Olive Oil - a lesson to learn!!

OMG!!! I have just found out that olive oil has 135 calories PER TABLESPOON!!!! :noway:

I dont even account for it in my allowance!!!!! :sad:

And I probably use it once a day for my omelette/ chicken. AND probably use more than a tablespoon........OMG!!!! :frown:

Its a good job I'm always below my calories and dont eat exercise calories...........otherwise I'd be putting on weight!!! :laugh:

Jeez!! Just goes to show people, that you gotta account for EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth.

A lesson learned!! I will be using 1cal spray this week to see if there's a difference :blushing:


  • KarenWantsABikini
    Yes use the spray, its so much better. All of the weight watchers recipes calls for a three second spray to the pan. I havent used oil in a long time, always just a spray. I feel quite grossed out at the thought of cooking in oil these days, guess i have just got used to the spray, or even just a non stick pan on its own. (Depending on the food you are cooking of course)

    Great information though, thanks for sharing !
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Hmm I just brush it on the pan. I love olive oil. I don't think I could ever stop using it. It hasn't affected my weight loss so far. :smile:
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    I think too many people are terrified of the wrong kinds of fats....olive oil is one of the healthiest fat you can get! It is loaded with good things for your body (good for heart, bones, hair, etc). If you cut out all the good fat from your diet, your weight loss will suffer. Educate yourself on what the good fats are vs. the bad fats.

    Instead of cooking with the fake "spray oil" (loaded with chemicals!), why not put 1/2 teaspoon in your pan and them smear it around with a paper towel, wiping off the excess. You will only be using a very small amount of oil (I allow 5 ml, approx 40 calories).

    Please do not give olive oil a bad name. Mediterranean diets are loaded with olive oil and they are among the healthiest diets on the planet.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I think too many people are terrified of the wrong kinds of fats....olive oil is one of the healthiest fat you can get! It is loaded with good things for your body (good for heart, bones, hair, etc). If you cut out all the good fat from your diet, your weight loss will suffer. Educate yourself on what the good fats are vs. the bad fats.

    Instead of cooking with the fake "spray oil" (loaded with chemicals!), why not put 1/2 teaspoon in your pan and them smear it around with a paper towel, wiping off the excess. You will only be using a very small amount of oil (I allow 5 ml, approx 40 calories).

    Please do not give olive oil a bad name. Mediterranean diets are loaded with olive oil and they are among the healthiest diets on the planet.

    Oh, I so agree. Nutrition is as vital as calories, if not more so!!! (Chemicals = bad, EVOO= good):laugh:

    Great lesson learned though, Anna! It is important for us to count everything! Sometimes I feel silly logging a cucumber! I mean, come on! It seems ridiculous but once I start rationalizing what I should and should not log...well, those calories can add up.:noway:

    I will sometimes measure out 1 tsp at a time in a small dish with a pastry brush. It then use it throughout the day to cook with so that I can measure more accurately.

    Best of luck!

  • rayrayuk
    rayrayuk Posts: 1 Member
    Its always good to watch what oils you are placing into your body, and there are so many that are not only good for you, but essential.

    A word of advice, as soon as you heat healthy oils (olive oil in particular), it becomes a saturated fat. The health benefits of olive oil are lost as soon as it is heated. But, as with everything, used in moderation as part of a health eating plan and regular exercise there is no reason why this oil cant be used to give your meals that delicious mediterranean flavour.

    I couldn't live without olive oil. (Or pasta for that matter . . . . .)
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I think too many people are terrified of the wrong kinds of fats....olive oil is one of the healthiest fat you can get! It is loaded with good things for your body (good for heart, bones, hair, etc). If you cut out all the good fat from your diet, your weight loss will suffer. Educate yourself on what the good fats are vs. the bad fats.

    Instead of cooking with the fake "spray oil" (loaded with chemicals!), why not put 1/2 teaspoon in your pan and them smear it around with a paper towel, wiping off the excess. You will only be using a very small amount of oil (I allow 5 ml, approx 40 calories).

    Please do not give olive oil a bad name. Mediterranean diets are loaded with olive oil and they are among the healthiest diets on the planet.

