Anyone use Map My Walk?

Running is too hard on my knee and its kind of sad since I'm only 19. Wondering if anyone uses that app when they walk and would like to be friends on it and here


  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    I use mapmyride for when Im cycling (and sometimes walking to town)

    Its awesome.

    my i-thingey's battery life deteriorates rapidly though using it.
  • LadyOfTheRaven
    LadyOfTheRaven Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't personally used MapMywalk, but I am a cyclist and use MapMyRide. It is wonderful! It will track your distance and time, and will estimate your calorie burn. My co-workers also use the MapMyWalk and they swear by it.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I used the app for a while before I switched to Endomondo (most my r/l friends do challenges on it)
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    I use it but mine hasn't worked since I upgraded it. You can still add me same name as here.
  • claw0416
    I love the mapmywalk app..I like the idea of being able to still log my treadmill walks on there as well..It does not record them, bt I can manually log them so I still get credit for all the miles I did that week.. PM me..Give me your username..I will add you to my buddy list..I love doing the live walks too..
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    I use my Map my Run....almost every day. It has different settings for the different activities. I used it when I tried running and now use it for my biking! Love it! It lets me share my route/time with Facebook so I can stay accountable with all my famly and friends too!
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    I just d/l it this weekend and I love it...if you want to add me just message me and I'll give you my username
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Advantages of this over Runkeeper?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
  • claw0416
    ges of this over Runkeeper?

    I am not sure what Runkeeper is..To give you the pros and cons on both. All I can give is my opinion on the Mapmywalk..But even that one has its problems.. I like it, but I have never used another on to say it tops it..I just know this one is easy for me to work and understand. I wish it was linked to MFP, that would make it much easier for me to sync my walks and runs..One thing about the MFP, I have noticed is that if I am playing around with any of my other apps that require GPS at the same time, cts some of my time off of my walk..I can still talk on the phone, play music, get on here, things like that, but I have my GPS setting on for Facebook/twitter on and I get onto them, then MMW either stops or heck not sure what it does, but like a few weeks ago, I did an impressive 8 mile walk with kick butt time, my laps were down to 16-17in..Which for me is really good..Anyway, onceI finally stopped walking, it had only recorded that I walked 6 milies and I think my time was shortened too..I was really pissed! That was a bragging rights kind of walk..Anyway, the only thing I can think of that would make it shorten my time and distance was that I was on my twitter acount and facebook off and on the last 2-3 laps..But other than that issue, I like iit.. I can sync up with my friends and d live traking where we are walking at the same time in different places..join in on the challenges that others have made..look at other trails and walks that others have done and attempt to do them..And like twe weeks ago I was out of town and wanted some where to walk..I looked up the trails that had been recorded for that area on MMW and ended up finding a great park to walk at..
  • claw0416
    I use it but mine hasn't worked since I upgraded it. You can still add me same name as here.

    I was having touble with my upgrade too..I couldnot get it to load, it would get to the page then shut off..What I ended up doing was uninstalling it and reloading it..I think I had to do it twice, before it worked..But they have tweaked it since that may wanna try it again..
  • andrea_v2h
    I liked MapMyWalk, but then someone told me about RunKeeper. I like the RunKeeper app better (Android). It seems more user friendly and has a better interface. Both essentially accomplish the same goal, though, so it's really a matter of personal preference.
  • aprillynncrawford
    aprillynncrawford Posts: 1 Member
    I used to use Map my Walk but now I use Runtastic. you can use it while walking, running, hiking, cycling, or a number of other activities. You can also enter manual entries for things like treadmill. I have mine linked to my facebook so it posts my workouts and that gives me more incentive, but the main reason I switched to it was it syncs to myfitnesspal!!! I think its awesome that it will sync with this site so I don't have to worry about recording the workout. :happy: :happy:
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    April, I've been using Map My Walk for about a week now and I like it. How accurate is the calorie burned? today i walked 6 miles took me an hour and 27 minutes and the app said i burned 1100 calories, but I think that's a bit high. What do you think?
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I use MapMyWalk, MapMyRun, and MapMyRide depending on my activity (I know I could use the same app for all 3 but they are free and I like my FB posts accurate :) ). I also wear a HRM whenever I'm exercising. DO NOT TRUST the calorie burned estimate. It is always drastically overestimating my burn. Otherwise, I love all the apps. They keep track of my mileage and pace which is what I want them for!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I use map my walk and love it!!!!! I wished MFP would sync to it
  • sksmith1026
    sksmith1026 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started using map my walk and I wish MFP would sync as well
  • LouSteven
    LouSteven Posts: 10
    I LOVE MapMyRun...I have the same questions about the calorie burn numbers though.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I use map my run mostly for keeping track of distance (although I love that it gives me splits). I didn't know they had different versions for different activities, I use mine the same for walking and running.

    I haven't ever tried to facebook while I run because I"m sure that would result in disaster, but I"m usually running another couple apps (music or podcast and seconds pro) and it doesn't seem to have a problem with them...
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,464 Member
    I use MapMyWalk now exclusively and here is why. I bought a new fitness tracker/HRT etc. It is a New Balance Life trainer. So I go to my favorite walking trail that is 1 mile through steep gullys and gentle downhill terrain. So I set up my gizmo to Workout and start my walk. Well it says for a 2 mile walk my mileage recorded was 0.84 miles and I did 2293 steps, burned 307 calories in 32 mins. So I put on my good old manual pedometer, it said the 2 mile walk was 1.44 miles, 3158 steps burned 155 calories in 31 mins. So I used MapMyWalk and tracked my walk, said I did 2 miles in 35 mins (milage was spot on), time was somewhat off, by about 10 mins, said 180 calories burned. I take an average between my HRT and MapMyWalk and get my calories burned. I use both MapMyWalk and MapMy Ride. The ride app is the most accurate of the ride apps I have used before. I just wish all of the MapMy apps synced with MFP.