Hello i'am fairly new

to the site. Have come back arfter a few months away. Need to get back and get rid of this weight. Have done to badly over the passed few months. But things have slipped. So need to get back on the stright and narrow arfter today. Have beengood till today. Have opened a bottle of wine and working through it. As family members have totally messed this weekend up.. At least other things are getting done. But had to turn another invite down and this person is a freind and a big birthday.:cry::grumble:


  • ShariGaskins
    ShariGaskins Posts: 5 Member
    I am fairly new as well. I love the sight! The most important thing is that you are trying. Tracking what you eat is critical to success, so try to make sure you track everyday. Have a great day and we will all encourage each other.:smile::smile: :smile:
  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    Yes this sounds like me!! I lost like ten pounds on this site, but then I lost track and I gained like 20! But now I"m back in that old weight range again, so I'm hoping to weigh less than I did when I started MFP! It's so awesome to see that you really can do it, and if you're dedicated you will see results!

    So just take it one day at a time and you can do this! I know how you feel about the weekend, because last weekend was my birthday, so I had all kinds of junk food!! Plus, I made two birthday cakes and, in the process, ate so so so many chocolate chips and spoons of cake batter. I felt like a lost cause and after the weekend, I had gained 3 pounds. But I just got back on track and the weight came off again and I was relieved. It's easy to feel like giving up, but you can do it! Just remember your goal and why you want it!

    Good luck! :)