Hi, I'm a new mom - does this program really work??

Hello everyone - I'm Amy

My daughter London just turned a year old, and I still have not lost all of the pregnancy weight I gained so here I am!!! Finally ready to get serious.

I recently heard about a "study" that showed that people that used websites like this to diet and whatnot lost more weight and kept it off. (okay, not very shocking but encouraging at least)

Has it worked for you??

I just signed up and started watching my diet a few days ago, but I have been jogging lately and that is really helping. I already lost 2 lbs! So I'm hopeful :)

Nice to meet you!


  • vdubteach23
    I joined and started a forum for brides to be. Just being on this site and making it my homepage every time I get on the internet has helped me. Find a forum and keep up with it. I have lost a pound a week since i've joined this site. It really has helped me. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the site!
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member

    I Joined up in July and already I have lost 8 pounds... and ive been eating MORE than what i used to!!

    Im a office worker... in front of a comp all day and I keep this site open in a tab all day... =)

  • amoore1227
    amoore1227 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the posts! I am always on a computer too so I'll be sure to stay plugged in here and see how it goes. Good luck to you both, sounds like its working great for you!
  • tmstp6207
    If you can commit to it, yes it works :) I started in April, when my son was 4 months old, and then we moved in July, it really messed my dieting and exercising up. In the past month, I have lost 7 lbs (Almost 1/4 of my goal!) by watching what I am eating, walking, and using my Wii Fit. I log everything on here.
  • NoelleLou
    I had my 1st child EIGHTEEN months ago & Im still working to lose the weight. Its been 6 weeks & Ive lost 22 lbs!! This site changed my life~ and if you honest with your diaries & workouts- Help & encouragement from you rnew friends will help you so much along the way! Just knowing that u are being held accountable MAKES you want to make better decisions.. What has helped me the most is being able to SEE just how many calories things are.. And Im always counting out 1 portion of whatever Im eating so I can tabulate it correctly- And I never did these things before.. Before u know it youll be able to eye an ounce, a cup etc.. Good luck- Ill friend you- I need all the support & encouraement I can get! Good luck!
  • eva512
    eva512 Posts: 92 Member
    Yes, it does work, as long as you enter in your food and exercise. I got off track of doing that and thought I knew my food well enough to do it on my own and gained back 15 lbs:sad: Started entering in every day now,1 week, and lost 6 lbs:happy:
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    As long as you can be dedicated to your health this site will work great. I have been using MFP since 6/17/10 and I have lost 20 pounds to date. Seeing everything you put in your mouth helps a lot.