before and after

im really looking to lose 50lbs to start with and then work down of course!
anybody mind posting before and after pics?
including dates and what you did that helped?
much much! i need some motivation!


  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    Im too dumb to figure out how to post pics lol but you can see my before and after in my ticker. Plus I am down another 15 from the after pic so Im a little bit smaller than that. I started at 235, Am down to 165, my goal is 135, I am 5'2. I eat 1200-1500 cals a day and workout 5-6 days a week. Currently doing Insanity.
  • jscupp1016
    jscupp1016 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't know how to post pictures on here, but let me tell you something! Don't look so much at the scale, it doesn't indicate results. I lost in total since October 2012 about 30 lbs, which all in all doesn't seem like a huge amount. I was wearing a size 16 then and it looked tight. Now, I wear a size 12 and can button a 10 (but it doesn't look quite as good as the 12 just yet. Just because you can button it doesn't mean you should wear it!). Okay so that is like, what? How many sizes? Not only that but my body looks so much better. Advice.. take pictures of yourself and often. Sometimes you think you look the same, but you really do NOT! I took pictures every two weeks. Also, run! Get some good shoes.... seriously, you need good ones, and just start a little running routine. Not too much at first, a mile here a mile and a half there... like three times a week. Build it up! And strength. About 15-20 minutes if you can every day. You will notice results, you will love it. I just got myself into a bikini and I thought I would NEVER ever ever buy one ever. I did. Hot pink. You can do it, never give up! Don't beat yourself up, if you eat bad one day, try again the next. Every day, its the journey. Not the destination. :) Good luck!!!!!!!!
  • jscupp1016
    jscupp1016 Posts: 52 Member
    I should also tell you in October I couldn't even run a mile. Now I can run six without stopping and I signed up for a half marathon in October. You think you can't but deep down, our bodies can do anything! :) Also, I'm a big fan of Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution and her 30 Day shred (for the strength and toning).
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I don't have any pics but here is the timeline of how my weight loss has gone for me:

    October 2010 - 170 lbs (my heaviest)
    I began limiting my portions without tracking any calories and with very little exercise.

    February 2012 - 159 lbs ; to June 2012 - 145 lbs
    I joined MFP and started tracking calories according to their suggestions. I started exercising more. I completely transformed my way of eating - I began eating lots more vegetables, more whole grains, more fruits, etc. I also pretty much cut out any drinks aside from water and milk, and I began drinking green tea. I also cut out a lot of junk food (candy bars and such) and switched to dark chocolate as a healthier choice.

    June 2012 - September 2012 back up to 150 lbs
    I completely stalled out with MFP's suggested calories, and then I gained. I dropped off MFP and continued to eat healthy, but I ate more food. I maintained at 150 through the rest of the year until the holidays came around, and then...I went up to 153 lbs in a week.

    January 2013 - 153 lbs to 148 lbs
    I decided to get back on MFP. I did a week on MFP eating around 1200 again.

    February 2013 - 150 lbs
    After the big, frustrating stall out and gain from the summer before...I decided to lose weight in a more sustainable manner. I took the time to finally grasp what TDEE, BMR and NET Calories meant to my weight loss. I increased my calories to eat around my (sedentary) TDEE (1700ish), and then I slowly dropped down to a number closer to my BMR (1450ish) and began exercising again with a better understanding of how many NET calories I was ending up with at the end of each day after exercise (basically, eating exercise calories back).

    June 2013 - 141 lbs (current weight)
    Still taking the slow but steady way of losing weight. Currently cycling my calories through the week to have high and low calorie days (so metabolism doesn't get used to one thing) so long as my week of calories adds up to a .5 lb a week deficit, and so long as I never have a NET below 1200 on any given day.

    My advice...first, figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat between those numbers. This site is helpful:

    Try new healthy items you never thought you'd like or even think you hate...and if you still aren't a fan but know it's healthy, keep experimenting with it, you may come around to it. Cut out the foods you know are the absolute worst over-eating triggers for you. Keep moving. If you want to watch TV, march in front of the TV or get up and dance during every commercial break. Find some form of exercise that's fun for you, and keep at it. Set a time aside each night to plan your next day out so you'll already know what you're going to eat and can have a plan to stick to.

    Good luck!

    Oh, and limit your sodium, drink lots of water!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member

    330pds down to 229pds so far.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    No clue how to post pics on the boards but you can see my side by side pic on my profile. You have to choose to make the healthy decisions every day. You have to expect set backs, bad days and no movement on the scales. You have to be able to give up the mentality that the weight will come off over night and really put forth the effort to get fit. Losing weight is just as much of a mind set as it is a physical journey. Baby steps and one good choice after another and you will see the changes you want. Good luck on your journey. You can reach your goals!
  • twhite4550
    twhite4550 Posts: 25
    Nice pictures of motivation. Thanks and good luck to all of us. :smile:
  • crystalroselynn
    crystalroselynn Posts: 117 Member
    Wow you guys are too awesome! Good job... Greatttt job! I hope to be like you guys one day!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've lost fifty lbs in the last year. Here's a link. Feel free to add me or pm with any questions.
  • alxpitcher
    alxpitcher Posts: 4 Member
    My profile picture shows my forty pound weight loss. I would say that you need to find what works for you, take your time, if you're miserable you're never going to stick to losing weight.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    There's actually a Posting Pics Topic for those of you who don't know how to post pics.
    Its located right at the top of Success Stories, there's a thumbtack there Click the Link.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    See my profile pic. I teach Zumba two times a week. HIIT once a week and weight train twice a week. Easy breezy walks on other days! And log EVERYDAY good bad or ugly if I eat it Iog it!
  • crystalroselynn
    crystalroselynn Posts: 117 Member
    gosh you guys are inspiring! cant wait to go to a zumba class next week!
  • NessShockley
    NessShockley Posts: 5 Member
    You look amazing!
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