


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm getting the popcorn ready. Who's in?
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    A co-worker of mine has been doing Shakeology for about the same amount of time I have been on MFP (since April). We check in with each other a various times. I have lost 17 eating an abundance of real food; feeling full, energized and great all the time! While he has lost less than 10 and he is hungry and miserable all the time.


    Not to be a proponent of Shakeology or try to make excuses or something, but there may be other factors at play here. Maybe he's also eating highly-processed "Smart Ones" or "100 calorie bags of junk" or something. Maybe he thinks shakeology replaces a meal for him. I know it has a shot of protein and stuff in it but also the caloric content doesn't actually match to a good mid-sized breakfast, either. It could serve as a meal in a pinch but it doesn't look to me like it should be anything more than "part of a good breakfast" or a snack.

    I ran into similar issue with a coworker who was hungry and irritable all the time (no shakeology involved), while I was complaining about this big plate of chicken breast and veggies I had to chew through while not even feeling particularly hungry before starting into it. Man eating became almost a job for me. If you go "plain" enough with your food you can hardly eat enough to support a good hard workout regimen -- unless you make a concerted effort to eat your meals "on time". And I refused the cop-out of stopping for a choke-burger meal at the golden arches just to "make calories."

    Anyway, he kind of gave up. I went on to lose 37lbs.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Really? Someone asks about flavors of Shake-o and the trolls come running to whine about eating their calories and krispy kreme and tell people that like protein shakes they are doing it wrong and must be starving themselves since for that one meal or snack they have a shake. Oh..ok. Because having a protein shake of course equates to that's the only thing we eat all day, for every single meal...and obviously only mix it with water. No almond milk, or fruit, peanut butter, or anything like that. How does it go from drinking protein shakes to water fasting?
  • Ogirl07
    Ogirl07 Posts: 23 Member
    I've tried it, and am not opposed to using it, it is just the cost that throws me. Greenberry was my favorite, but I just cant afford to make it a daily meal(plus there's not one meal I was willing to give up EVERY day) so I'm using whats left of the bag I got as a sort of nutrient booster for a snack on days I don't think I have enough fruits and veggies.

    This is a great idea, get some of the benefits without spending an arm and a leg
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'm getting the popcorn ready. Who's in?

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've been drinking chocolate Shakeology for about a year and a half now, and I am literally full for several hours. And the nutrients you get in Shake-O are incredibly high compared to how much food you'd have to consume to get the same amount. It is expensive for sure, but it's cheaper if you sign up to become a coach. Worth it for the discount if nothing else.

    I take it you are talking about the 70 magical superfoods prop blend? The one that with a simple once over can determine they are mostly label filler and not in efficacious dosages?
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    I wanted to try them as a quick meal replacement for days I am stuck in the office and don't want to hit the vending machine, but they are too expensive. I researched som green smoothie recipes, and I have used those instead. I am not a big artifical flavor person, so I doubt if I would prefer the strawberry over the vanilla or other flavors. Just have never tried them.
  • csquirrel
    csquirrel Posts: 6
    I drink it and love it. It helped me curb the cravings in the beginning and I feel more energetic when I drink it. I prefer the Strawberry and Greenberry flavors
  • yssirhcd
    yssirhcd Posts: 1 Member
    had someone on facebook tell me that shakeology was better then a protein shake and a multi-vitamin because your stomach absorbs the shakology vitamins better than a multivitamin that is in pill form.

    they couldn't tell me why though.

    In regards to multi-vitamins of any kind that are present in pill form - you want to essentially "trick" your body into believing the nutrients in those pills are coming from an actual food source. It is advised to consume said vitamin pills with some sort of food that your body can digest, in opposed to just taking the pills alone with water. This way you give your body the opportunity to absorb the nutrients, in opposed to them just being flushed out of your system.

    That's how it was explained to me years ago, anyway.

    And back to the original question about Shakeology - like many people in this thread, I was wary to try the product because of the price alone. However, when I purchased Insanity: ASYLUM for my birthday a few years ago, I received a free 7-day trial of the stuff.

    It was with that first week - the combination of those absolutely gutt-wrenching workouts, the "recovery formula," and the chocolate Shakeology to supplement for overall nutrition purposes - where I really fell in love with the stuff.

