Looking for motivation and support!

Hi everyone! I realised recently that I had accidentally got fat and out of shape. This happened at the same time I turned 30, so it was a double blow to the old self esteem :o. I'm doing something about it though, I'm seeing a personal trainer once a week, joined a gym, and also joined a 12 week body transformation challenge being run by the gym. So I've got the exercise part sorted, but my weakness is my nutrition- My name is Sarah and I am a chocoholic. I know a lot of people claim to be chocoholics, but I think I'm one of the worst. Like I'll happily eat a family sized block of chocolate (Cadbury hazelnut, yummmmm) for breakfast, at 6am, with a glass of Diet Coke and not even think twice about it. I need all the help and motivation I can get! So please feel free to add me and help me stay accountable to myself, and stop eating like a kid let loose in a candy shop.

Ps if anyone else is doing a 12 week challenge please add me too, the challenge I'm doing has no online community and I am feeling a bit lonely.


  • hollygparr
    hollygparr Posts: 243 Member
    Doing some different challenges but you are welcome to add me :)
  • esme1983
    esme1983 Posts: 60
    Hi! I'm doing a 12 week challenge and I'm 2 weeks in. Just embarking on week 3. It's been a bit of a struggle but my motivation is skyhigh so I'm saving my complaining for when (inevitably) It gets really tricky!

    My tips are (depending on what your eating plan is and if it allows) switch to good quality dark chocolate and break it in to small pieces to wrap individually. Green and blacks also do very small "taster" bars which you could treat yourself to. Once you open a big bar it's so hard to stopisn't it!

    The other thing that I have found helpful is to follow loads of "body transformation" pages on instagram. If I ever feel like giving in I just hop on there and there will be an endless thread of motivational (sometimes cheesy!) photos and quotes that I find really useful.

    What I keep telling myself is that these 12 weeks are going to pass anyway, so what does it matter? At the end of it I will still be here, but will I be healthy, or unhealthy? Happy and proud, or disappointed and sad?

    Good luck!!!
  • Sarahmay03
    Sarahmay03 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! I'm just getting started on my week 3 too :)