Tracking Mileage....

workoutqueen628 Posts: 220
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I got a polar HRM a few months ago and I love it! Can't go a workout with it. Now I want something that will track my mileage when I am running outside. I saw that Nike makes a sport band that keeps track of mileage and it a pretty cheap price compared to garmin. What do you use and have found effective?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am cheap..
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    I also use

    I have the Nike+ sportsband, but it wasn't all that accurate. Good enough, but now that I wear my HRM, I don't want to wear a second watch. Especially since I can just pre-map a path online.

    Someday though, I want to bust out the big bucks for this:
  • moniapp
    moniapp Posts: 13 Member
    I use micoach a website and an Iphone app that syncs with each other, tell yo calories burned shows you your route, etc. Very good and free :)
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I use a Garmin 310xt. it is pretty pricey but it is worth it to me I love looking at all the data after a workout. I used mapmyrun on my iphone and the only problem I had was battery life. My phone would only last about 1.5 hours. My garmin lasts 20 hours and is waterproof.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Garmin 305. You can get them off Ebay anywhere from $125 to $175 and well worth the money.
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