Weight loosing crisis

Hey guys,

I would like to have some constructive advices from you :). Nobody telling me that I am stupid or that I am doing everything wrong, since I am still trying to figure out what would be the best way for me to loose weight.

so first of all, I am 20 years old, 160 cm and currently weight about 65 kg. Ayear ago I was about 55, even though I was never reeeally skinny or small but what I would call average. Anyways, I went on a trip for 8 mnonths and gained more than 10 kg, iof which I lost a little bit already again... (But I would say within 4 months I probably lost 5 kg). Now I want to loose the rest and maybe even more, get really fit and achieve the body that I always wanted. I am really motivated and I believe that I can do it.

So for about 6 weeks now I am doing the Clean Eating diet, which is not going to bad, and I feel really good never bloated or anything like that. I lost quite a few centimeters about 4-7 at all different places.

But for about 3 or 4 weeks I havent lost a gramm anymore. I know muscle building blabla, but Im not too sure if it really goes that fast. Im doing asthanga yoga for about 3 times a week, plus I work out at home about 2 days a week dancing and doing muscle training. I got a lot stronger already, am no able to do a few push ups (wich I could not do at all before) etc.

Then I did some research today, and found out I am eating too few calories. I think I never eat more than a 1000 kalories (I know its to few but I never really looked out that much for it, just trying to eat healthy...).
My normal diet plan would be in the mornings some yoghurt with berries, for lunch fish or chicken with vegetables and in the evenings a super yummy salad with avocado and cheese etc. .
The thing is nearly cut out all carbs, since I figured out for myself that I dont crave them anymore at all if i just cut them out of my diet plan (used to be a carb junkie).
So now I am asking myself what can I add to my diet plan that makes it more rich and adds more calories without adding to many carbs. I still have enough energy and I swear I am not hungry at all. Pretty much forcing myself at every mealtime to eat something, cause I might just well eat noithing. I dont know why that is like that, I usually loooove eating more then anything, but Im feeling good and eating right is just not soo important for me, and I fell like by cutting out all the "bad" staff, i just dont crave any of that fatty or sweet food anymore.
I also didnt know before, that I have to eat more the days when I do sports.

So my question is, does anyone have any productive advice how to up my daily calorie levels without adding tooo much carbs? Im not against carbs at all, i just found out, that by cutting them I dont crave them anymore...

So please, Im starting to get frustrated that in 3 weeks the scale hasnt drop 100g for me, help me if you can :). And dont be rude, I dont think the way I am doing it is the right way, thats why I am asking for help!!

Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it:)!!!


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Definitely not eating enough!!! Calculate and figure out your TDEE and BMR!! Good luck.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You haven't been logging food here. Have you been logging somewhere else? How do you know how many calories you're eating in a day if you're not logging?
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    I have been logging food quite a lot in the beginning, and i always struggled to get to 1200 kcal a day, and after that I even reduced the carb intake but not on purpose. I am really not calorie counting, and I am so happy that I am not hungry and satisfied with so "little". But i know that it is not enough which is why i am trying to get some good advice :). I am also usually typing in my food but a lot of times I am not logging it in so it is not "stated" as a complete day. But i will try to do that in the future, so it will get more transparent..
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have been logging food quite a lot in the beginning, and i always struggled to get to 1200 kcal a day, and after that I even reduced the carb intake but not on purpose. I am really not calorie counting, and I am so happy that I am not hungry and satisfied with so "little". But i know that it is not enough which is why i am trying to get some good advice :). I am also usually typing in my food but a lot of times I am not logging it in so it is not "stated" as a complete day. But i will try to do that in the future, so it will get more transparent..

