Office Temptation

My coworkers love bringing in treats... today it is Chex Mix and cookies! I measured out some Chex Mix and put it in my log, but I can't seem to walk away from a cookie. I'm trying to justify half, or a part, but know that 1 cookie will turn into 5. How do I stop myself?!?!?


  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    My coworkers love bringing in treats... today it is Chex Mix and cookies! I measured out some Chex Mix and put it in my log, but I can't seem to walk away from a cookie. I'm trying to justify half, or a part, but know that 1 cookie will turn into 5. How do I stop myself?!?!?

    I have this same problem but since we take turns I will bring in a fruit plate instead or fruit bars for those hot days and they are enjoying them...if someone brings in donuts I don't eat my regular breakfast and have the cake donut so I don't feel I'm missing out but then stay out of the kitchen area.
    I am fortunate that we are a small office and the ladies are all trying to lose weight so we've cut back on what we bring in or try to make a lighter version of the same treats, it's fun and we are not eating as much...the guys in the office will still bring in their donuts but oh well you can't win every battle haha....take care and good luck!
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Just say 'no'
    I used to the do the same thing -- 'how can I have just one, or half of one'......I made a 'no desserts in June' pledge and I've avoided all sweets and treats in the office, even though they're all frequently brought in. After about a week, I stopped having the temptation to grab one.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    Unfortunately it just has to come down to what's more important. The cookie or your goals. We had Public Service the other week and had many things come in for the week. Muffins, cookies, ice cream, chips, hamburgers, pancake breakfast......I decided that 1 minute of food enjoyment was not worth all the work I have done getting my body to where I want it to be. Sure that 1 cookie won't hurt me. Instead of that, I decided on ice cream day to have 2 TBSP of my favorite ice cream. Not a whole bowl. So how bout you find a coworker to share that cookie with? Moderation is where it's at. I also know that depriving ourselves completely will also just set us up for failure.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Do you mean Pam?

  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    Just eat it then do more cardio after!

  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I have this issue too sometimes..except it's cake...second day this week someone brought carrot cake! i did more cardio the first time. Today i rinsed out my plastic container that i had my oatmeal in and put in a small slice. that way whether it's tonight or this weekend i can have my cake when i know i have the extra cals for it. just because i want something doesn't mean i can't have just might mean i can't have it now when it will fudge up my cal intake. damn homemade dessert...gets me all the time
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Whenever I have food I want to get rid of, I bring it to work and stick it in the kitchen with an "eat me" sign on it. Poof! It's gone.
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    my office has over 800 people in it so there is something brought in by somebody I know almost everyday. Usually for work anniversary dates or birthdays, engagements, etc. Emails get sent out for them and I usually just say "thanks already had breakfast, etc." and Congrats! So far this year I've been good, only have had one treat. If its someone in my aisle, most of them know that I'm working hard to lose the lbs so they don't push the issue.
  • buttonfeet
    buttonfeet Posts: 50 Member
    I used to have the same problem. Now, I just think to myself "I don't eat that crap". Somehow it worked for me. Lost 20 pounds since January and held it steady for a month now.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    good for you for recognizing and acknowledging your M.O......1 cookie turning into 5. BACK AWAY FROM THE COOKIEEEZZZ :sad:

    serious though, stay at your desk, drink a big glass of water or make a cup of tea and drink it, do work, it's Friday yayyy hope you have some good plans for the weekend. the cookie want will pass.
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    My office temptation doesn't work here anymore.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    We often have food around the office, I started by eating each time but half way through a not great piece of cake, I wondered why. So I made a committment to myself to let myself have a small something as long as it's good quality, I'm going to really enjoy it, not just for the sake of eating type of food. It worked for me.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    It's so hard sometimes!!! Unfortunately I find that I have to do all or none. I can't eat just one cookie! It is easier if you fully break the sugar addiction, but now that I'm back on sugar I really have a hard time with it. Yesterday at work we had an ice cream social and a co-worker brought in cookies....I had 3 cookies and two scoops of ice cream! Then I skipped dinner and had a beer. Not good. True that I'm biking over 100 miles this weekend so I'll burn it off, but it's still not good for my insides. Or maybe I need to bring more healthy food to work, sometimes I just don't bring enough food to work. Like now I have to decide whether to go buy nuts, granola bar, or candy bar because I am out of food and have over 2 hours left.
  • amerikanbelle
    amerikanbelle Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! You should all be proud--I've RESISTED the cookies allllllll dayyyyyyy longggggggggg! :smile: