1200 Calories when working 12 hr days



  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I work 24 hour shifts. Eating at work was a big problem for me. I did relatively well at home, but those shifts would kill me. I've started packing all of my meals and snacks. It lets me figure out my macro's/micro's before I ever leave the house. As for snacks, veggies are great but try adding some peanut butter with them. Almonds are also great. Cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese are all options too. I don't really worry about going over on my work days. I just add some exercise on my days off if I'm that worried about it.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I've had this problem before and I was told to eat more protein and fiber. I now eat a protein powder mixed with liquid and some eggs in the a.m. and it keeps me pleasantly full until lunchtime, sometimes even longer. I know I can't be at work and scramble some eggs, so if you're going to eat veggies/fruits, celery and peanut butter or yogurt. Also, mix some protein powder with water, that can do it, too. I know it's not much of a help, but I try :)
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    i work 3-5 12 hour night shifts. Maybe try breaking up what you eat. Example if you have a few snacks and then lunch on top of it break apart lunch and only have the main part of the meal and whatever accompanies it spread through out the day as well. I usually pack a bag of pretzels. or maybe even divide up popcorn into a few bags. And i always eat my activity calories.
  • MAYates80
    MAYates80 Posts: 1 Member
    I am not sure, but as you lose weight, if you reset your calorie goal, I think it will take off calories. This is similar to WW where you lose points as you lose weight. I was playing around with mine and even though I had set it back to lose 1.5 lbs a week, I had lost some weight and it took off about 40 calories.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Am I correct in assuming that you have MFP set to lose 2lbs a week? According to your ticker, you only have 20 or so to go, so I would suggest setting it lose 1lb a week. This will give you a higher daily calorie goal, while still being in a deficit to lose the weight.

    Thank you for the advise. I have changed to lose 1lb per week which has given me an additional 80 calories per day.

    how does it only give 80 calories? thought it was a 500 calorie deficit to lose a pound a week, if you had 2 pounds a week and change it to 1 pounds a week shouldn't it give you about 500 calories more?

    Honestly I'm not sure why it only gave me an 80 calorie increase but thats exactly what happend. I changed from losing 2lbs to losing 1lb per week and my dialy goal went from 1200 to 1280 so I eventually changed it back to losing 2 lbs.

    How tall are you?

    Just to let you know so you have a comparison, I am 5'3", have 16lbs to go and have it set to lose 1/2lb week. I net 1500 on average over the week and I'm still losing. I am a programmer so sat all day and most of the evening.
  • ddellner
    ddellner Posts: 58 Member
    Lots of great advice here. Thanks! one question every recommends eating nuts and I am allergic to nuts and peanut butter. I do eat some sunflower seeds. Does anyone have any other suggestions
  • I eat cheese when I want something that will fill my belly. You can buy single serving cheeses that are less than 100 calories.

    Would your job let you bring in an exercise ball? You could sit on that instead of a chair. You won't burn an excessive amount of calories but it will give you a few more. Enough for one more small snack. If you have moments at work where you can stand up and job in place that is an option too. If you google around you can find exercise ideas for desk jockies.