    Great post here :) Olive oil is essential in my diet and whenever I cook something, I use it. I sautee vegetables in it. I make my eggs and omelettes with it. I use it on chicken and fish. It's the best monounsaturated fat out there. It helps stop bloat, makes your skin glow and hair shine. I think it's worth the extra calories to eat it :)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I think too many people are terrified of the wrong kinds of fats....olive oil is one of the healthiest fat you can get! It is loaded with good things for your body (good for heart, bones, hair, etc). If you cut out all the good fat from your diet, your weight loss will suffer. Educate yourself on what the good fats are vs. the bad fats.

    Instead of cooking with the fake "spray oil" (loaded with chemicals!), why not put 1/2 teaspoon in your pan and them smear it around with a paper towel, wiping off the excess. You will only be using a very small amount of oil (I allow 5 ml, approx 40 calories).

    Please do not give olive oil a bad name. Mediterranean diets are loaded with olive oil and they are among the healthiest diets on the planet.

    Oh Gosh!! Sorry if I came across that way..... Au contrare!!!! I know it's really healthy and great for our bodies. Hence why I kept using it on a 'diet'. What I didnt know was how many calories it had!!! That's the thing I'm shocked about, as I was using it in a 'this is really healthy for me' way and just chucking it in, not counting or even considering its loaded with THAT many calories :noway: .

    The spray I have is extra virgin olive oil spray!! :bigsmile: But I have just looked at the ingredients and realised it has additives, so thanks for that insight :flowerforyou:

    Will always continue using olive oil, albeit sparingly! :blushing:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Its always good to watch what oils you are placing into your body, and there are so many that are not only good for you, but essential.

    A word of advice, as soon as you heat healthy oils (olive oil in particular), it becomes a saturated fat. The health benefits of olive oil are lost as soon as it is heated. But, as with everything, used in moderation as part of a health eating plan and regular exercise there is no reason why this oil cant be used to give your meals that delicious mediterranean flavour.

    I couldn't live without olive oil. (Or pasta for that matter . . . . .)

    I knew about the heat, but figure its better than other oils no matter what.

    Totally agree to keep using it, but just watch HOW MUCH!!! :noway:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    In order to make olive oil saturated, you have to repeatedly heat it, like if you were to reuse your oil for frying multiple things. Personally, I use just a spoonful of oil to sauté veggies and never re-use it. That is how most people use it in the home, which won't saturate much if any of the fats in the oil. All oils can be saturated through repeated heating, but olive oil seems to be the oil that is the most resistant to this process because of its high smoke point.

    As for the original post, I totally understand. I measure everything but am constantly seeing clients who don't measure oils or seasonings or gum or whatever finding that they are secretly sabotaging their eating plans. I have a client who use to go through 3 packs of gum a day for example. (She was quitting smoking.) She didn't think about it as having 5 calories per piece and she was chewing 50-60 of them a day. That's an additional 250-300 calories from gum! While the gum is highly preferable to the smoking, it still has to count. Another client didn't understand why her high blood pressure wasn't responding to her low sodium eating, until she finally told me that when she cooked chicken or veggies or basically anything, she seasoned it with Seasoned Salt. Her low sodium habits of cooking her own veggies instead of eating canned were negated by the salt in the seasoning, which is calorie free so she didn't think she had to log it. My point is that there is no such thing as a free food. They all have something in them to track.

    Olive oil is a great thing to use to cook with, but measure how much you use and remember that you use it for the whole recipe not all in your one serving. Track it to make sure you are good on your calories. And enjoy the healthy fats that your body needs for proper cell function.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I bought a little spray bottle and put olive oil in it. A few sprays covers the bottom of my pan and is less than 20 calories. I sprayed it into a measuring spoon once just to see and it was less than 1/2 a teaspoon. I prefer the real stuff because it does have good health benefits too.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I count my Altoids!!

    And I try to incorporate a tbsp of EV Olive Oil into my daily meals (yes I log it). Just one, however. For other such needs, I use 'I can't believe it's not butter' or Organic Pam. Very sparingly.

    Also...did you notice the olive oil has 14g of fat per tablespoon?? Good thing it's healthy fat!