Arm fat!!

Okay, so this is weird, but the part of my body I am most self conscience over is my arms and how flabby they are! Even when I was at my lowest weight, my arms were still huge.

How do you guys get rid of arm fat?

Does the Shake Weight work? Has anyone tried it? I have one, but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time.

I don't have access to a gym so please don't suggest that.



  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    I am embarassed to say that I fell for the Shake Weight nonsense. I donated it to charity, LOL. Everytime I had company, they would chuckle when they would see it among my weights and workout dvd's. What has been working slooowly, but surely is cleaning up the diet and total body workouts, as you cannot spot reduce. You can do tricep dips and such to tone, but what will get rid of the flab is a good clean diet. I have been 'blessed' with the batwings as they run in my familly. So, sadly, genetics plays a part. Surgery is the last resort, but we are not celebrities with endless bank accounts, so I am guessing this is not an option. Stick with a good workout routine, and healthy diet. I got rid of the 'whites' such as flour, pasta, rice, etc. There is still jiggle, but I have 27 pounds to lose to make it to my 100 pound weight loss. Don't get the shake weight. It's a goofy contraption.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Small calorie deficit is best to lose the fat, and sadly it comes off where it wants to come off (mine tends to linger on my tummy and butt :tongue: ). But you can do pushups and exercises with weights as well, to help those muscles look awesome as the fat comes off!

    I work in a thrift store, and two things that are donated on a fairly regular basis are shake weights and thigh masters! :bigsmile:
  • ladyhaelstorm
    While you can't spot reduce fat, I would focus on strength training targeting your arms along with regular cardio for general fat loss. When working your arms, you should focus on your triceps (back of arm) more than your biceps. Google "triceps workouts" or something of the like and you will find examples of exercises such as Tricep dips and Tricep push ups. Some rely on body weight, others require weights. Best of luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Nike Training Club app - it's free, and it's awesome. If you've got a smart phone and some dumbbells, get it. Heaps of workouts from 15-45 minutes, with lots of variety.

    I've been alternating three days of Nike Training Club workouts with three days of running for over a year with great results. Well, that and eating well, plenty of water and good sleep! Best results I've had with the fat loss has been since I started eating according to the info here:
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    doing arm exercises is a waste of time. i don't get people who in one breath say you cant spot reduce, then say to do arm exercise.. bla.

    fat comes off with calorie deficit. muscle is retained through exercise. focusing on arms is stupid because they are small low calorie burn muscles. your time is better spent on full body compounds. works far more muscles and burns more calories and is overall better for health.
  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    Okay, so this is weird, but the part of my body I am most self conscience over is my arms and how flabby they are! Even when I was at my lowest weight, my arms were still huge.

    How do you guys get rid of arm fat?

    Does the Shake Weight work? Has anyone tried it? I have one, but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time.

    I don't have access to a gym so please don't suggest that.

    THANKS!! :)

    "Flabby arms" are the result of too much subcutaneous body fat over the arms (which you can't spot reduce) and too little muscle in the upper arms. You need to reduce your overall body fat percentage while getting extra muscle in your upper arms, and it doesn't take much. If you have a dumbbell (or a bag you can fill with heavy things like books, etc), you can use it to do bicep curls and triceps extensions to directly train the muscle. Your target weight should be something you can lift fewer than 10 reps for 3 sets, and you really want to focus on experiencing a contraction in the muscle.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Calorie deficit, strength training, and if you want, some cardio on your off days from strength. You can do some body weight strength training since you don't have access to a gym. Check out, and You Are Your Own Gym.
  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    doing arm exercises is a waste of time. i don't get people who in one breath say you cant spot reduce, then say to do arm exercise.. bla.

    fat comes off with calorie deficit. muscle is retained through exercise. focusing on arms is stupid because they are small low calorie burn muscles. your time is better spent on full body compounds. works far more muscles and burns more calories and is overall better for health.


    Arm exercises won't spot burn fat off the arms, but without muscle underneath the reduced subcutaneous fat from diet/cardio/compounds, the arms still won't be tight.

