is there anyone on here with fibromyalgia ?

hi I have fibromyalgia which limits the exercise I can do, I just wondered if their was anyone els on here that has the same or similar condition ? I need all the help I can get and thought others may need help to knowing which exercise is best x


  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I, too have fibro. I find that when I exercise I feel tons better. At one time I had been on Lyrica and didn't like the side effects, including weight gain. Took myself off of it, started to eat healthy and drink lots of water, and started a walking program. I still have really bad days which I try to ignore :) Walking was a tremendous help. I walked so much that I started training and walked 2 half marathons. Now I do many types of exercise - pilates, yoga, 30 Day Shred and lots of gardening.

    What types of exercise have you tried?

    Oh - my boss has fibro too. He does better with exercise as well.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I have fibro and MS. Start off slow and easy. Listen to your body and increase activity and weight when you're ready not when what ever program you're doing tells you to. I started off super slow. Just doing Zumba on the PlayStation and riding the stationary bike. As I got stronger I added more to my routine. I added a weight training program and started off with three pound dumbbells. I am now doing heavy compound lifts and doing spin class. This process took a lot of time to work up to but it was well worth it. Keep going with whatever you're doing and take the time to build your strength. I thought there would be things I would never be able to do but that really hasn't been the case. I may have to modify something somewhat but I've been able to do most everything I've tried. The key is to remember that this is not a race and taking the time to build slowly will pay off in the end. I have noticed that exercise has helped with a lot of my sleep issues and some of my pain issues as well. It is frustrating at times for me because I want to be able to do everything and do it now, but having a chronic illness sometimes makes that an impossibility. Keep your chin up, have patience, and you will find you can do much more than you ever thought!! :happy:
  • BridgetMoans
    im new here - and also new to fibromyalgia.

    im struggling with exercise. put stacks of weight on -especially with amitryptline so now stopped it. still being sorted with doctors
    and medication so difficult to motivate myself but going to try hard.

    Ive been for a walk round town today and was in masses of pain, especially in hips and back and now all over pain.

    Im going to try to build up slowly with exercise but it is real difficult - your head says you can do it but your body tells you you cant.

    open to advice and tips.

  • ImCeltic
    ImCeltic Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I have had fibromyalgia for most of my life. I know that I need to get up and move when I am working at my desk. I take mini-breaks to stand and stretch. I want to try qigong because I have heard that it is good for this condition. I would also suggest low-impact aerobics such as water aerobics or elliptical workouts instead of walking if walks cause too much pain. The other thing to try is to go gradual with your workouts and slowly increase time spent exercising. I know it is hard to listen to my body, especially when it is a good day, because it is too easy to overdo things to make up for the hard days. But I am getting better at it. I take lyrica and cymbalta, and it has helped tremendously with pain levels. I know lyrica increases weight but I am determined to lose weight by tracking my diet and taking more time to cook healthy Mediterranean meals.
  • BikerChickAlice
    BikerChickAlice Posts: 36 Member
    Yes u have it, and working up slowly I now manage to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Some times are better than others but I try to not let it hold me back! Yesterday was a 2.5 hour bike ride. I have regularly done spin, swimming, kettle bells, strength training, C25K,lots of walking... Have to be balanced and not over do it (I tend to do that) but don't let it stop you don't what you want to
    Just work up nice and gradually!

    Zara x
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i have fibro
  • Tiffy_Pea
    Tiffy_Pea Posts: 49 Member
    I have fibro as well, and I definitely feel better when I exercise. I walk, ride my bicycle, do yoga and pilates, and do some strength training all at home. I find that if I exericse at home, I can more easily modify the impact of exercises. Movement and exercise definitely seem to help me though.