Heart Healthy Ideas

Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
I am in need of some suggestions for good heart healthy cook books! My sister has just treated for congestive heart failure so we need some new recipes and good food ideas that would be low in sodium and fat!

Thanks for your help!! :smile: Sharon xxx


  • SarahAbbey
    SarahAbbey Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your sister's CHF. Have you tried looking to see if the American Heart Association has any meal planning resources?
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    Your sister should ask for a referral to a Dietitian. Or look into the DASH diet.
  • vaironika
    vaironika Posts: 36
    I am sorry about your sister, i really hope everything gets better with time. Its also great that you are taking action to care for her. I would recommend you look at the eat clean diet cookbook, you can check it up online. Also my favorite life changeing book is called the beauty detox solution by Kimberly Snyder. She basically recommends low fat, only eating a good serving of heart healthy fats, and eating an overall natural diet that cleans up your insides and leads to great health for your overall body.