week one..new to MFP

JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Joyce, II started dieting in Jan with 5 other ladies from work, we weigh in every Friday, I have last 50 so far. Last Monday I started MFP, I love being accountable to something other then friends, my friends and hubby loves me no matter how much I weigh, but I have to love myself. From Monday to Friday I lost 1 pound I was very happy with that, I would rather see any amount of weight lose then a gain. Last night while watching tv I put all my snack foods in ( grapes, carrots, cherries, wheat crackers) snack size bags, hubby thought it was funny, he ask whats to stop you from taking more then one bag at a time, told him I would stop me, have to be accountable I told him. This isnt my first round at losing weight for me losing the weight is the easy part its keeping it off is the hard part. I work out 5 days a week but after awhile I get burnt out and stop everything, but before I was alone now I have friends dieting with me so maybe this time it will be different. I want to lose 30 more pounds by Dec. I am having some surgery in Dec and have to have my weight down by then ( my choice not the Dr's). Have a great weight lose week.


  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    good for you!! I love the idea of going ahead and putting the snacks in baggies. I need to do to that for a couple of days at a time. I joined last week and I've lost 5 pounds. My goal is 20 pounds by Halloween and 30 by Thanksgiving. My ultimate goal is much higher but I'm just shooting for the smaller goals for now. Add me to your friends if you want to.
  • Hi Joyce!

    My name is Lindsay. I lost a lot of weight with Weight Watchers in college but gained it back (plus some). I had some thyroid issues, so in 2008 I was finally starting to lose weight - and I got pregnant! My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl in July 2009. Right after I had her, pounds just melted off....for a while. Then, I was eating more calories to breastfeed, and it slowly came back. My husband and I started dieting together again last week. I lost 2 lbs the first week, my husband lost 8.5.

    I really want to lose 100 lbs overall, but right now, I want to get down about 40 lbs before I get pregnant again....and we're hoping to start trying at the beginning of the year. Snacking is really my downfall - when I have snacks at work and they taste good, I have trouble controlling my portions! I also have trouble working out - my husband and I are on pretty opposite schedules, so I"m either commuting, at work, or at home alone with my one year old. I play with her, but never have time to make it to the gym!
  • Hi everyone! I just ordered my kit yesterday and am so pumped up and excited....ready to start now! :smile: You have all been a great inspiration to me.
  • Hi Everyone, I am also new to this, it is my first full week and i have lost 3 lbs. My husband is also doing this and he lost 7, but i know men lose weight faster and easier then women, so i am celebrating every pound lost!! One pound lost is better than one pound gained!!!! I think I have watched to many reality shows where they lose double digit numbers per week and i wanted to see those numbers for myself but i realize that is unrealistic, i have a 10 year old and a 1 year old to keep me busy so i can only spare about an hour a day for a walk . This program is great for me it helps me be accountable for everything i put in my mouth, i tend to OVER indulge, so i am also using the snack size bags, i love them, they really help me! I also have bought the 100 calorie packs of popcorn and different things just in case i feel a big snack craving i can have something on hand. Whenever i start to feel hungry i drink a big glass of water FIRST, that helps with my hunger and craving and it keeps me on track to get 8 glasses of water in a day!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Everyone glad to meet my cyber space weight loss partners :). I am new to Fitness Pal and was introduced to the program my a co worker who wanted me to see if it would help me with my weight loss goal so here I go.
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