Thanks MFP - I couldn't have done it without you.

Hi there.

Just wanted to share my success with you folks as I couldn't have done it without MFP and without all the supportive stuff I have read on these message boards. I have been lurking at the back for a while but not had anything of interest to say.

That was until now, I have just reached my target weight. I have lost 2 stone.

My Fitness Pal has really given me the motivation and incentive I needed to get my body into shape, making it much easier to reach my goal. Just knowing what I was putting into my mouth, has really opened up my eyes. I wasn't eating too badly, I was just eating far too much - as my portions were too large and I was snacking too much.

There were very few days that I didn't have one or two treats as I have a very sweet tooth - I would just make sure that, if I didn't have enough calories for a treat, I would go out and earn it. For those days I knew I would be having a highly calorific meal, like tonights Pizza - I would go out and earn those calories too. I very rarely deprived myself. Nice food was my reward - my motivation to get out and do something.

So that's my success story. I am really pleased to have lost 2 stone.

(The trouble is, we recently purchased a new set of bathroom scales and found that the original set we were using were weighing too kindly and there is a full 6lbs difference. So although I am still really happy knowing I am 2 stone lighter, I have another 6lbs to go before I will be truly happy with my weight. So it isn't completely the end of my MFP story.... )


  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    Bravo Kitty

    Two stone is a huge loss. Well done to you!

    I lurked for almost a year, trying to do it on my own. I've been picking up tips, really learning about my food intake, eating a lot less bread and giving and receiving encouragement from my handful of MFP friends.

    I had the same experience with bathroom scales - the old ones had me 5 pounds lighter but I'm over it now - still have around half a stone to go. Although my progress has been hard, it's been worth it.

    Two stone? That's a great achievement - you must be thrilled.
    Good for you!
  • kittykins76
    Thank you for your encouraging words. :smile: I am really thrilled with my loss so far. I think now the hard work will truly begin, trying to keep it off. (Whilst trying to loose that extra 6lbs - due to those stupid bathroom scales.)

    Lurking has been great so far, picking up tips etc, but I think it really is time I came out of my shell and gave back some of the advice I have picked up along the way

    I too have really cut down on my bread intake.... its amazing how it quickly adds up. We used to go through so much bread.... but now it occasionally goes mouldy before it gets eaten. :laugh:

    Good luck with your own continued weight loss, you too are doing a really good job and I am sure that you will make your target soon. :happy:
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your story. :flowerforyou:
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    You're welcome, and thanks! I think MFP is great, I like the daily food diary and reading other people's stories, successful or otherwise.

    Getting a positive comment encourages me to keep going. We're all here on the same journey - some are sprinters and some are joggers. Some are stuck, some are going around in a circle looking for a way forward, but few have turned back.

    Thanks MFP!
  • kittykins76
    Thanks BigBrunette. :blushing:
  • kittykins76
    We're all here on the same journey - some are sprinters and some are joggers. Some are stuck, some are going around in a circle looking for a way forward, but few have turned back.

    Wow. Love this! We all REALLY are on the same journey. :bigsmile:
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