

  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    That's a really low calorie intake. Pretty low protein intake, too.

    ...Ahh. Alright then.

    Well I don't know what you want me to tell you. At your weight and that calorie intake, you must be basically sedentary all the time. That's going to below your BMR unless you're over 50.

    If you actually wanted any specific suggestions, open your diary so I can see what you're eating.

    So, you know how tall I am?

    Just estimating using the formulas. The taller you are for a given weight, the higher your BMR is going to be. If you were, say, 40 years old you would need to be about 4'6 or shorter for your [calculated] BMR to be under 1300. Maybe you're 4'6, I dunno.


    As for saying you don't know what I want you to say... don't worry; you just said it. You don't know.

    Are you posting here just to argue and derail this person's thread? I was posting relevant scientific information about sodium intake levels. You asked me for recommendations about your sodium intake, which led to a discussion on your diet. I thought you were asking questions for information or learning, but now it looks like you were just trying to argue?

    I said many times I don't know anything about your diet. I was trying to help you since you were asking me for help. I said that you could open your diary if you wanted specific recommendations or comments.

    So I'm not sure what any of this is about anymore. Your extremely low sodium intake has been scientifically linked to insulin resistance and mortality via several peer-reviewed scientific studies. It is irresponsible to recommend that people decrease their sodium intake to such low levels.

    If you want recommendations, open your diary and we can talk. If you just want to go back and forth until you feel justified in your extremely low sodium intake because you think you made the guy saying it's bad look like a fool, then I'm not really interested.

    I was not actually asking for help, I was asking for a recommendation in a pretend situation where I would want to add sodium into my diet with my current calories and macros.

    And I'm not scared of "looking like a fool", this is a internet forum mate, not a child prodigy contestant.
    I can post far more foolish stuff without being scared of "looking like a fool". I think I'd go as far as I would be happy to post completely retarded crap if I so felt like, without feeling any sorts of fear of how other people perceive me as... Because this is an internet forum and as far as I am concerned, only the NSA will be interested in anything I actually write here.

  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    That's a really low calorie intake. Pretty low protein intake, too.

    ...Ahh. Alright then.

    Well I don't know what you want me to tell you. At your weight and that calorie intake, you must be basically sedentary all the time. That's going to below your BMR unless you're over 50.

    If you actually wanted any specific suggestions, open your diary so I can see what you're eating.

    So, you know how tall I am?

    Just estimating using the formulas. The taller you are for a given weight, the higher your BMR is going to be. If you were, say, 40 years old you would need to be about 4'6 or shorter for your [calculated] BMR to be under 1300. Maybe you're 4'6, I dunno.


    As for saying you don't know what I want you to say... don't worry; you just said it. You don't know.

    Are you posting here just to argue and derail this person's thread? I was posting relevant scientific information about sodium intake levels. You asked me for recommendations about your sodium intake, which led to a discussion on your diet. I thought you were asking questions for information or learning, but now it looks like you were just trying to argue?

    I said many times I don't know anything about your diet. I was trying to help you since you were asking me for help. I said that you could open your diary if you wanted specific recommendations or comments.

    So I'm not sure what any of this is about anymore. Your extremely low sodium intake has been scientifically linked to insulin resistance and mortality via several peer-reviewed scientific studies. It is irresponsible to recommend that people decrease their sodium intake to such low levels.

    If you want recommendations, open your diary and we can talk. If you just want to go back and forth until you feel justified in your extremely low sodium intake because you think you made the guy saying it's bad look like a fool, then I'm not really interested.

    I was not actually asking for help, I was asking for a recommendation in a pretend situation where I would want to add sodium into my diet with my current calories and macros.

    And I'm not scared of "looking like a fool", this is a internet forum mate, not a child prodigy contestant.
    I can post far more foolish stuff without being scared of "looking like a fool". I think I'd go as far as I would be happy to post completely retarded crap if I so felt like, without feeling any sorts of fear of how other people perceive me as... Because this is an internet forum and as far as I am concerned, only the NSA will be interested in anything I actually write here.


    Oops, just realized I read your reply wrong.
    But lets treat this as a portrayal of how I normally take in thigs in that I read on this forum. For good reasons.

