30-something Newbie here just sayin' HEY!

I'm bustin' it to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred daily and will be followed in the next couple of months by 6 Week 6 Pack, Ripped, and Hard Body. My diet consists of 1200 calories per day. No potatoes or white bread. Lots of lean protein--chicken & turkey, fresh fruits & veggies, brown rice, and 100+ ounces of water per day. I need to lose about 30 lbs. I'm using the Polar FT4 to monitor my heart rate, calories burned, and time spent exercising. I'm going to start adding 30 minutes of cardio 3 days per week in addition to my workout. I'm pretty motivated and ready to get my thinner, FIT self back.

Wishing all of y'all the best of luck in your weightloss/getfit journey too!

Wanna know anything else, just ask. : )



  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm starting Body Revolution tomorrow! I did 30 day Shred before with great results. Good luck with your plan!
  • skelton82
    skelton82 Posts: 25 Member
    I ve done the 30 Day Shred a couple of times and found it great to get me started and motivated it helped me shift the first few pounds and inches I am now doing 30DS and on Day 4 of 6 Week 6 Pack which I am already feeling the burn in my abs with. Ive also set out my own Brazilian Butt challenge cause I cant do the squat challenge as I have grinding in my knees and the repetition over time causes inflammation so I am mixing Squats, Lunges, Touch Downs, Hip Raises, and Skater Pylos over 30 days. I started off just wanting to shift the extra stone that has been lingering the past year and stop lying to myself about being fat and happy. Now I am determined to get to my fittest state possible both physically and mentally.
    I am on 1200 cals a day but make sure I eat my burned calories and dont beat myself up if I go over. I was going to do the 5:2 diet but find I am to tired to work out properly and get all cranky the day after a fast cause my body is hungry. I have 10-12lb left to lose and expect it to take some time which is ok I intend to concentrate on muscle toning, core strengthening and balance.
    Hope your journey goes well too look forward to seeing your progress. xx M