    You need to start logging and stop guessing.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You seem to have unreasonable fear of carbs but without logging your food I cannot give you any specific advice. My guess though is that you should eat more carbs and food in general. Your reference to training yourself to "not want carbs" concerns me, but again, I can't see what you are eating so I cannot tell if you are eating enough.
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    I am logging, I am not guessing. Just because I do not push the last button of complete the entry, doesnt mean that I am just guessing. I understand that it is hard to judge how I am eating if i am not logging it officially, but that doesnt mean that I havent figured it our for myself. I have figured it out for myself, and I realised that I am doing something wrong, which is why I am asking for help. I am sorry If my diary doesnt show you enough information, but I think I have given a lot of information in my entry, and I would be just grateful on some tips about how to up my calorie intake without eating too much carbs. And like I said, it is not that I am against carbs, I just figured out for my own body and mind, that I am lot of better off without eating carbs, cause I dont crave them anymore. Before I have been eating at least 2 slices of rye bread every morning and lunch + cheese, nutella or whatever else you can put on your sandwich, and I used to be a big eater at night, which would mean 2 plates of pasta at least. I know this is too much carbs, and I also never felt good, was always bloated etc. So I probably have to find my own balance, and I believe that it takes some while to figure out what your body really needs, but I would be happy about some advice from someone who has maybe been in a similar situation or understanding my problem. I will try to log my diary officially for the future, cause I understand that everyone here is trying to help. and that it is much easier if they have some information about the person they are trying to help. I still really appreciate your help, and as I said I will try to make it more transparent for the people that try to help me. But I still have an idea about what I am eating everyday and I can tell you that it hardly ever goes about 1000 kcal a day -.-
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am logging, I am not guessing. Just because I do not push the last button of complete the entry, doesnt mean that I am just guessing. I understand that it is hard to judge how I am eating if i am not logging it officially, but that doesnt mean that I havent figured it our for myself. I have figured it out for myself, and I realised that I am doing something wrong, which is why I am asking for help. I am sorry If my diary doesnt show you enough information, but I think I have given a lot of information in my entry, and I would be just grateful on some tips about how to up my calorie intake without eating too much carbs. And like I said, it is not that I am against carbs, I just figured out for my own body and mind, that I am lot of better off without eating carbs, cause I dont crave them anymore. Before I have been eating at least 2 slices of rye bread every morning and lunch + cheese, nutella or whatever else you can put on your sandwich, and I used to be a big eater at night, which would mean 2 plates of pasta at least. I know this is too much carbs, and I also never felt good, was always bloated etc. So I probably have to find my own balance, and I believe that it takes some while to figure out what your body really needs, but I would be happy about some advice from someone who has maybe been in a similar situation or understanding my problem. I will try to log my diary officially for the future, cause I understand that everyone here is trying to help. and that it is much easier if they have some information about the person they are trying to help. I still really appreciate your help, and as I said I will try to make it more transparent for the people that try to help me. But I still have an idea about what I am eating everyday and I can tell you that it hardly ever goes about 1000 kcal a day -.-

    I don't see anything at all in your log before today. There's no way you can have a good estimate of how much you're eating if you're not logging.
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    So where do you usually put your carbs during the day?
    Morning and lunch? I really like eating only a yogurt and berries as a breakfast, but it doesnt seem to be enough. I am always full afterwards, but I maybe could try to add some rye bread. And at lunch you always eat carbs? Like brown rice, whole wheat pasta or quinoa? How do you include carbs in your day without making it too little or too much? Would be grateful for some tips on that matter... seems like i can only do nothing or all, which is never a good way, I also know that...
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    So from may 23 to may 29 I logged all my food, and I found out that I am eating even less now...
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :)
  • Jennaissance
    Jennaissance Posts: 212
    Try skipping the bread and adding in some whole grains instead: quinoa, millet, kamut berries, oats, or kasha come to mind. Quinoa has a lot of protein. Millet is high in iron. Nuts and nut butters are a good choice, too: raw tahini, almond butter, raw soaked almonds and pine nuts. Eggs. Fresh, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Dried fruit is good for upping calories: since the water is removed, it's much more calorie dense. Tinkyada makes a nice rice pasta that you could substitute for the regular pasta you used to gorge on. Just don't eat it all in one sitting. :smile:
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I space carbs throughout the day. I eat the highest amount in the AM to give me me energy for my day and a decent amount again before my biggest workout. But I don't stay away from them, as complex carbs like whole grains are excellent, lasting fuel for your body.

    As for cals, mix a tbsp of nut butter in your yogurt (peanut/almond/etc), eat some cheese (i like string cheese), or have a PB&J. :) I like to make spinach and cheese quesadillas when I need extra cals!

    Good luck :)
  • Jennaissance
    Jennaissance Posts: 212
    I just saw you like eating yogurt. Try the full fat plain greek yogurt. It's about 230 calories, about half of them fat in a 8 ounce serving. You can mix it with your berries. It's delish!
  • MarikeH
    MarikeH Posts: 8
    Thank you guys so much!! :) Appreciate your help!