Going to do it this time!

Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
After realising at the start of the year that I weighed more then, than I did when I was at the end of my pregnancy with my daughter 9 years ago, something had to be done. I cut out the crap and lost 8lbs. Then a pretty bad asthma attack in February that put me in hospital made me realise that my weight is most definitely an issue because if I had weighed less and been fitter, I would not have struggled to breathe so badly. The Doctor confirmed what I already knew. If I carried on, my asthma would stay bad and I would be a strong candidate for diabetes which my Mother has too.

I have started the 5:2 diet simply because, despite my size, I don't eat much throughout the day but when I do eat in the evening, I consume the same as my husband and then snacks and then and then.....you pretty much know what I am talking about.
I realise that I need to eat more regularly and stop the snacks so I have embarked on a journey that I am hoping I will complete and not fail like I have done so many times.

I started back at the gym 7 weeks ago. I lost 5lbs the first two weeks and then stayed the same for the next 4 weeks. To say I was close to giving up is an under statement. In fact, 10 days ago, I cried most of the morning on and off cause I was trying so hard and still no weight loss. What's the point of exercising, eating healthy food, staying away from the alcohol and junk to stay the same weight, I could eat what I damn well wanted and stay the same weight so I had to do something that I think will work for me.

Two days a week, I fast. I have chosen to do Sunday and Tuesday and gotta say, I feel so good about myself that I have managed to stick to the fasting, the other 5 days, I am calorie counting because I don't want to ruin the good I have done over the 2 days. It means I get my treat everyday, don't feel deprived and look forward to adding up what I've eaten to see how close I am to my calorie intake of 1600 a day on no fasting days (much to husbands annoyance as I seem to continually have my phone in my hand scanning the barcode on everything and searching for foods not listed :-) )

l go to the gym 3 times a week too which has improved my breathing issues, I will always be asthmatic but the fitter I am the less attacks I am likely to have.

I have just weighed after the first week and I have finally had a weight loss of 3lbs! Feels good to see that weight come off with very little effort especially after staying the same for 4 weeks!

So, here I go on to week 2. Hoping to see some weight loss this week and feeling positive.


  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    Welcome! It seems you have made improvements to your quality of life already, right on! I just started the 5:2 a couple of days ago, so far so good. If you haven't taken measurements, I would recommend doing so; it has helped me in the past when the scale didn't move, but there was changes in measurements. There is SO much that can change when it comes to weight, one day you gain 2, next day you lost 4 lol.

    Well, here's to the new you! :drinker: Cheers and Good luck!

  • jennimc13
    jennimc13 Posts: 37

    I am doing the 5:2 diet too, I am just about to start my 5th week. The fast days arent so bad and so far the weight loss as been good too. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to share our journeys. Good Luck
  • devfam9257
    Will someone please tell me what the 5:2 diet is? And I wish you all the best!! :)
  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    Hey Dev here it is in a nutshell:

    5 days of eating as normal : 2 days of fasting (500 cal for the ladies)

    Presumed to have good long lasting effects (newer diet, so long term scientific backing is not available)

    Overall positive comments from those who have done it (or doing it).

    For me personally, it seems sound and has not caused any issues yet.

    Hope this helps and good luck in future endeavors!

  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for your reply.
    I really should take measurements but keep forgetting to buy a tape measure :-(

    Good luck to you on your journey too. I think the 5:2 is the way to go. Today is a fast day for me, must remind myself not to go shopping on a fast day, was so damn hungry when I was in the supermarket :-)

  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words. This site is great for inspiration and motivation.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member

    I am doing the 5:2 diet too, I am just about to start my 5th week. The fast days arent so bad and so far the weight loss as been good too. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to share our journeys. Good Luck

    Would like to add you as a friend, will work out how to do that lol (new to this site).
    Well done on completing 4 weeks. I am finding the fast days okay, just seem to be long days compared to other days :wink:
    Good luck to you too

