended up giving me cramps. when I started skipping the water... I did MUCH better. it's a 5K and you're going to be going at a moderate pace (i'm guessing) so do you really need the water??? I didn't.

    good luck to you!
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    Many people get "race fever" on their first 5k and they start out too fast trying to keep up with people around them or pass people they think they shouldn't be trailing. People's competitive instincts subconsciously kick in. Be conscious of this.

    Forget the term "race". Run your pace. Think of this as a 5k trial run. Watch what is going on around you and learn for your next 5k.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    No matter how fast you normally run, you WILL do better in the 5K!!! It will bring out your competitive side and the high of doing so well will make you motivated to do another. Me and my kids have one Saturday. I don't even have to asked them they are always excited about doing them!!! I even did a mile race in record time, and I didn't think I could run it non stop, but I did!!! What a great feeling!!
  • olerunner54
    Just have fun. Run "your" race, don't try to keep up with anyone, keep your breathing in pace with your stride.. run too fast and you will be out of breathe, too slow and you ain't working hard enough. You cannot control the weather so if it's raining just enjoy being wet, if it's hot then slow down and drink lots of water. Finally the main tip I can give you is don't over-think it and simply enjoy the run. Good Luck.
  • johe28
    johe28 Posts: 108 Member
    There are a lot of great posts in this thread. I also found this article about running.