Coffee Suggestions



  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    I drink coffee all day long so I'm glad my coffee does not have a lot of calories! I use Sweet N Low which has 0 calories and then I use a 1/2 teaspoon of powdered creamer which is 5 calories. So only 5 calories a cup! Not too shabby!
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    I used to be a barista at Seattle's Best Coffee. If you warm up your creamer in the mug before pouring in the coffee, it makes a little more flavorful. That being said, you might not mind skim milk or 1%. Also, they sell cartons of fat free half and half, that is thicker than skim milk so it has that effect of being more like cream. I have to say, I love almond milk, but I hate it in coffee. It's just a weird combination of flavors to me. Also, if you have Marshalls, Home Goods or a similar place near you, a lot of those places sell sugar free flavored syrups similar to the ones at Starbucks but if you only use one or two pumps it's not too sweet, just a little added flavor. Also, you could probably look online (maybe Amazon) for some natural flavoring/syrups. Lastly, if you're a chocolate lover like me, you could get unsweetened (or sweetened) cocoa powder and mix a little of that in. Unsweetened won't make your coffee sweeter, since you said you don't need the sugary taste in the morning, just give it a hint of cocoa.

    Hope this helps!
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I just heard this tip yesterday and I thought it sounded gross but I decided to try it anyway to see if it worked. Someone posted putting a few grains of SALT in your coffee. Sounds awful right? But it takes the bitterness away and therefore you don't need as much sweetener.

    I tried it for the first time today. I normally like 6 tsp of sugar in my coffee. Today I put the salt in my mug and I only needed TWO tsp and it tasted fine! I couldn't believe it because I've never been successful at trying to taper down the sugar before. I didn't taste the salt at all but the coffee wasn't bitter and really and truely didn't need more sugar. I'm so thrilled someone posted that on one of the forums yesterday!
  • These are all good suggestions. My suggestion is to figure out the calories in your morning coffee and just do a bit more exercising to compensate. Coffee isn't just a drink, it's a ritual and it sets the tone for the rest of the day. There are SO many things we have to give up or modify to improve our diet and get healthier. But if you enjoy your morning coffee as much as I do, I wouldn't change a thing.

    You are so right. It is a ritual, and something I love. It's quiet in the mornings when I make my coffee and I love drinking it while I watch the dogs play in the yard.
  • rpweed1
    rpweed1 Posts: 3
    I've never tried it IN my coffee but what about the almond milk? you can buy it unsweetened.

    I tried the unsweetened almond milk one morning when I realized I was out of creamer. It was TERRIBLE. I religiously drink a cup of coffee every morning. The morning of the "Almond Milk Incident," I was forced to pour out the whole thing. It was a travesty. You have been warned...
  • 7SlotFever
    7SlotFever Posts: 17 Member
    I am a hardcore coffee addict.
    I use a Keurig coffemaker and Seattles Best #5 and make it STRONG.
    But, i like it sweet and light.
    My coffee cup holds prolly 20 oz. and the top 3/4 cup of liquid is 2% milk.
    To sweeten I use sweet and low, because it's my personal preference.

    I don't have a fancy milk frother or anything but have found that if I stick the milk in the microwave until it bubbles up to the top of a 2c measuring cup, it tastes more like a store bought latte. I just don't usually take the time.

    Rather than deny myself this one indulgence, I simply add it in every day and adjust my calorie intake elsewhere.
    It's not cheap on calories, but to me, it is worth it.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Adding anything other than half and half is just a waste of time.
    I use heavy cream. A little goes a long way and I don't even miss the sugar.

