Why is the fat loss stalled?

I work out 5-6 days a week doing 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of strength training. I was eating 1200 calories where I'd eat back my burned calories, so my net was 1200. I recently switched to TDEE -20% and not eating back my burned calories. So 1700 but don't eat back burned calories.
I switch up what cardio I do and strength training, so I don't get used to it. I do my best to eat clean, but I want a long term lifestyle so I don't beat myself up over small things here and ther. (Example: we had people visiting from Haiti and Nicaragua this week so we ate out twice but I tried to pick healthier options and watched my portions as best as I could.) but eating out is fairly unusual. I also recently added a protein bar after my workout which has been great.

Am I eating too many calories? Not doing enough cardio? My muscles are getting stronger/bigger, but the fat loss has like stalled! :(


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    How recently did you switch to TDEE? It can take something like 4-6 weeks to see changes with a switch up in calories/exercise/etc.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    How are you tracking fat loss? If your muscles are getting larger, then your body fat % is going down even if you don't burn any fat. It could be inaccuracies in your tracking method causing it to not show up or, as previous poster stated, it could be that you just haven't given it enough time. Switching up intake and exercises can make you retain water for a few weeks, which can throw off a lot of fat loss measurements. I'd say give it some more time.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week doing 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of strength training.

    That's why. Sort out the eating if you want to lose weight. Exercise is a distraction.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I have only been doing TDEE -20% for a week so that's totally true it could be just the beginning of it. It just makes me a little nervous.
    I take pictures once a week and do a comparison of before, then the week before, an then a before/middle/to date one. And so far I haven't seen changes since starting TDEE except I feel heavier/bloated? And then the pictures look like a gained a little.

    Also- what he heck do you mean "sort out he eating if you want to lose weight"??
    What on earth do I need to "sort out"? Could you be more specific as to what you think I am doing wrong?
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    Also there is zero way exercise is a distraction. That's the only reason I've really even lost anything. My diet has hardly changed since before I worked out. So it's definitely not that I just need to diet. And I'm talking long term lifestyle not just do something short term to meet a goal.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    It has been a week and we all have fluctuations. You might not lose for a week, then suddenly drop 4lb. Who knows, only your body does! Keep in mind periods and hormones = bloating! I always feel bloated for the week or so around that time, it makes me sad but I just ignore it and keep going!
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    What has worked for me: incorporate HIIT workouts for your cardio, dropping sodium to 1500 mg/day, drinking more water than body weight in oz, upping potassium to near 40% goal weight to help offset the water retention. It may just be a short term plan since you ate out, as restaurants have foods highly rich in sodium. But, give it a try! :)