looking for mommy friends

viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
Well I lost 15lbs with MFP last year around this time, then got pregnant with baby #3. I took a break, enjoyed the pregnancy and delivered my beautiful baby boy 7.5 weeks ago. I feel rejuvinated and ready to pick up where I left off more or less. I'm about 5lbs heavier than when I got pregnant. I am breastfeeding, so will be getting things started slowly, but would love some new mommy friends and will help motivate you as well. Sorry guys, only women are friends on my profile.


  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I'll definitely add you! I had MFP success prior to my last pregnancy too. :)
  • keyz1508
    keyz1508 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a mommy! You can feel free to add me. My son is now 6 months and 2 weeks, and since I joined MFP in Jan. I have lost a lot of weight. With mommy pals it helps to have the motivation !
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    I'm a mama in the midwest (US) with 2 small boys, who works FT, and goes to grad school. I"m really busy but I like to use MFP as a distraction at work (shhh don't tell) and I am trying to keep myself and my friends accountable. Friend me if you'd like. :-)
  • congrats on #3! You can add me. I only have female friends as well. :smile:
  • Kimistry_
    Kimistry_ Posts: 91
    I've got a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Still trying to work off the weight from the 2 year old! lol
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Feel free to add me. =)

    I'm a mother of 2, a 5 year old and a 15 month old. Still nursing my youngest.
  • I'll send you a request. I'm a mommy to one very rambunctious 15 months old boy. I'm back at my pre pregnancy weight of course, but wasn't happy at it then or now. I'm on a mission to lose 23-28 lbs in total. I have 15-20 more to go.
  • tvassey1978
    tvassey1978 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi... I have a 7 month old and need to get off the extra pounds also!!!!! I want to loose about 20 more pounds!
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I'm just about where you are . . . started MFP a couple years ago, lost 20 lbs and got pregnant with my #2. She was born last November and as soon as I got the okay from my doc (early January 2013) I've been back at it. I'm in my last week of C25K and then starting Insanity on March 18th. I'll send friend request.

  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    I have been on MFP for 7 months and I have lost 23 pounds. I have 4 children and I am in my high school weight now. If I can lose all my baby weight so can you. My youngest baby is 8 months. Let do this girl!!!
  • aclark316
    aclark316 Posts: 66
    I'll be your friend! My second baby (my daughter) will be 1 at the end of this month. My son will be 3 in about a week! I joined because that pesky baby weight wasn't going ANYwhere. I have found some awesome programs and love the extra support! (as well as giving it) oh, lol and i only have women mfp friends as well. :wink:
  • Cmccarthy218
    Cmccarthy218 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a 10 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. It took me 3 years to lose all the weight after I had my son. Now my daughter is 4 & I still have SO far to go!
  • sexylev06
    sexylev06 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm am a mother of 5 boys ages 5,4,3,2 and 3 months I am looking for mommy friends who are trying to lose weight:happy:
  • I have a 3 year old son :) feel free to add.
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    Any of you feel free to add me. I'm in California and I have a 4 year old son and a 2 1/2 year old daughter. :) I am fairly new to MFP. I did WW before but gained some weight back last year when I got crazy busy with my Etsy shop. I am on day 30-something of MFP. Good luck with losing your baby weight, OP!
  • sophygld
    sophygld Posts: 8
    You did so well to keep the pregnancy weight gain so low! Congratulations on your new baby and all the best for getting rid of those pounds you want gone!