Just don't understand

I have been working so hard for so many years to lose weight and at first I was happy with my progress using mfp...but the lat few weeks I'm gaining a pound or 2 a week! I hate going backwards. It's so frustrating. I have some days I splurge and ave pizza or something but I measure everything I eat...am usually in the green t the end of the day...I'm always on the go and try to get at least 4 days of half hour cardio dance workouts or walking a week in...although this last week I didn't have time with my work schedule to get workouts in but I was working and on my feet for hours a day...I would think that would count for something. So sad I gained 2 lbs. this week...I need help. I'm scared I'll gain back what I've lost!


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? At the start of losing weight until now? A lot of times your body is shrinking as you get more fit. The scale sometimes isn't your friend! :) I've seen a lot of before and after pictures where there is just a few pounds difference between the pictures, but the difference is amazing! Also it's good to take pictures of the start. Sometimes the scale doesn't show, but the pictures are incredible! Good luck to you!
  • Tastyduckbutter
    Tastyduckbutter Posts: 30 Member
    I've had the same problem. Last year I shed nearly 40 pounds and only failed when I cheated. This year has been a struggle and I have only seen real progress by changing my habits. For example, I eat at different times and have changed the food but not the total calories. I have also found that eating earlier in the day and going to bed a little bit hungry has also helped. I have recently replace breakfast with a protein and green tea shake.
    The most important thing is to not give up and if you are putting on a bit of weight - change things one at a time and see what works.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Taken at face value, something is off. Either your estimates are off or there is some health/drug issue at play.
  • I am not on drugs and have been told by the Dr. With the exception of my weight problem I am healthy.
  • Should I eat back the calories burned due to exercise? I haven't been because I thought that would help me lose...so there are days I'm under 400 calories or so because of the workouts.
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    Do you lift weights?
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Try upping your intensity level in workouts or cross training. The body is built to adapt to physical activity and you have to change the intensity and/or activity when it becomes too proficient in order to force change on the body.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Don't get depressed or give up...I actually weighed myself last week and it looked like I went up a few pounds on a Monday and then I weighed myself today and I'm down again...I was hoping to lose weight rapidly but I am losing about a lb a week and now down 19 lbs so my progress is slow (to me) but I'm not giving up...it's just a small setback you will be fine...maybe look over everything for the week you gained compared to the prior week. You can add me as a friend:)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Probably not eating enough. Figure out your TDEE and BMR, using this calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Should I eat back the calories burned due to exercise? I haven't been because I thought that would help me lose...so there are days I'm under 400 calories or so because of the workouts.
    This is concerning. Your diary isn't open so no one can actually see what you are doing or make any informed suggestions.
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Should I eat back the calories burned due to exercise? I haven't been because I thought that would help me lose...so there are days I'm under 400 calories or so because of the workouts.

    People feel different ways about this, but I lost the weight most swiftly when I netted around 1400 calories a day. So from my experience, it means yes, eat your exercise calories back. It could be that your metabolism is slowing down because it's not properly fueled. Although, reading your original post, it sounds like something could be off, like how many calories you are truly taking in. Also, 4 days of cardio at a 1/2 hour each day isn't really that much. As other posters have suggested, log meticulously, add strength training, and increase intensity of your workouts overall.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Should I eat back the calories burned due to exercise? I haven't been because I thought that would help me lose...so there are days I'm under 400 calories or so because of the workouts.

    The MFP method expects you to, yes. They add the extra calories to your goal for a reason. It sounds counter-intuitive, but a lot of us have found that we plateau if we don't eat enough.
  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    ^Agreed! Sounds like you're stressed....google: Increased Cortisol Levels...stress can cause so much to happen on the inside of our bodies!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I am not on drugs and have been told by the Dr. With the exception of my weight problem I am healthy.

    No birth control or other medications? How are your stress levels?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Should I eat back the calories burned due to exercise? I haven't been because I thought that would help me lose...so there are days I'm under 400 calories or so because of the workouts.

    How did you calculate your daily calorie goal? Did you include exercise? If so, then no you should not be eating them back. If not, then yes you should.
  • Oh I never thought about birth control...and yes I did figure in exercise when putting my info in. Looking back over the week I guess I went over more than I thought...I just have to stick with it!