What are your Strong Lifts 5x5 stats?

Hey guys,

What are your results if you’re doing SL 5x5 at the moment?

I had my session #40 this morning so I’ve been doing SL for about 3.5 months

Currently my stats are:

Male, 28 years old, Weight 177lbs

Squat 180lbs (Failed at 185 for the second time this morning)

Overhead Press 95lbs (De-loaded twice already but managed to do 95lbs today)

Deadlift 195lbs (Not advancing quickly due to still trying to learn the proper form)

Bench Press 140lbs (Haven’t stalled yet but I might the next session as it really gets difficult for me now. My bench press was always weak)

Still very much struggle with Pull ups/Chin ups as I can only do two reps max per set.

Not really sure if I’m supposed to do barbell rows or inverted rows with the current version of the SLs. Not really great at those exercises either.

When it comes to prone bridges I do 3x60sec.

I've already stalled on most exercises but keep on pushing forward a little by little.

How are you guys doing? Please post your stats here.

Let's keep at it together!!!!

Keep up the great work


  • luis702702
    luis702702 Posts: 704 Member
    I did Strong Lifts for only 2 months and moved to something else cause it gave me the nessessary strenght to practice other workouts..
    I am 37, 5'8 183 lbs
    squat 315 x 6
    bench 290 x 1
    Deadlift 375 x 1
  • Mateo1985
    Mateo1985 Posts: 153
    Awesome numbers Luis. What other work out did you move to?
  • Mateo1985
    Mateo1985 Posts: 153
    Just wanted to bump it once to see if anyone else wanted to share the results.

    Thanks guys!!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    6'3 290. Mainly looking to lose weight so I'm not pushing the weights too hard and am keeping rest between sets to 90 seconds/2 minutes to keep my heart rate up.

    Squats: 265. Didn't fail but I noticed my form dropped a bit, went back to 225 and locked in my form for all five sets. Now back up to 245 with no problems. 5 lbs added per session.

    Deadlifts: 245. My issue tends to be that my grip is too weak, even mixed. I decided to try for a 1RM a few weeks ago and did 285 easily. Tried 315 and got the bar an inch or two off the floor before my grip gave out completely. That was after 2 warmup sets, 5 work sets and the 1RM 285 so I'm guessing I could do it if I only did a few work sets, and probably more.

    Overhead press. I do it seated for about 145. I missed the last rep of set 5 last time so I will deload if I miss twice more.

    Bench Press: 190. Very conservative here as I work out alone and don't use a spotter. I could easily do more, but keep it slow and steady and add 5 lbs per week.
  • Mateo1985
    Mateo1985 Posts: 153
    Great stats Bostonwolf!!!

    I hope I can get to your numbers this year!!!!