Healthy Pizza Recipe - w/tomatoes

mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
Looking for a good healthy pizza recipe that does not include tomatoes!! My boyfriend is on this new diet and he cannot have anything with tomatoes in it. He is craving pizza badly!!! I have looked on the internet and found some but I like options so please send me any that you know of!!! Thanks guys!!!


  • blueeyez1727
    blueeyez1727 Posts: 56 Member
    I would suggest looking up a healthier alfredo sauce option to use instead of tomato sauce; pesto would be a great change too or even just olive oil and roasted garlic. look up "white pizzas" for options that you could change to make healthier.

    here's one i've been eyeballing:
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
    I would suggest looking up a healthier alfredo sauce option to use instead of tomato sauce; pesto would be a great change too or even just olive oil and roasted garlic. look up "white pizzas" for options that you could change to make healthier.

    here's one i've been eyeballing:

    that looks so good!! Thanks!! :happy:
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    My husband doesn't like tomatoes either so when we make pizza we do half "white" for him. The white consists of olive oil and garlic spread on the dough and then mozzerella and parmesan. It is yummy!! He will even add pepperoni to it so really you can do anything. Pizza can be customized to any preference :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    What type of diet excludes tomatoes?

    The Browneye Baker was an excellent video. Smoking hot chicks in every scene
  • eddamyts
    eddamyts Posts: 26 Member
    Instead of tomatoes and/or tomato sauce - try pesto (basil, pine nuts, garlic & olive oil). Then top your pizza with good stuff like peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms & cheese of course. Awesome!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Looking for a good healthy pizza recipe that does not include tomatoes!! My boyfriend is on this new diet and he cannot have anything with tomatoes in it. He is craving pizza badly!!! I have looked on the internet and found some but I like options so please send me any that you know of!!! Thanks guys!!!

    White pizza using lahey's no knead pizza dough recipe

    Is this a fad diet he's on or something given to him by a doc?
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    I actually know the answer to that one, Acg67. The Dr. put him on it for health reasons, not weight loss.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    What about a chicken ranch pizza?
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Tomatoes are so good for men's prostate health.

    But if he isn't going to eat them, then white pizza (garlic and olive oil), pesto, or using seafood all work.

    I use clams, scallops and shrimp. You can also use a can of clam sauce on a pizza.

    Get creative and get some ideas from him on what he wants to try.
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
    What type of diet excludes tomatoes?

    The Browneye Baker was an excellent video. Smoking hot chicks in every scene

    He has psoriasis! We are going by a diet that Dr John Pagano, he has a cook book and all!!
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
    Instead of tomatoes and/or tomato sauce - try pesto (basil, pine nuts, garlic & olive oil). Then top your pizza with good stuff like peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms & cheese of course. Awesome!

    yes!!! I found one with pesto, chicken, spinach and cheese that we are going to try this weekend!! :happy:
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
    Looking for a good healthy pizza recipe that does not include tomatoes!! My boyfriend is on this new diet and he cannot have anything with tomatoes in it. He is craving pizza badly!!! I have looked on the internet and found some but I like options so please send me any that you know of!!! Thanks guys!!!

    White pizza using lahey's no knead pizza dough recipe

    Is this a fad diet he's on or something given to him by a doc?

    From the Dr for healing psoriasis
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member
    Tomatoes are so good for men's prostate health.

    But if he isn't going to eat them, then white pizza (garlic and olive oil), pesto, or using seafood all work.

    I use clams, scallops and shrimp. You can also use a can of clam sauce on a pizza.

    Get creative and get some ideas from him on what he wants to try.

    He loves tomatoes just cant have them right now. He would LOVE the seafood idea too but that is a no right now too!! haha Hopefully this diet will only last no more than 6 months until his psoriasis heals!! Then I will sure make the seafood one for him!! Thanks for the idea!!
  • mmrp79
    mmrp79 Posts: 167 Member

    had to goole this one...want lie I was scared at first!! :wink: :drinker: