How often do you update your weight loss?

Ok we all know some people weigh themselves everyday and some weigh themselves once a week. I have taken a peak at the scale this week and it is down 2 pounds but I was only going to log my weight loss once a week. For those of you that weigh everyday do you log your weight loss every time the scale goes down or do you log it once a week.


  • moosenbratsmommy
    i step on the scale almost daily! but i only log in my loss on sunday mornings. i step on daily just to motivate myself and know if i need to step it up or not.
  • xxhollow
    xxhollow Posts: 26
    I weight myself every morning and I only update my weight if I've lost anything.
  • 321Detonate
    I weigh myself and take measurements every two weeks, along with a fit test. It helps me not to obsess too much about numbers. Plus, it's much more satisfying to step on the scale and see I've dropped a pound as opposed to 0.1 or 0.2 every day! :happy:
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    I weigh daily to keep myself on track but my "official" weight is whatever the scale shows on Friday morning.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I log my weight loss when it occurs! LOL....

    My weight loss is strange in that I will go a month with nothing, then drop a pound in a week.

    If it goes up, and I have been logging and know my food is not 3500 extra that week, I dont worry about it because I KNOW I could not gain a pound of is sodium, working out/swelling, or ehem.......I need to ehem...go :blushing:

    But that is me!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I weigh daily, update on Sundays.
    Although the day I hit the 50 lbs. mark I'm going to log that no matter what day it is :happy:
  • reojames
    reojames Posts: 96
    I only weigh once a week. For me, it keeps me in a personal competitive mode. I like to see a pound or two difference every time I step on the scale, I like the feeling of kickin' the fat's butt! I really look forward to my weekly weigh in!
  • ShariGaskins
    ShariGaskins Posts: 5 Member
    I update weekly. I hope that helps!
  • ShariGaskins
    ShariGaskins Posts: 5 Member
    I update weekly. I hope that helps!
  • ShariGaskins
    ShariGaskins Posts: 5 Member
    I hope I am as successful as you are.
  • Lilliesmom2010
    I also weigh in once a week, usually Sundays. I also try to measure every 2 wks as some times it's not actual weight lost, but inches!! Personally I love it when I see more inches gone then pounds, it's a huge boost to my self esteem. :)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I update it on Sundays whether I loss or gain.

    I weigh my self daily to see how my progress is going for the week.
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I weigh myself everyday (sometimes twice am & pm) but only log it once a week.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Ok we all know some people weigh themselves everyday and some weigh themselves once a week. I have taken a peak at the scale this week and it is down 2 pounds but I was only going to log my weight loss once a week. For those of you that weigh everyday do you log your weight loss every time the scale goes down or do you log it once a week.

    I usually weigh once a week but on the weeks that I take a peek midweek I don't log it until my actual weigh in day. I could never weigh every day because it would discourage me. I'll go 6 days without dropping a tenth of a pound and then on my weigh in day I'll drop 2 lbs. Very strange but I'll take it!
  • luvstolose
    Thanks for the replies. I have decided to log my weight loss once a week on Tuesdays. Mt fav show Biggest Loser will be back on that day!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,711 Member
    I weigh daily, and if I have a loss (or gain) that sticks for two days, I make an update — for better or worse.
  • Shell5683
    Shell5683 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm quite the opposite than most posts.... I like to weigh myself daily and log it into MFP daily, regardless if I happen to gain or lose. On the days that I lose, I feel great!! However, on the days that I gain, it just motivates me more to try harder that day and for the next few days so I can see the loss again. Although my weight may fluctuate from day to day, overall, I've seen a total weight loss from week to week!

    Just do what you can do stay motivated! Every loss (whether it's 0.2lbs or 1lb) is one step closer to your goal! :o)
  • Precious_Nissa
    I dont have a set day or time I weigh....I do weigh in the morning when I do weigh before i eat and after i go to the bathroom because its the most accurate, and at one time i was weighing every wednesday, but now i weigh whenever i think about it. lol....i do weigh weekly though.
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh once a week-friday morning-and measure once a month.
  • lesliefm
    lesliefm Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh myself daily but only update the weight once a week.