  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    You've made such a positive choice in deciding to do something about your weight. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like; I'm a pretty active MFP user and I'm happy to offer whatever support I can.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Hello, I'm not on 5:2 diet but don't mind giving some support and motivation if you need it so feel free to add me. I'm only 2lbs from goal now so only losing 1-2 lbs a month right now, which is fine. I work out 5 days a week and enjoy my food so it's all good.
  • jennimc13
    jennimc13 Posts: 37
    shopping on fast days is hard! I try to avoid weekends for fasting, far to much time to think about food for me. thanks for the friend request, hope we can help keep each other motivated
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi and welcome :flowerforyou:
    I'm doing the 5:2 as well (today's a fast day and I think tuesday will be the next, but my days vary depending on my schedule that week). I think I'm on my 3rd week now, but I'm not entirely sure..
    Anyways, I count my calories on non-fast days as well (have mine set to lose 0.25 lbs a week), I go over quite often though but I know it doesn't really matter because as soon as I add all the calories from the week (mo-su), I net (so I subtracted the exercise calories) 1472 a day and I total (so with exercise not subtracted) 1582 a day on average (for this week). I had some 1800-2000 calorie days, as well as about 1500 calories worth of embarrassing, non-logged snacks lol.
    You can add me as a friend if you'd like, I can always use more friends to keep me motivated and to get some inspiration from :)
  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    shopping on fast days is hard! I try to avoid weekends for fasting, far to much time to think about food for me. thanks for the friend request, hope we can help keep each other motivated

    Bwahahaha! :bigsmile: Sorry, couldn't help but laugh on the shoppin on a fast day! I couldn't imagine walking through a market on them days. Not trying to troll or whatnot, but couldn't resist passing on the love.

  • dkrebsbach
    dkrebsbach Posts: 7 Member
    Don't get discouraged if you are not losing weight every week. I went for 3 weeks without losing anything, but I went shopping for new shorts and was pleasantly surprised to find I went from 36 inch to 33 inch. Then magically I started losing weight again. Plateaus are common.
    I haven't tried the 5:2 yet. I find that eating a light breakfast, light lunch and regular dinner keep the metabolism working.
  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    Good loss on the inches, I'd be more than happy with that kind of result! Good luck mate.

  • jennimc13
    jennimc13 Posts: 37
    Bwahahaha! :bigsmile: Sorry, couldn't help but laugh on the shoppin on a fast day! I couldn't imagine walking through a market on them days. Not trying to troll or whatnot, but couldn't resist passing on the love.


    hey troll ha ha...I try not to shop on fast days if I can help it! sometime needs must, trying to get more organised! :)
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Hello, I'm not on 5:2 diet but don't mind giving some support and motivation if you need it so feel free to add me. I'm only 2lbs from goal now so only losing 1-2 lbs a month right now, which is fine. I work out 5 days a week and enjoy my food so it's all good.

    Well done on losing the weight. I am hoping I am going to be saying 'only 2lbs off my goal weight' real soon!
    Awesome job.

  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Bwahahaha! :bigsmile: Sorry, couldn't help but laugh on the shoppin on a fast day! I couldn't imagine walking through a market on them days. Not trying to troll or whatnot, but couldn't resist passing on the love.


    hey troll ha ha...I try not to shop on fast days if I can help it! sometime needs must, trying to get more organised! :)

    :laugh: Not my best idea! My stomach started rumbling so loudly, am sure the person behind me in the queue thought it was thunder :ohwell:
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi and welcome :flowerforyou:
    I'm doing the 5:2 as well (today's a fast day and I think tuesday will be the next, but my days vary depending on my schedule that week). I think I'm on my 3rd week now, but I'm not entirely sure..
    Anyways, I count my calories on non-fast days as well (have mine set to lose 0.25 lbs a week), I go over quite often though but I know it doesn't really matter because as soon as I add all the calories from the week (mo-su), I net (so I subtracted the exercise calories) 1472 a day and I total (so with exercise not subtracted) 1582 a day on average (for this week). I had some 1800-2000 calorie days, as well as about 1500 calories worth of embarrassing, non-logged snacks lol.
    You can add me as a friend if you'd like, I can always use more friends to keep me motivated and to get some inspiration from :)

    I know, it's so tempting not to log the biscuit I had this morning cause I only ate half but it's still 30 calories. I have to log what I eat or I probably would eat way over my allowance.

    Good luck to you on your weight loss journey. Friendship requested :smile:
  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    There is actually a MFP 5:2 diet group if you want to search.
    I don't do 5;2 all the time as I work rostered shifts that have a monthly set pattern and can be from 3.5 t o12 hours in length and not a regular day off every week but when I reach a plateau, I will sit there for 2 weeks and if nothing happens, I look at my roster for the next week and make it a 5:2 week. For some reason this actually sets the ball rolling downward again.

    ^^ as an aside, no way would I go shopping on a fast day, my partner knows it is a fast day, as tummy gurgles/rumbles and makes every noise it can think of, but although I am not hungry on these days going into the supermarket would be emotionally challenging for me.^^ the same as it is when going grocery shopping when Hungry, Anxious (stressed), Tired, or Lonely. HALT to shopping then

    Cheers to all. Happy journeying, and may all the endings be smaller ones. :)