    -I have tried the greenberry - and I suggest you don't. It really tastes like grass, unless you mix it with juice of some kind.
    -I have tried the tropical, and wasn't too thrilled with it. (it really wasn't anything to write home about)
    -And I'm not terribly excited by the release of the Vanilla flavor they mentioned at Summit this year, though I would be willing to try it.

    All in all, I would suggest the chocolate shakeology. It is still my favorite, from that first free week trial. Although I know you do get some kind of percentage discount if you are a beachbody "coach," I pay the regular price and have a monthly auto-ship set up, because I really do enjoy it that much.

    Shakeology is kind of like my "insurance" along with a multi-vitamin. In the event I fail to get my essential vitamins & nutrients to progress, I take shakeology once a day (usually in the morning, before I walk to work) and a multi-vitamin, to ensure my body gets what it needs.

    Hope you find this info helpful! :)
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    People that always say "I'd rather eat my calories" make me laugh. Tell me you never drink fruit juice or smoothies or protein shakes. smh

    ETA - btw I like Shakeology. I like the Chocolate and Greenberry personally.

    OK I will just stick to 2700calories of krispy kremes a day. Yea that will work. Too many authorities on these boards.

    Did anyone say that?!
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    i freakin LOVE Shakeology, they just release a vanilla flavor too!! should be awesome... and also too all the haters out there, $4 a shake for a meal? replace you morning starbuck with that... replace going out to lunch and spending 6-10 bucks and your not even close to healthy lunch... and shakeology has more nutrients than any home made shake.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    So wait .. Shakeology is an actual product? I'ts not a philosophy like "I drink shakes therefore I'm a shakologist"

    smh. who knew.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I was given a new bag of Strawberry Vegan. It was gross. I would never spend that amount of money on something that tastes bad. IMHO I'd rather drink my protein shake which has more protein than carbs and is way more cost effective.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i freakin LOVE Shakeology, they just release a vanilla flavor too!! should be awesome... and also too all the haters out there, $4 a shake for a meal? replace you morning starbuck with that... replace going out to lunch and spending 6-10 bucks and your not even close to healthy lunch... and shakeology has more nutrients than any home made shake.

    solid marketing drivel, can you support that shakeology has more nutrients than any homemade shake?
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Does anyone drink Shakeology? If so, what do you think? I've tried the strawberry and chocolate and I think the chocolate is the best one.

    I drink the shakeology , have choc. And Green-berry, I like the choco-mocha version 1/2 cup cold coffee 1/2 cup almond milk is what I use in mine, I LIKE Them ,
    1.) it's hard for me to eat as many calories as I need to this helps force them down
    2.) it stabilizes me after my INSANITY workouts , I usually feel like lead and I'm shakes after them
    3.) they taste pretty good

    The expense is high but I split mine in half
    They also tend to fill me up too long
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Muscle Milk light is only 100 calories per scoop with 12 g of protein! And the chocolate is pretty tasty!!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    i freakin LOVE Shakeology, they just release a vanilla flavor too!! should be awesome... and also too all the haters out there, $4 a shake for a meal? replace you morning starbuck with that... replace going out to lunch and spending 6-10 bucks and your not even close to healthy lunch... and shakeology has more nutrients than any home made shake.

    solid marketing drivel, can you support that shakeology has more nutrients than any homemade shake?

    Add to that the fact that comparing a shake to going out for lunch is disingenuous at best. The lunch I made and brought today doesn't cost $4 ...
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I'm getting the popcorn ready. Who's in?

    I brought Malteasers, I'm in for the long haul.
  • melzielkie
    melzielkie Posts: 90 Member
    What's the difference between 400 calories in a shake and 400 calories of healthy food?

    First of all, a shake is not 400 calories unless you load it with additional foods. Second, Shakeology is healthy food!! I've been using it a few months now and am in love with it. People are complaining that it's expensive (approx. $4 a shake) but who doesn't spend $4 on breakfast anyways? I'm so sick of people who have never tried it bashing this amazing product! If you've never used it keep your GD opinion to yourself.
  • meme1997
    meme1997 Posts: 21
    iam wondering what shkelogy can do ??
    and can women drink it ??
    how many calories in it ??