Need friends into serious bodybuilding

This request might sound awkward or weird, especially since my husband is a bodybuilder...but long-story-short, he's not the best support for me right now.....and part of that is my own fault for giving-up so many times for years, and he no longer takes me seriously....but I'm totally serious now.

Due to my husband competing in Bodybuilding competitions, I slowly took interest in Bodybuilding. After years of watching him and supporting him in getting ready for the competitions (cooking all the foods he needed...etc), now I feel passionate about a point that I hope to compete in a competition myself one day....though it will be years from now, as I need to lose another 90lb or close to it.

Especially because I have so much weight to lose, I'm afraid of the extra skin what would be left after I lose the weight...and I know toning my body/weight lifting will help minimize that. I would love to have some friends also interested in bodybuilding to motivate me and give me pointers. I just want to prove to my husband (and myself) that I'm capable of succeeding on my own.

Hoping to get some friends to help me in my journey...with the ultimate goal of standing on a stage one day competing as a or women, already successful or trying to get there like me...any knowledge of bodybuilding or major weight loss accomplished with bodybuilding would be a great help. :smile:


  • SaintChubbkins
    SaintChubbkins Posts: 5 Member
    Its exciting to see another woman into this, especially at the beginning stages. I'm kind of in the same boat, I've got lots of weight still to lose, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if I'll ever actually compete, but I'm really intrigued to attempt that kind of change. I've lost 75lb thus far and have probably 40 or so more to go, then I figure I'll work on building muscle and body recomposition. It'll be really nice to have someone with the same types of goals and around the same stage to commiserate with :D
  • melissa_sherm
    I am starting to do the same thing! Ladies, add me. I have about 30 more pounds to lose before i can really start building the muscle. my goal is to compete next year!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Another one in the beginning stages here. I'm planning to continue losing weight until October-ish and then start my first bulk/cut cycle. Hoping to compete in some sort of competition by summer 2015. Feel free to add me!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    I do want to go on 1-3 bulking cycles in the future when i am eventually done cutting.Add me if you like :)
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Not exactly bodybuilding but I'm competing in figure in October. Add me if you like. :wink:
  • victoriasnow
    victoriasnow Posts: 111 Member
    You can definitely add me! :) i am about 6 months into strength training, aspiring to compete by 2014!
  • nani035
    nani035 Posts: 1
    I have a lot of work to do myself as far as losing weight. Right now I've got a good 50+ lbs to lose before I can really start any type of bodybuilding, which I'm actually dying to do a bikini bodybuilding competition. I'm going to start Insanity tomorrow and start a clean diet as this is what has helped me drop my first 15 pounds. Always good to have a friend with similar goals so please feel free to add me :)
  • yuko120
    yuko120 Posts: 36
    I was actually thinking of doing bikini category first, then go to really depends on how my body looks after I lose the weight and muscle definition starts to show. I guess I will decide then how far I want to take it.
  • yuko120
    yuko120 Posts: 36
    Oh, and thanks everyone for your reply! I'm adding all of you guys. You all have great success so far, and all of you seem to ultimately have the same goal in sight. I feel really confident that you all will help me (and hopefully I can help you) reach my dream! :flowerforyou:
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I eat and train like a figure/bodybuilder but have no plans to compete...basically because I am flat chested and all of the female figure/bodubuilder competitors are well endowed (naturally or artificially) and symmetrical. Fell free to add me. :smile:
  • yuko120
    yuko120 Posts: 36
    I actually have seen some women not as 'full' up there in competitions (and I've been to many)...but I guess most women are able to fill their bathing suits pretty well (though MANY of them have unnatural I appreciate anyone with the same interest that can help me in my dream. Right now, I don't even care if I win...just want to have a body worthy enough to stand on a stage in a tiny bikini...and being able to feel confident and proud...not ashamed. :blushing:
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I eat and train like a figure/bodybuilder but have no plans to compete...basically because I am flat chested and all of the female figure/bodubuilder competitors are well endowed (naturally or artificially) and symmetrical. Fell free to add me. :smile:

    What is with that?? Some of these women just have these ridiculous stripper fakes and I just don't understand. I think a natural look is much more attractive.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Go to and join the will get help from people who are really into it and give great advice.
  • MsDrJuris
    MsDrJuris Posts: 41
    I LOVE lifting, although I don't bodybuild. :) Feel free to add me.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I'm not new to lifting, but I'm getting back into it after years of not doing a whole heck of a lot. I'd be happy to be friends. You can be MY inspiration to keep lifting, too!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I eat and train like a figure/bodybuilder but have no plans to compete...basically because I am flat chested and all of the female figure/bodubuilder competitors are well endowed (naturally or artificially) and symmetrical. Fell free to add me. :smile:

    that's not entirely true. I'm natural and know others who are also natural, i.e. flat chested. I just use "chicken cutlets" to help fill me out a bit when I compete and do photo shoots.
  • yuko120
    yuko120 Posts: 36
    Nothing wrong with that! Everyone competing should be proud of their bodies no matter what. I am going to really work hard to get on that stage one day. =)
  • urbliss777
    urbliss777 Posts: 48
    Female Bodybuilders Any levels please add me! I need more ppl who train, on my Myfitness pal. I have been eating more clean in general. Some days I do eat bad though, I was to eventually not eat bad. Planning in competing next year In Bikini, if I have the money and confidence.