Good news and bad news......

Well I just found out I'm pregnant. I'm excited but very nervouse. This is my second pregnancy and I gained 75lbs during my first.

I've been on MFP for I guess 6 to 8 weeks. I started to lose and then have just been slowly gaining or just hanging in the same. I now know that my lack of will to exercise is due to me being pregnant I'm so tired. My lack of will power to stop snacking late at night and eating un healthy snacks is my own fault.

I'm just worried about gaining 50lbs or more during this pregnancy. I want to be happy not sad.


  • mandyreadsbooks88
    This is the most important time ever to stay healthy! For your baby and yourself! This is where you need to be. Don't give up
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Second - you should work something out with your doctor. Find out what exercises are good and what kind of weight you should maintain. See pregnancy as even more motivation to eat healthy! Your baby is craving some pretty crazy stuff because he's probably not very aware of calories or nutrition, haha! Maybe you can even get a referral for a good nutritionist that will give you calorie goals and meals that are realistic for pregnancy :)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Keep moving and do things different this time. Eat healthy and Move. YOu will feel better and the weight will come off fast after the baby is born. If I only knew now what I know I definatly would have done my pregnancy different that is for sure. Head up stay healthy and remember what you put in your mouth goes to your baby. The heathier you are the better the pregnancy should be.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Congrats! That's awesome news! It is important to eat healthy and stay active! There should be no reason once the baby is born to get back on track with losing weight but for now, healthy is the most important!

    There is a forum on here for Women who are Pregnant or TTC, it's very encouraging, answers questions and gives great advice!
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    Congratulations! I have heard of people who have lost unhealthy weight while pregnant because they started eating right and exercising. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Congrats on your baby news. I understand you being nervous, however unless you are sick, you can still work out.

    I know we tend to eat more than we need to when pregnant, and say we are eating for two, I know, I have two kids, however we only need a couple hundred more calories per day when pregnant. Try and see if your doctor can work something out for you menu and calorie wise and try and stay healthy

    Deffinitely try getting excercise in, that's something you can deffinitely do, unless doctor advices you otherwise

    You can do this, you will gain weight, but if you eat healthy and exercise, it wont be that bad

  • Estrie123
    If you can afford it, go purchase the workouts for pregnant women. Also, the eatting for 2 is a myth but Im sure your allowed a bit more calories since your body is going to grow a baby. Need to do some research on the calorie intake of a pregnant woman.

    If you continue to exercise and stay healthy, the delivery will be much easier and so will your recovery. I made sure to do a little something when I was pregnant with my daughter (she is 2 now) and I was in labor for only 5 hours. With my son, I would walk everyday but not on weekends. Weekends were my time. I'll be honest though, your gonna gain weight just because your pregnant. But if you stay healthy, your body will be more in shape and you wont have a hard time continuing the exercise after you have the baby.

    This should be a wonderful time for you. Try to enjoy it, continue to eat healthy, exercise, and Im sure you will do just fine. :bigsmile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    eat healthy, and go for lots of walks. This will give your baby what it needs and make it easier not to gain a ton and also make it easier to loose the pregnancy weight. Stay on here and continue to track your food and exercise, just focus on being healthy not the weight. Keep us updated on how your pregnancy is going
  • rmwilliams0519
    Thank you to everybody for keeping my head focused in the right direction.