Lifes Beating me with Lemons...

echonation Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all, i'm fairly new to the side. I have a start date of 08/22/2010 (though I've truely already started). I'm a male, early 30's and overweight.

Life has been throwing lemons my way for a while now. I'm the only one in my imediate family that doesnt have type II diabietes and as the smallest male in my family I weigh in at 210 lbs. I am getting married in 8 months. I have a baby due in January. Then, to top it all off, my doctor diagnosed me with Fatty Liver Disease two weeks ago.

With all these lemons life keeps throwing at my head, I've finally decieded to start making some lemonade. I've begun using a set of work out videos for daily excercise and dropping my calorie intake by more than I care to admit.

My goal is to lose 60lbs by the end of the year (doctor wants me to lose 70). If anyone is interested in sharing a blog or just discussing the challenges that come with life while trying to accomplish a goal like this, please let me know.



  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Glad you have looked at the positive side and decided to make lemonades. Continue doing all the good things needed to see your awesome results.

    Watch you calories, please dont go below 1200 (unless your doctor adviced you to) because thats not healthy. Continue with your DVD routines, and you will have awesome results.

    Congrats on your wedding, and new baby, wishing you all the best on your journey
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hiya!...just stay focused and take it 5lbs at a time walk when you can and make good food choices..for me the most important thing was learning not to deny myself things and instead eat a measured serving of it and count it on my calories.....good luck!:drinker:
  • SkyeBows
    SkyeBows Posts: 80
    I haven't lost much yet but I will tell you to get a really good heart rate monitor. It truly has helped me a lot. I use it to push myself harder, so I can watch the calories go up as I workout so the more I want workout. I feel like I am actually getting more from my workouts. Plus if I really really want that piece of candy, I pull it out, slap it on and go for a walk outside until I hit exactly how many calories I am going to eat. So I never deny myself what I want I just work for it. Also remember only eat half of your exercise calories which is VERY important if its for candy or something unhealthy. I don't always follow that rule for regular food, hey if I can more left then I am gonna eat that broccoli but for sweets I would make sure you burn double the calories before you let yourself indulge :)
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Wow welcome! This site is awesome, awesome, awesome and will definitely start you on the right path :flowerforyou:
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Gary! Sorry to hear about the Fatty Liver Disease but getting married and a child can be some of life's greatest joys. Good luck on getting your weight under control.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    60-70 pounds is definitely do-able and a great goal. But by the end of the year? Your doctor really wants you to lose 70 pounds in 4.5 months? Wow-- hefty goal.

    Either way, while weight loss may not be "easy" it is indeed simple-- eat less, eat healthy, exercise more. Get moving. Cut out the junk food, and you'll be fine.

    Congrats on the wedding and fatherhood.
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    Hi! Welcome to the site. I too am about 210lb, though I only want to lose about 35lb. If I lost 60 you'd be able to see right through me! At 6'3 I'd look like a lamp post!!

    The one thing I'd watch out for is the slip ups. I allow myself one treat a week, but sometimes, when work is bad or I forget, I go over my calorie goal and this can be somewhat disheartening. But I've learnt to accept that it isn't the end of the world and if I go 100cals over, I'm still working on a defecit for my daily calorie allowance. So I will still lose weight, just not as quickly as I would like!

    Anyhoo, good luck with the weight loss and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As I've learned in my journey . . . EAT MORE TO LOSE MORE . . . make sure you get in your calories, very important. Im only 5'4" and if I don't get in about 1300 per day the scale does not move! If I exercise I need to eat at least 1/4th of my exercise calories . . . and of course the water . . . feels like you are drowning at first, but after a while you actually come to "need" all that water.

    Sounds to me like you are actually blessed with alot to be thankful for . . . a fatty liver can be turned around with a healthy diet, you have decided to take a path toward better health BEFORE you have diabetes, and you have two wonderful milestones in your life coming, marriage and your child.

    Sounds like you are one lucky guy to me! Welcome to MFP!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Sounds like life has already started helping you with the lemonade process. A fiance and new baby are an amazing addition! And if they are part of the reason you want to get in shape then they are a great inspiration as well. Sounds like you have a wonderful journey ahead of you. Stay positive and find what works best for you. We all have faith in you. Good luck and don't quit!!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    Watch you calories, please dont go below 1200 (unless your doctor adviced you to) because thats not healthy. Continue with your DVD routines, and you will have awesome results.

    Actually, I believe the minimum calorie intake for guys is 1800.

    If you are really worried about diabetes, and especially since you are to be married and soon a father (congrats!) I'd look into your diet as well. My daughter's father died at 38 of a heart attack - never saw it coming. I keep my diet as 'clean' as possible because my daughter needs me now more than ever. However, that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the occasional DQ Blizzard with my daughter! I'm just conscious that what I eat 95% of the time is absolutely healthy and allow for an occasional treat.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi Gary!

    Sounds like you're off to a good start! Just try to remember to take it on day at a time. You might want to check out the postings from banks1850 they were done some time ago, but LOTS of really good sound info and tips.
    I started back in March, and I'm halfway to my GW, I'm constatly adjusting my exercise routine and food choices to see what I like (and hate) and what my body will tolerate. I work full time (40-60 hr/wk) and do cat rescue in my "spare" time - so this is doable.
    It also sounds like you have several blessings in your life along with the lemons- you're a lucky man!
    You can friend me if you like, I try to check in everyday- lots of good people here!
    Best wishes for your endevors,
  • Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and words of support. I'll try to keep up with this as best as I can.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    To the OP and any other guys out there who think they are "floating in a sea of estrogen" because there are so many more women than men active on the website, just want to pass on a link to the Man to Man forum, started by a friend of mine. Check it out, as it approaches things from a guy's perspective, and the jokes can be funny too!!!
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