    "Toned" arms are the product of heavy resistance training for the bicep/triceps and overall training/diet to drop your overall bodyfat levels.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Okay, so this is weird, but the part of my body I am most self conscience over is my arms and how flabby they are! Even when I was at my lowest weight, my arms were still huge.

    How do you guys get rid of arm fat?

    Does the Shake Weight work? Has anyone tried it? I have one, but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time.

    I don't have access to a gym so please don't suggest that.

    THANKS!! :)

    Try DVD workouts, like J.Michaels 30DS, Ripped in 30 or No More Trouble Zones. You need your own body weight and some hand weights. She does a lot of arm and compound exercises, so this may be a good and different option for you.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Yoga...seriously, it does wonders for the arms. Also pilates!
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    As said by others lower your BF and it will eventually come off. That said Triceps extensions did wonders for me... no more jiggly bits on the back/underside of my arms!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I have your problem, my arms hold weight terribly, I lose in my face, then my waist, and my arms... nada :p I know it will come off eventually though :grumble:
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    If you have a man at home you won't need the shakeweight.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Okay, so this is weird, but the part of my body I am most self conscience over is my arms and how flabby they are! Even when I was at my lowest weight, my arms were still huge.

    How do you guys get rid of arm fat?

    Does the Shake Weight work? Has anyone tried it? I have one, but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time.

    I don't have access to a gym so please don't suggest that.

    THANKS!! :)

    "Flabby arms" are the result of too much subcutaneous body fat over the arms (which you can't spot reduce) and too little muscle in the upper arms. You need to reduce your overall body fat percentage while getting extra muscle in your upper arms, and it doesn't take much. If you have a dumbbell (or a bag you can fill with heavy things like books, etc), you can use it to do bicep curls and triceps extensions to directly train the muscle. Your target weight should be something you can lift fewer than 10 reps for 3 sets, and you really want to focus on experiencing a contraction in the muscle.

  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    If you have a man at home you won't need the shakeweight.

  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I have the EXACT same problem. My arms are the first place to get fat and the last place to lose it. I'm very self conscious about them -- well used to be. Since joining mfp and finally starting a heavy weight training program, my arms actually have some definition! There is still plenty of fat though, and I know I need to focus on eating better. So I agree with PPs on compound heavy lifts and clean diet.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    You can build you arm muscles up all you want, but they won't look toned until you lose the flab there already, to do this youhave to just lose weight all over, thats the only way.

    For building muscles, my kettlebell workours make my arms sore as all get out
  • PGG19
    PGG19 Posts: 63 Member
    this thread is great, I've solved this issue with calorie deficit and a small dumbell workout everyday for toning... adding myself to nerdFitness and adding triceps extensions to the dumbell workout. Thank you!
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    swimming, push ups, dips, planks....rowing/canoeing
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    doing arm exercises is a waste of time. i don't get people who in one breath say you cant spot reduce, then say to do arm exercise.. bla.

    fat comes off with calorie deficit. muscle is retained through exercise. focusing on arms is stupid because they are small low calorie burn muscles. your time is better spent on full body compounds. works far more muscles and burns more calories and is overall better for health.


    Arm exercises won't spot burn fat off the arms, but without muscle underneath the reduced subcutaneous fat from diet/cardio/compounds, the arms still won't be tight.

    "Toned" arms are the product of heavy resistance training for the bicep/triceps and overall training/diet to drop your overall bodyfat levels.
    you're not going to build muscle while losing fat.

    the object of lifting is to burn calories and retain muscle. focusing on arms are pointless to calorie burn as they are tiny muscles. that time is much better spent focusing on compounds like pushups and pullups that also work the arms. and burn far more calories. and give FAR greater benefits by being a compound movement that gives in general improved benefits over just working arms.

    there is zero reason ever for anyone looking to lose fat to do isolation movements on their arms. (outside specifically of bodybuilders) waste of time. /thread.