Some who will not judge me

I have been here before and lost 20 pounds in 9 months under a different name. A few months ago I deleted the website, because people would keep getting on me for not working out right and not eating right. It made me feel like I was worthless and hurt my feeling more than you will know. I came back under this name and tried to do it by myself. but I can't do it with out help.

Here is what people don't understand is that I am diabetic and have been for almost 43 years.
Have other medical problems
I am 56 years old
A 100 more pounds to loss
I am only able to walk right now

I am hoping to find a few caring friend that will support me. I will do my best to support you back.



  • I support you!
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I won't judge. We are all here because we have weight to lose. I will however have comments from time to time if you seem to be getting off track and might need some reinforcement. I have friends and family who are diabetic. My best friend is legally blind and diabetic. Her eating habits make me cringe sometimes but I shut my mouth because I know she is working under budgetary constraints as well as not being able to read so cannot always get the nutritional information she needs. That's not to say I never tell her what I believe is good for her. You can add me if you like. I don't like be judged either.
  • betterthanbefpre
    betterthanbefpre Posts: 168 Member
    Hey Roxyann. I won't judge...good your on here to better yourself so no judging here. :) I will support you too!!
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    Walking and watching my calorie intake is all I do and I'm more than 1/2 way to my weight goal. I love walking, always feel great afterwards.
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    No judging will come from here. Feel free to add me.
  • 20 pounds in 9 months is really good when you can't do the heavy cardio stuff. And the important thing is that you're doing what you can and you're working to improve your health. You're probably working harder to lose your half pound a week than I am to lose my pound, and you get nothing but respect for that as far as I'm concerned.
  • Pamjonesfitz
    Pamjonesfitz Posts: 2 Member
    I will help you and not judge you. My father had diabetes. I understand what your dealing with. I
    also have over 100 to lose matter of fact over 200. I need the support of all I can get. Please don't give up and don't allow others who are so rude to bring you down. HUGE HUGS:happy:
  • ang3li
    ang3li Posts: 69 Member
    hey hun!

    I have added you as a friend.. I will not judge you.. we are all on different path's and you do what you can do, and that is all that anyone can ask for..

    Ignore the people that put you down.. You can do it!

    Feel free to add me :) x
  • me, too! No judgment here!! I have lost and gained weight so many times. I am 55 and walking is about all I can do and right now that's even hard because my food hurts!
  • ptaradactyl88
    ptaradactyl88 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm going to add you and try to be a good supporter.
    Walking is the best exercise around, it is what our bodies are designed to do.
    Always remember, "Take what works and leave the rest."
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    We all do the best we can when faced with extra challenges. You made good progress considering health issues and don't need negative people. I'm T2 diabetic and working on handling that with diet and exercise...also doing what I can. I know you can do it so I'm glad you've returned!
  • Hi Roxyann, I am very supportive and would never judge anyone...I am always positive and log in daily. Feel free to add me.
  • Diabetic42
    Diabetic42 Posts: 14
    Over 30 people have wrote back. I am willing to work with everyone. But I am going to start with 15 for now. Thank you everyone for your support.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I will not judge if you don't judge moi :)
    I have been on MFP for almost 2 years and had lost 30 then gained about 50 back! :,(
    so I am starting again (again)
    I have struggled with eating and weight my entire life - but..... we can do this!
    It doesn't matter how long it takes
    add me if you'd like
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Well done on getting back on the wagon!. It is so frustrating to be judged for not exercising/dieting "right" !!!
  • bunnsangel
    bunnsangel Posts: 37 Member
    You can add me, and I won't judge because I don't do what I'm supposed to all the time. I have friends that help keep me on track though. Good luck.
  • talexis
    talexis Posts: 11 Member
    Hi you can add me like u I have a medical problem ( thyroid autoimmune ) which makes losing weight difficult. I am addicted to sugar due to feeling fatigue all the time so I never eat right but still losing weight is possible I've done it before without a diet, just struggling at the mo due to over 12 months of not feeling well.
  • gypy
    gypy Posts: 83 Member
    I'll try and help as best I can, if wanted.
  • bdukes10
    bdukes10 Posts: 5
    I will try and help. I am 55 and also a diabetic along with MS. I understand how hard it is to get the weight off so let's do this. I just started a month ago. I can say it is very important to drink your water at least 8 glasses a day. I was told we should drink half our body weight in ounces (example; if I weigh 147 lbs. then I should drink 74 ozs. of water). Sometimes it is hard to get it all in but I try to drink at least 2 glasses when I first get up and another two by lunch and so on. Be encouraged because this is the first step....keeping a journal of all your intake. :)