On the verge of giving up.

So I just weighed & measured myself and decided that whatever I'm doing is unfortunately NOT working for me. There is no point in my busting my *kitten* at the gym 6 days a week doing cardio when I am seeing no results. I have GAINED weight since last week. I was given advice that I need to up my caloric intake to lose weight and so I did. I ate 1200 calories, give or take, per day and I noticed that my weight has gone up. After measuring myself, I found out I only lost 1 inch off of my *kitten* in 2 months of exercising. This eventually lead me to tears and I am re-thinking my weight loss overall. What is the point, I only lost 5 pounds in a frickin month busting my *kitten* literally EVERY day- a lot then most people do that actually lose weight. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm very disappointed as well as discouraged. It just makes me mad that I put all of this effort into this weight loss and my body isn't answering to it. I thought that it was muscle but it's not since it's only 1 fricking inch off my waist. That is ridiculous. I see no point in continuing exercising further as the results are nonsense.


  • playgun
    playgun Posts: 163 Member
    Have you been having weekly body fat percentages taken? It's more accurate to track LBM and fat ratio than stepping on a scale! The scale is deceiving! How about your diet? Are you eating the proper ratio of macros? Remember healthy fats are important for fat reduction. It's possible that you've hit a plateau, adjust your diet for a while, change your carb intake, most of all, DON'T QUIT! The emotional pain and stress you are going through is just temporary, it may last a week, a month or even a year, but if you QUIT it will last forever!
    Luv ya, and put a smile on that pretty face!
  • klp1017
    klp1017 Posts: 95 Member
    Our starting and goal weights are exactly the same and I've lost 10 pounds in the past 2 months. In my first month I lost 5 pounds (that's a pound a week) and 1.5 inches overall. I thought I did awesome. It takes time when you don't have too much weight to lose. You need patience.
  • DragonSpark
    How tall are you? According to your ticker your goal weight is 125 lbs, and if you're not a short person 125 lbs may not be an achievable weight. If you've been busting your butt at the gym and eating right you may have reached your body's ideal weight, even if it's not the weight you were mentally wanting to reach. My suggestion? Have a professional, whether it be a doctor or certified personal trainer, take your measurements and figure out what your body fat % is and go from there. If you're at a healthy weight with an "ideal" body fat percentage then you probably won't be able to lose anymore weight without getting rid of muscle. If you don't want to have someone else take your measurements, there's a website that has useful calculators (the military body fat calculator isn't accurate, I was in the military and I had docs telling me it was wrong and they didn't know why the military used it). If all else fails talking to a nutritionist could prove helpful. Good luck!

  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    If you want to lose inches while exercising, you are going to have to do strength training. Cardio is not enough to reshape your body. If you want to be healthy, you need to exercise. If you have only been doing 1200 calories for a week after not eating enough for nearly 2 months, its going to take time for your body to adjust. You need to be patient. Weight loss is 80% what you eat and that means keeping a food journal, weighing and measuring and recording every bite, lick and taste. Are you doing that?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    5 lbs in one month is great. Especially considering you don't have much to lose!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Losing 5lbs in a month is more than a pound a week - that's good progress. So is losing the inch off your backside. That's progress in my book, can't fathom why you'd want to quit. Quitting certainly isn't going to get the results you want. :tongue:

    And are you saying when someone said increase cals you went UP to 1200? And your busting your *kitten* at the gym on that amount? Most likely still not enough fuel for ya if you are working out that hard. Food is fuel and you gotta feed that furnace if you want it to burn.

    Lastly, it looks like you joined last month, you mentioned losing 5lbs in a month - have you been at this longer or just since May? if it's only been around 4 weeks, likely your body is still adjusting to new calorie intake, new exercise routines, etc, etc. Gotta give it time to "catch up", so to speak. Eat well, exercise, drink water, get good rest, have patience. It will happen, and yes, it might be slow going since by your ticker it doesn't look like you have a whole lot to lose. But slow and steady is far better than quitting.

    Hang in there.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    It took me over a year to lose 40-ish pounds. Don't be so quick to give up. You didn't put the weight on overnight so it's not gonna fall off over night. Trust in the process and work towards your goals... you can achieve them if you put in the work and don't give up.
  • jessiedell7
    Thank you all :)
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    Eat more calories (protein and fat - mono, but low carb <100g) and lift very heavy weights, to lose body fat, forget the long cardio and do 20 mins HIITS instead - gym weights and HIITS minimum 4 times a week and the fat will drop off.
  • msrlpanda
    msrlpanda Posts: 1
    I understand you are frustrated, remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Every little bit counts. Since you are working out so much, you may need to up your calorie intake more (healthy snacks or more veggies or protein). If you are not eating enough to counteract your activity your body may go into starvation mode where you don't lose weight or may gain weight. Since you go to the gym is there a personal trainer at the gym that can help you? Some gyms offer them at no cost, might be worth checking out. Otherwise don't give up yet! You are doing great, just keep up the exercise and healthy eating habits, if you need a break from calorie counting take one and don't beat yourself up about it. We all need a break sometimes! :D
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Progress is progress. Don't quit, you are progressing at a very healthy pace.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Realistically you need 6 good months to judge your progress...really a year is more like it. If I were you....i would scale back the cardio to something that I thought was manageable so that i didn't get burned out. You gotta be patient.:wink:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    5 lbs in a month is a great loss, especially if you only have a small amount to lose. What's your loss per week goal set to? If it's more than 1 lb I'd suggest reassessing that. If you're getting 1200 calories you need to be eating them as well as your exercise calories. The point of MFP is to net the 1200 by eating them back.