Anyone have one for Squash on the stove top not oven?



  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I do not have a oven to cook in only one my electric stove, anyone know how to cook Squash that is healthy? I was going to cook it the way my mother always made it but me and my gf trying eat healthy she doesn't want to cook it with Bisquick


    Here is one of my favorite meals, lentils with butternut squash (or acorn or other winter squash, but butternut is best), brown rice and steamed kale.

    Chop up one butternut squash into bite-sized pieces
    Put one cup of dried lentils and the squash in a large soup pot, cover everything with water, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to a simmer, cover, and cook about 30 minutes or until done.
    Serve with brown rice and steamed kale. Steam the kale about 1 minute or less. You can add it to the top of the beans and squash, cover, and steam that way, or separately.
    Season at the table with Tamari or other soy sauce to taste and with toasted/dry-roasted sesame seeds.

    One cup of dried lentils makes 2 cups cooked. Adjust depending on how many servings you want. I'm crazy about lentils because one cup has the protein of 3 eggs with no cholesterol. You also don't have to soak them beforehand.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks! I am going to marinade some and then saute with mushrooms
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    I like to saute them then add scrambled eggs. My kids love it as well
  • BluebirdsAndRoses
    BluebirdsAndRoses Posts: 2 Member
    I like it sautée/fried with onions....for a long, long, long time. I mean until it turns a little brown long, long, long time over medium heat.

    ^^ This... with some potatoes. Yummy!!!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I agree with microwave, steamed acorn or butternut squash is delicious by itself!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you're talking about winter squash - butternut, buttercup, acorn, etc - that can be peeled, cut up and either boiled, steamed or sauteed on the stove top. You can eater eat it in chunks or mash like potates. Spaghetti squash is different but can be easily cooked in the microwave.

    If you're talking about summer squash - yellow crookneck, zucchini (courgette) - those are great sauteed on the stove top with a little olive oil and spices. The peeling is very soft so you can just wash it and leave it on, half peel ( in strips) or completely peel, it's up to you. They also work wonderfully in a spaghetti sauce or pretty much anything with tomatoes in it. I also like them in cold salads (lettuce or pasta). You can even grate them and use them in soup or breads or even quiche. Very versatile as they don't have much a taste on their own but add bulk and nutrients.
  • 74honeybadger
    This is a recipe for the stovetop.

    Yellow and Zucchini Squash
    Can of Diced Tomatos
    Olive Oil
    Salt and Pepper
    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

    Heat the olive oil over medium. Chop the onion and saute until it is tender.
    Cube the chicken and toss it in the pan, brown the chicken
    Slice the squash and add it next.
    Add the can of tomatos (don't drain the liquid)
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Cover and let it simmer on medium-low for 20-25 minutes

    Goes great on top of long grain rice or quinoa. Best part is there are only 2 pots to clean!
  • rubenasher
    If you have a sweet tooth trying cutting it in half, spooning in suckers sugar free strawberry jam, maybe a few tablespoons per chunk, add some stevia wwhich is zero calories, spray with I can't believe it is butter and throw some cinnamon on top, put some water in a pot, place on stove top, cover, cook slowly for a few hours.
  • Noji0803
    Noji0803 Posts: 1 Member
    I have always peeled & chopped it, then boil it on the stove, then season to taste.
    ZEROBEACH Posts: 4
    SORRY! Posted this reply to the wrong post. It's for eggplant, not squash.

    Found a delicious recipe on William-Sonoma for Eggplant Involtini. I made it with reduced fat ricotta cheese, reduced fat mozarella and no salt tomato sauce. Absolutely amazing.
    Cut up and saute in butter with onions - dash of garlic salt. I mix zuchini and yellow. Very good.
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    I like them sauteed in marinara sauce with zuccini :)
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    Do you have a crock pot? If not, I suggest investing in one. It can be used as a make shift oven. I do have an oven, but never use it in the summer. So I use the crock pot in replace of it.

    I usually wrap my squash in aluminum foil and let it cook over night (or you could do this during work) in the crock pot.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    saute it with onions. salt and pepper to taste n spinkle with parmesan cheese YUM! or you can slice it, boil it until semi soft and put some cheddar cheese on it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For summer squashes I slice them lengthwise and season, then cook cut side down in a hot skillet sprayed with a little oil until browned. I don't turn them because I like the uncut side to stay crunchy. Or use them in a stir fry.

    For winter squashes, a pureed soup is yummy or I like to cube them and sauté in olive oil with chopped onion.

    Winter squashes are also really good stewed with a pork loin.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Steam or sauté!
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    forgot about this thread just now reading , wow thanks i will read all the replies this is yellow and we tryed just in the skillet with virgin oil with some onions and chives but i really didn't like it. im used to it being breaded i guess
  • ginahammon
    cut it into chunks and saute it in an olive oil butter mixture. with some garlic and fresh rosemary and a little pepper. very good
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Risotto. With pretty much any other veg you fancy. Mushrooms and asparagus work well.