Good Running Shoes for the Knees?

Can anyone recommend a good pair of running shoes that reduces impact on the knees? I started running more than I used to and my knees are starting to feel the pain. The shoes I thought were good for running were okay before, but now that I run more frequently... they just aren't cutting it . I am not a serious runner, meaning I typically run between 3 and 4 miles about 3 times a week, and I walk 2 or 3 miles the other days. Thanks for any recommendations.


  • Sergette1
    Sergette1 Posts: 27 Member
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Best advice I can give is find a good running shoe store and let them evaluate your stride, impact points, etc... and put you in a shoe that would work best for your situation..... That is how I got my shoes...... Best of Luck
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    Go to a running store and have the analyze how you walk. They'll be able to recommend shoes that fit your feet. Once they fit your feet well, your knees will benefit.

    I had shoes that were new, but fit me terribly. Once I got fitted by a running store, my knees don't have any pain.
  • 20072013
    20072013 Posts: 35 Member
    My recommendation is to go to a running store and get fitted for a pair of running shoes. Tell them exactly what you posted on here and they will help with finding you the right shoe. There is so much that goes into running shoes from cushioing to how your foot strikes the ground. A good shoe is an excellent investment and will help prevent injuries in the future. You may need to spend a little bit more than you would at a department store but its totally worth the extra money.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Best advice I can give is find a good running shoe store and let them evaluate your stride, impact points, etc... and put you in a shoe that would work best for your situation..... That is how I got my shoes...... Best of Luck
    ^This. Different people will like different things for these reasons.

    I use to work at a shoe store and from my experience the most common favorite for people with bad knees or ankles take a real big liking to Asics. I'll throw it out there that these people were likely not runners. I've owned five fingers, asics, reebok, new balance, nike, adidas, sketchers fashion sneakers, right down to crappy brooks. And whenever I want to do a 20hr shift I go for the asics since I have arthritis and that seems to be the one my legs can stand. With that being said, it doesn't feel like there's as much cushion in them as my high end Reeboks but I got the cheapest ones I could find. I have a normal size foot if anything a bit on the wide side (tho I've never owned anything wide, I just can't fit into shoes marked narrow). That's about as much detail as I can give but I'm always throwing out the asics recmomendation because I got the sneakers I was talking about in high school and I'm 30 now...and everyone at work when they're first hired go for the 'cuter' ones (I went with my fancy reeboks) but if they stay there and do long shifts they always end up with a pair of asics. And I've run in mind and find them comfortable (though I usually stick to my five fingers these days).
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    Thank you all:smile: I will try out a running store.