Losing 20 lbs

3 years ago... I put on weight... about 20 lbs. That I have been trying to lose for 3 years. I am getting so fed up. I don't feel energetic or good about myself. I am 5'7 and 142.5 lbs. I am 24. I would love to be 130, 125 or 120 lbs. I want to fit into a size 4 or 2.
I have experience losing weight, I took weight training while I was in school and regularly excercised. However, I am usualy doing all the wrong things... despite being active. Due to my diet, I'm not really losing weight.


  • jezebellle23
    jezebellle23 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! I am 33, 5'7" and currently 160-165# Its funny because you are where I want to get back to and then refocus and tone it in! I know I looked at little "sickly thin" when under 135#, well thats atleast what other people would tell me (i have a big rib cage and hip bones). So when I get back to the 140 mark its all about muscle and toning. I dont have any kids and I am fairly active, hiking, biking, yoga, yadda yadda, and completely GET the part where diet is to blame. Im a meat light eater, mostly fish and weaning away from chicken and what not. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE carbs. Mostly starches. Bread, fancy cheeses , potato in any fashion and of course wine LOL I know its not a starch but maybe I would embibe less if it were totally crap for you ( like beer and most other alcohols).

    Im also looking for that GF that I can work together with to have some accountability. Doing it alone is just not enough for me. I dont have many obligations aside from work and keeping a happy man and cat, so I am prone to letting myself cheat! I know those last pounds are a bear and I got a little on ya, but I think we might be able to help each other out.

    Im interested in sharing our lives. You get to know me (im hilarious by the way) and I get to know you. Maybe even text, share pics, motivate, plan healthy rewards when earned, and bring each other back to "THAT GIRL"!!! Im out of my bikini range, but god knows when the sun is out on the river, I still wear it with my fishing hat and pole in hand. Cuz hell.. you only got one life and I am white as can be LOL.

    Let me know if your interested and a little about you and we can see if we can KILL IT together! ;-)
  • rml1108
    rml1108 Posts: 7 Member
    Same boat here! A few years ago I went from 220lbs down to, at my lowest, 145. I am 5'3" and have gone up to about 160 where I have been for some time! I would say I am fairly active, I exercise about 5-6 days a week and mix it up with kickboxing, Zumba, weight lifting, and running but I can't seem to lose! I too love carbs but think I eat fairly well otherwise.... I could really use some suggestions, so if you have any let me know!