45 yo woman with 160Lbs to lose



  • scp29440
    scp29440 Posts: 2
    What a great post! Please keep me informed!
  • ahmasd
    ahmasd Posts: 3
    You are amazing for losing this weight on all day basis and for your record just visit this amazing website, the body you ever dreamed is yours for free, the secrets of josh peck weight loss are revealed to you by now for free http://www.joshpeckweightloss.marocwebs.com
  • You can do it ....I lost about 50 pounds 3 years ago and I have kept it off decided to do it for me...I was always into all kinds of sports when I was younger till I got arthritis and that put me on the side lines and ate everything ...
    I started by just walking early in the morning and drinking a lot of water a little bit further each time ..
    My down fall is bread and snacks...Cut myself down to a 1/2 a sandwich and started to hide the chips I know where they are but find if I'm not looking at them I don't want them...( yes I do fail and have some but put them in a small bowl..Also I bye the kind I don't really like...I also make myself drink 2 glasses of water with them..
    We found out my husband is allergic to wheat so he has to eat gluten free which means I am back to cooking from scratch and now I don't bring bread into the house and the only time I eat gluten free bread with peanut butter (pure).
    Since I lost the first 50 pounds I started to go to the YMCA in the mornings exercise with people helps from making it a job. It really hurt my joints for about a month than seem to get easier I have gone off my blood pressure meds and cut my arthritis drugs in 1/2...
    Now that I have built a lot of mussel I have bumped things up and now are trying to lose 20 more..
    You can do it...Do 10 pounds at a time...
  • marooned
    marooned Posts: 106 Member
    Food Cravings are a struggle for all of us who have gained a lot of weight... Gotta just log everyday, move everyday and start to make some incremental changes in your eating; substitute protein snacks for carb snacks .

    and add some friends here to encourage you.. 31 months for me; went 13 months during that stretch and gained a pound. Good luck!! You can do this
  • marooned
    marooned Posts: 106 Member
    And change your ticker to reflect what you've lost (success) not what you have to lose.. Lots of mini goals!!!!
  • 623Laura
    623Laura Posts: 1 Member
    You can do this!! I also have about 160 lbs to lose and so far by logging EVERYTHING (good or bad) I put in my mouth I have lost 23 lbs. I always said I dont eat that much but those little bites during day really add up once you keep track of it. Just keep telling yourself you are worth it. Good Luck. You can add me if you want.
  • dar9757
    dar9757 Posts: 28
    Hi, I know how you feel. I have been in this struggle to lose weight all my life. I was 265 at age 18. Lost 100 lbs. at 20. Since then I yo yo alot. When I would get pregnant I gain, then lose it afterwards.. I have always loved to work out, so that has helped me not gain all my weight back. I am now trying again to get in shape and lose 40 lbs. Its a slow pace this time because I am doing it right. I eat less, work out, and eat really healthy. I stop when I reach my cal goal. You can do this. Its not easy nor fast, but worth it. Adding you as friend, to encourage you on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • You can add me - but i'll give you my story - different than yours, but the same feeling of lost hope.

    I was diagnosed with Moderate Fibromyalgia a little over a year ago. Thankfully, I had lost most of my weight beforehand, so I got lucky. But the doctors did warn me that I was going to need to exercise more to keep the weight issues at bay. EXERCISE? I can barely get out of bed and onto the couch most days, are you FREAKING kidding me? I've been in so much pain I've had to CRAWL to get to the bathroom. But slowly, I started walking a little better (with meds, of course), and then I started walking more little by little. Best part is - they haven't had to increase my meds! I'm still on the same dose when I started over a year ago.

    Last night I took the dog for a JOG. I haven't jogged in... well... maybe 10 years?

    I only had 20 to lose this time around, but I've lost 45 before, so I know it can be done with a little help and support.

    Oh, and to be in all this pain, I was diagnosed at the age of 26. Imagine being 26 and barely able to get out of bed, not going out with friends, not being able to work... But I've changed it all around and decided I needed to get healthier for me and I was going to at least TRY. within the next few years they want to wean me off the meds now!