How often should I weigh myself?



  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    If you weigh daily like I do, use a website like TrendWeight to track trends instead of worrying about the every day amount.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I weigh in every morning, but I also keep a log and highlight a once a week "official" weight (Friday morning) to watch the weekly trend. I have a Fitbit Aria scale, which connects wirelessly ... I do wish MFP had a setting where I could tell it to ONLY report weekly. It is a bit silly to have a tiny loss posted to my newsfeed each day (or a slight loss after a slight gain, so not a new loss). I know I can go in and delete them, but it would be nice if it had a calendar setting to only show progress on Friday. I do love having MFP and my Fitbit work together in every other aspect!
  • zoielouise
    zoielouise Posts: 21
    Thanks for all your help guys. First step is trying to weigh myself only once a week!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm a scale addict. Lol! I record my weight on paper every day ( I just like to see how my weight fluctuates) and every pound I do lose , I log it on MFP.

    It's best to weigh yourself once a week so you don't get discourage.
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Here is a note I just sent one of my friends about daily weighing. My friend is a monthly weigher and on weigh in day she had not lost a single pound even with lots of cardio and watching calories closely. I also had a bad weigh in on Friday morning. I responded to her note and told her my friday weigh in was terrible as well. I was mad at the scale because I was expecting a new low and what I got a a 2 plus pound gain in one day. But this morning (24 hours later) I weighed in and had lost nearly 4 pounds in one day. Maybe my scale was off, maybe a lot of things. Who knows.

    My note to a friend here on MFP.

    Well, today is a whole new day. I weighed this morning and was down nearly 4 pounds from Friday morning. So, I had a nice loss this week. At least it seems I have. With fluctuations like that, it is hard to know what I really weigh.

    I usually don't talk about my weight in actual numbers, because I still hate to admit what I weigh, but here they are some recent entries in my body media account. By the way, I love my body media armband.

    June 5: 258
    June 9: 256.4
    June 12: 255
    June 13: 254
    June 21:255.6 This one is the one that kills me. I just knew I would hit a new low.
    June 22:252.2

    My weight had varied a lot, but my practice was only to log new lows, rather that log everyday. I feel if I am eating a deficit then the up days will only be temporary. I logged June 21 because that is 5 weeks before we go on vacation. And I have a goal to lose 10 pounds in the last 5 weeks before vacation.

    There had been several days where my weight was up big time between those weight logs.

    I think what I am getting at is the importance of weighing every day for me. If I hadn't weighed all those intermediate days and saw only the June 5 and June 21 weight after working my *kitten* off with cardio and watching what I ate I may have jumped in a pile of tootsie rolls ( Love those things) and ate every damned on of them. Not a good analogy, but it's the best I could come up with on short notice.

    I feel the weight fluctuations are due to sodium, when I eat my big meal, how full my digestive system is and other factors i don't even know what they are. I often read posts from Women about "time of the month" issues as well. I don't pretend to know anything about that issue.

    So, I guess I am saying don't jump in that pile of tootsie rolls over one weigh in.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    At a frequency that will keep you on track but at least once a week. I try to weigh myself three or four times a week. There are fluctuations, but if there's a big change in either direction I usually am not surprised.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    monday, wednesday, friday. i track to see how certain foods affect me.
  • ShereeseMuhammad
    ShereeseMuhammad Posts: 10 Member
    I never even owned a scale until MFP lol! now I am on it everyday and sometimes I feel like you and get discouraged if I don't lose everyday... BUT REMEMBER it's not really healthy to lose so much weight so fast. Think of it like this... If you lose 1 pound every day that is 7 pounds in 1 WEEK! That's no good. :) So... just change your thinking around it... try not to GAIN anything... because losing takes time.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I weighed every day and started making myself nuts.

    Hubby hid it on me and brought it out once a week. Then come to find out it was not working right. Went and bought a new one.

    Now I have it in my head to weigh just once a week.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I don't have a set number for how often I weight myself (At least once a week tho) But my one rule is "Never. Never. Weight after a lift day." I only end up hurting my own feelings.
  • tmarstam
    tmarstam Posts: 5 Member
    Well I just started MFP on the 19th. I weighed myself on June 16th and so just entered that weight. I am going to weigh myself once a week. Hopefully I will have shed at least a pound! :)))
  • stratusphr
    stratusphr Posts: 87 Member
    Don't be disheartened, everyone goes up and down a little. My doctor recommends weighing every morning. Think of logging food and daily weigh ins as your "dashboard" just like on your car. It keeps you aware of what's going on 'under the hood' and let's you know when something needs to be changed/adjusted!!!
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am a daily weigher. There have been a couple of threads on that lately. Doing it daily works best if you can learn to take the swings in stride. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, you true body weight is dropping. But water retention and "pipeline timing" (consumption versus elimination) can cause you to see weights that vary quite a bit. You can ignore all but the lowest weights while losing. If trying to maintain, you only need to see the weight every few days to know you are staying at that weight. Averaging just tells you how much water and in process food you usually have in your system. I find that interesting but unimportant.
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. I don't think I could do the every day weigh in . I'd probally get mad and throw my
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I try to only weigh myself 2 times a week. I get a little obsessive about it if I weigh more often.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    One other comment (I posted earlier about my weighing daily)...

    A big part of this is how much variance you see. I have seen as much as 8 pounds across 2 days. I was pretty sure I didn't eat 28,000 extra calories the day before so I just ignored it. Sure enough, it was water and uhm "stuff" that had backed up a little. 3 days later I was down a pound to a new low. If I weighed weekly, it would be a crap shoot; who knows which of the weights I would have seen. Some people don't vary that much. That was unusual even for me; I more commonly see "only" 3 or 4 pound swings.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    How often should I weigh myself?

    The "should" questions always need a qualifier.
    Should in order to...what?
    What is your goal?
    If the goal is to know your weight each day, then the answer if to weigh daily.
    If your goal is to check-in once a week, then the answer is weekly

    I like to weigh daily and just "Watch The Trend"
    I know any low number can be "just an anomaly"
    I know any high number can be "just an anomaly"

    So I weigh daily and just....Watch The Trend
  • bonniebuchholz56
    I just picked a day of the week mine is on Monday in the morning and not again till Monday morning comes again. I have just signed up today, but i have been working on it for 6 weeks and have lost 25 lbs. I am hoping MFP will keep me on track.
  • Jspud11357
    Jspud11357 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and it drives me crazy, especially if there is no loss. I am convinced that the scale is inaccurate, because sometimes it jumps up or down 3 lbs. in only 10 min.apart with weigh ins after no food nor water so I know it is not accurate. I actually go to bed thinking bout the morning weigh in and it keeps me from eating at night. Still, the fluctuations on the scale really upset me, and I get moody and depressed, and it makes me very discouraged. Still I feel that I MUST check it out just in case there is something I should see. I do not know the answer. Jill