Question about goal weights



  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    I chose my goal based on the weight that I used to be which suited me the most (not too big or too small)

    That means that my goal is 140 lbs (10 stone) and I am 5ft 8. This should make me a UK size 10. I cant go much smaller than this without looking boney.
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    Started with a goal of 100 lbs lost, then moved it to 200 lbs lost. As I steadily approach the 200 and with a date goal by the end of the year, I'm starting to think about when I hit that goal to extend it to the upper limit of the US Army official weight for a person of my height and age and gender. That would make it 230 total.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm not overweight and I have a reasonable body fat percentage. I consider my goal weight range to be anything between where I am now and my lowest weight in college and in my 20s. It's not a firm goal, because it would be very hard to lose another 8 to 10 pounds and maintain it. I'm reintroducing exercise, so I'll see.

    When I was young, people didn't routinely estimate their body fat percentage and the only method was calipers, which require expertise. My body fat percentage is usually around 19, and very rarely, 16. I would be delighted to get it down to 15 to 12, but I doubt that will happen. I would have to have an athlete's dedication and it's not worth it to me right now, and probably never will.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I used BMI first, then got my body fat calculated and figured a healthier number using that (, depending on how much body fat I want... My goal is still under the number it gives me but I can always adjust when I get closer.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I was my happiest at 125 lbs, so that's how I chose my goal weight.
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    Around 6 years ago I went from 210 to 141 in 6 months and people kept stopping me and asking if I was O.K. as I looked so thin. My next door neighbours husband just kept telling me to gain a few pounds as I looked dreadful. I am just 5'4. This time I've set my goal weight a bit higher and will decide when I get there if I want to loose any more.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    I agree with the opinion that BMI isn't everything! I am at my BMI and I am still chunky around my mid-section and thighs. It is all about image and self esteem for most people who are in the healthy range. Yeah I am considered healthy, but I don't want to consistently buy jeans that may fit my thighs but are squeezing the crap out of my stomach!

    My advice is to have realistic goals for your body, if your healthy awesome! If you want to get toned, go for it! Just cause a person may be 120 pounds doesn't mean they shouldn't consistently manage their weight and calorie intake. Exercise is forever, so find something you love to do and stick with it! Or change it up if you are bored. In the end, it's all about how good you feel about yourself.
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    I am 5'5'' and weight 217. I started at 237. My initial goal weight was 120. However, I went to a weight loss clinic and had a body composition test done. it showed that I had about 110 pounds of lean muscle. Upon seeing this, the doctor recommended that I set my goal weight at 150 instead. So 150 is my new goal.

    You can do your own body composition test using a tape measure to find the 3 values you can enter on the check in page of myfitnespal. Here is a calculator site:

    It is reasonably accurate for me compared to the test I got at the clinic. It also gives you an idea of how much you should try to lose, from which you can calculate a goal weight. It told me today I should lose about 61 pounds, which would put me at 156, close to the goal weight my doctor worked out for me.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I got a reliable body fat measurement (via Bod Pod) done to find my lean body mass. I divided LBM by .8 to see my weight at 20% bodyfat (the top end of "healthy" for men). When I get to this weight I'll take another Bod Pod analysis and reassess if I want to shoot for 15-18 percent body fat pct.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I got my goal weight from the BMI chart which will put me in a healthy weight. Once I get near that weight I will figure out better what I want my weight to be. Its just a starting figure.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I set a goal of what a doctor told me years ago I should weigh for my height. It works out to be in the middle of healthy BMI range, but I'll reevaluate when (if) I get there. To be perfectly honest, though, I just want to weigh less than my sister, who made some very rude comments about my weight the last time I saw her.
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    Like a lot of people, my first goal is the highest end of my healthy BMI and my final goal (for now!) is in the middle and was chosen pretty randomly since I've never been that weight as an adult.

    I also found the Self magazine "happy weight calculator" helpful; you answer a few questions about your family's weight, your frame and height and it gives you a number. It might not be all that scientific, but if you're looking for a number to shoot for it does give you some guidance!
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    My goal weight is based on a previous weight. It's when I felt my best and had the most energy. I'll reevaluate once I get closer, but I'll probably keep it close to that.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I know t.hat 130lbs on my 5'7" frame makes me looke anorexic and sickly (I floated between 120-130lbs throughout my high school career) and at 165lbs currently, I am not fully satisfied with how I look though my confidence has sky rocketed since beginning this journey at 192 lbs and 3 months post partam with my 2nd surrogacy pregnancy. So, the "magic" number for me is 155 lbs. When I reach this goal by August, I can no longer loose weight as I will be pregnant again with my 3rd surrogacy pregnancy. So this is how I have chosen my goal weight.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have a target weight in mind (150-160lbs). I was that size in high school. Now most people say high school weight is unrealistic - however - I wasn't super skinny back then either.

    Given said info - as I get close to my goal weight it will not be about a number, but about how fit I am and how good I feel

    <edit> I am also 5'7 with a larger bone structure
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I used this site here:

    I put in my height and looked at REAL women at a variety of weights. It was eye-opening in that I realized my initial goal weight was too low.
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    I picked my goal weight based on my pre-uni weight but I'm actually reconsidering now because all the exercise I have been doing has toned me up to an extend where I am actually relatively happy with how I look compared to the flabbier me 6 months ago. I don't think the number should be set in stone, if one day you look at yourself in the mirror and think "wow, this is paying off, I sure look fabulous now" then start thinking about a maintenance plan. It's just a number after all, it's how you feel that really matters.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    When I was in college I lost about 60lbs. and felt great. I don't think I ever got below 160; I felt good. I am going for that same weight.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I was big in high school and got fed up with it my senior year, so I dropped down to 140 (was 5'6" at the time, now 5'7"). I was pretty happy at 150; it's a bit higher on the normal side, but when I was 140, everyone commented that I looked too thin. It's not a 100%-set-in-stone goal, but I figured it's a good start.