    On another note, gonna have some ice cream now. You should do that too!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    On another note, gonna have some ice cream now. You should do that too!

    I had a pop tart ice cream sandwich last night for dessert. I just picked up some Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream for later tonight.

    In all seriousness, unless you have a medical condition that you're being treated for, you should seriously consider upping your sodium intake.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I'm afrad you're not eating as well as you think you are. You're very high on carby and sugary processed foods and generally low on protein. It's not just the quantity of calories you eat, it's the quality. Check out this Scientifi American article on an excellent study on this issue:
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    On another note, gonna have some ice cream now. You should do that too!

    I had a pop tart ice cream sandwich last night for dessert. I just picked up some Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream for later tonight.

    In all seriousness, unless you have a medical condition that you're being treated for, you should seriously consider upping your sodium intake.

    Never had a pop tart!

    And thanks for the tip but I'm ok as I am :)
    Naturally, if my health suffers in any way, I shall reconsider immediately. It's just that currently eating this way is making my body very happy!

    If your body requires a lot of sodium to be happy... you should continue as you are!
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    LOWER the Carb intake. RAISE the Protein intake. You're not getting that much Protein and most of the calories from Protein are burned off by the body, whereas if you don't burn up all your carbs, they get stored as fat. Protein will also make you feel fuller between meals. Hope this helps.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I would make sure that your intake and burns are as accurate as possible.

    Weigh anything that isn't prepackaged. Put in a more reasonable number for your burns, Jonnythan was 100% right in his explanation.

    Once you are sure that your numbers are accurate, follow it for a month and see where you're at.

    What you eat doesn't matter as much for weight loss, but do try to eat a balanced diet for general health. Your protein is really low, you should probably up that.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You should eat more fresh produce and protein, and cut back a little on the sugar and over-processed stuff. Also, don't use the HRM for lifting, you can add it in your diary under cardiovascular as "strength training" for the calories burned and add it as Strength Training to actually list the exercises and weights performed.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    On another note, gonna have some ice cream now. You should do that too!

    I had a pop tart ice cream sandwich last night for dessert. I just picked up some Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream for later tonight.

    In all seriousness, unless you have a medical condition that you're being treated for, you should seriously consider upping your sodium intake.

    Never had a pop tart!

    And thanks for the tip but I'm ok as I am :)
    Naturally, if my health suffers in any way, I shall reconsider immediately. It's just that currently eating this way is making my body very happy!

    If your body requires a lot of sodium to be happy... you should continue as you are!

    The research is showing that the first "event" that results from a very low sodium diet is often a fatal heart attack. It's not like you would have warning.

    There's no reason to eat such low sodium.
  • kursplode23
    see what happens if you move your macros to 35% protien, 35% fat 30% carbs and pick better carbs like brown rice, fruits in the morning, and oats , for fats think avacodo nuts, oils that go on your salads (olive,flax,grapeseed and im forgetting one) and good protein sources like chicken, beef and fish, eggs and good old fashioned milk

    this works out to about
    135g C
    157g P
    70g F
    in an 1800 cal day

    track your cardio but dont track your weightlifting, it is literally impossible to track calories weightlifting without some heavy diagnostics.

    try it for a week or so , but really its just something to try you gotta move your macros around till you find whats right for you
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    On another note, gonna have some ice cream now. You should do that too!

    I had a pop tart ice cream sandwich last night for dessert. I just picked up some Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream for later tonight.

    In all seriousness, unless you have a medical condition that you're being treated for, you should seriously consider upping your sodium intake.

    Never had a pop tart!

    And thanks for the tip but I'm ok as I am :)
    Naturally, if my health suffers in any way, I shall reconsider immediately. It's just that currently eating this way is making my body very happy!

    If your body requires a lot of sodium to be happy... you should continue as you are!

    The research is showing that the first "event" that results from a very low sodium diet is often a fatal heart attack. It's not like you would have warning.

    There's no reason to eat such low sodium.

    PM me your address and I'll add it to the list of "People to invite to the funeral".
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i'm just chiming in to agree that a lot of your exercise burns seem really high, that plus the occasional day going over could very possibly be the cause of your stall.