    Although if you like the sugary stuff, try hazelnut coffee or that cinnamon in the grounds thing which I've never tried but sounds really good! Then add cream.
  • kju52
    kju52 Posts: 45 Member
    i usually drink my coffee black, no milk, no sugar BUT when i'm feeling naughtyyy i'll have it with light soy milk. the light one tastes less like soy (alpro brand) and even when putting a LOT it'll only be about, say, 20 calories. add stevia for added sweetness.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    fat free half and half
    ? No matter how many times I see this mentioned, I am still confused.
  • heatherdevine77
    heatherdevine77 Posts: 22 Member
    Lattes have alot more calories than youd think. A latte is just coffee brewed with milk instead of water, so youve got calories without adding any sugar or anything else! Try putting cinnamon in with your coffee grounds, it adds some sweetness, and it's also good for you! I don't remember for the life of me but I read an article a while ago on the health benefits of having cinnamon in the morning.
  • I find that canned fat free evaporated milk is great in coffee. Low in calories (27 calories for 2 Tablespoons) but rich and creamy.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I love lattes with skim milk and no flavoring of any kind, but even with skim the calories are not insignificant if you drink a venti size at Starbucks. You could try cold brewing your coffee which removes the bitterness and then adding a little bit of dairy. You can drink the coffee iced or heat it up. If you want to try a prepared version, buy a bottle of Grady's Cold Brew.
  • _CrepeSuzette_
    _CrepeSuzette_ Posts: 53 Member
    You can reduce calories substituting cream with whole or 1.5% fat milk, making a sort of 'cappuccino' with a little milk.
    You can slightly whip it using your espresso machine (does your espresso machine have the steam tube?)
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    I don't have a fancy milk frother or anything but have found that if I stick the milk in the microwave until it bubbles up to the top of a 2c measuring cup, it tastes more like a store bought latte. I just don't usually take the time.

    One can buy a $20 milk frother that looks something like a French Press. The milk is headed in the microwave and then is frothed with the plunger. It's not as good as the froth from an espresso machine which uses steam, but it's good. Bodum makes one brand.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Adding anything other than half and half is just a waste of time.
    I use heavy cream. A little goes a long way and I don't even miss the sugar.

    Although if you like the sugary stuff, try hazelnut coffee or that cinnamon in the grounds thing which I've never tried but sounds really good! Then add cream.

    If one is interested in avoiding an insulin spike (an issue of important to people who do Intermittent Fasting), a little bit of heavy cream is recommended over milk. But you have to measure the cream. (IF-ers would not add sweetener.)
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I prefer skim milk and 2 packs of Equal however, it has become increasingly hard to keep milk in the office without it going bad so I have been using those Fat Free Coffee Mate Liquid creamers or Baileys Fat Free liquid creamers. it is 25 calories for one tablespoon but I find that a half table spoon is all I need. I use Fat Free French Vanilla or Fat Free Baileys Irish cream. It adds some flavor and lightness to the coffee without over doing it. I'd still prefer milk because it tastes better to me but these liquid creamers dont seem to leave the aftertaste those powedered ones do. Plus, my cup of coffee is only 13 calories every morning at work. They have sugar free options, too however I dont find these Fat Free creamers very sweet so they may work for you, too.

    I dont like my coffee black but I also dont like it light. I just need that half tablespoon. Other people may need more according to their preference.
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    For years I never drank black coffee - it wasn't coffee without cream and sugar! Tried all the cream substitutes - skim - whole milk, soy, almond, and the sweetened creamers. I used the sweetened creamers for awhile until I decided to stop using it because the ingredient list was crazy. My favorite combination was half and half and raw sugar, but I too realized that I was adding more than I thought and it adds up. I recently gave up dairy and all processed foods as an experiment for some health-related issues I was having and the cream in the coffee was the biggest metnal hurdle.

    I weaned off cream slowly leading up to my no diary cutoff and used two drops of vanilla flavored liquid stevia (no calories) to replace sweet. I am happy to report that after 2 months, I am now drinking black coffee and actually enjoying it.

    Good luck on your journey to finding balance between loving your coffee and reducing its impact on your diet!
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    For years I never drank black coffee - it wasn't coffee without cream and sugar! Tried all the cream substitutes - skim - whole milk, soy, almond, and the sweetened creamers. I used the sweetened creamers for awhile until I decided to stop using it because the ingredient list was crazy. My favorite combination was half and half and raw sugar, but I too realized that I was adding more than I thought and it adds up. I recently gave up dairy and all processed foods as an experiment for some health-related issues I was having and the cream in the coffee was the biggest metnal hurdle.

    I weaned off cream slowly leading up to my no diary cutoff and used two drops of vanilla flavored liquid stevia (no calories) to replace sweet. I am happy to report that after 2 months, I am now drinking black coffee and actually enjoying it.

    Good luck on your journey to finding balance between loving your coffee and reducing its impact on your diet!

    Forgot to mention that I tried the Truvia and other powdered stevia products and hated them. Left that same nasty aftertaste that equal/splenda do. The liquid stevia doesn't for some reason???
  • JSkorna
    JSkorna Posts: 22
    Sweetened almond milk and a dash of mint extract is delish!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Calorie countdown milk (35 cals per 8 oz's which I doubt you would use on a cup of coffee ) and Tarani calorie free sugar free syrup: vanilla, french vanilla, caramel, etc.