Just curious how many members have cheat days??



  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I don't have cheat days or meals. I work everything into my day or week and indulge when I feel the need. Everything in moderation.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I don't have 'cheat days' but I occasionally have days where I eat over my goal, but I also have days where I'm under goal. I use the phone app to keep track of weekly totals and on Saturday and/or Sunday I like to eat over to take out some of my extra deficit. For example I ended last week 1034 calories under goal, after eating an extra 200 on Thursday and 200 on Sunday. This doesn't count exercise calories, which I don't eat back.

    Short Story Shortened: I eat what I want, when I want, and make it fit.
  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    Nope, no cheat days here ...

    I basically eat what ever I want and if I happen to go over on calories, I just workout a little harder to make up the difference.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I don't really have any restrictions on food...I just eat less. So I guess I don't really have the desire to cheat because I don't deprive myself of anything.
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    I plan a "cheat" night for Fridays. My husband and I have always gone out to dinner on Fridays....it is our "date night" :-) Now we kick back, eat our pizza, have some awesome sangria and plan out where we will ride our bikes on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I don't have planned "cheat days", as in, "I have been "good" for a week, so now I can binge on crap". But I do have days when I go over my cals a little or a lot (200-600cals), usually when I have a really good meal (think steak & baked potato, good Tex-Mex or Italian food). I don't worry about it, because an occasional day of eating over my cals doesn't negate weeks of eating at my caloric goals and exercising.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    The plan I followed for weight loss, alternate day IF, rotated between low calorie days and high calorie days, so i never had any desire to eat off plan. i think that's the main reason why I was so successful wih it-I only 'dieted' every oher day :)
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I did when I started
    Then I have them up
    Nowadays everyday is a chest day
    So I'm going to go back to having treat-days again
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I don't ever have them intentionally, but I live my life and I like to eat, so sometimes that means I go over. I try not to worry about it, and I try to keep my good days out weighing my "bad" days.
  • DuckieSteph
    DuckieSteph Posts: 43 Member
    I don't specifically have them on purpose, and try to eat as healthy as I can daily, but sometimes, stuff happens. I don't stress about it if my cousins bring over pizza and beer, or if we go out to a concert and eat bar food. Why? It balances out all of my hard work. As long as there aren't more cheat days than healthy days, and that you keep trying to better yourself, it's fine.

  • AnsiStar
    AnsiStar Posts: 165 Member
    I don't plan in advance for them unless there's an event coming up?

    Eg I have a bbq on the 6th July which I'm planning as a sort of cheat day so as to include alcohol and a couple of indulgences like a slice of cake maybe.

    But I can usually go without them. If I have no reason to have a cheat day I won't have one.

    After typing cheat day now I feel I don't like the phrasing though haha
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I allow myself a cheat meal once per week when my parents take me out for dinner to a nice restaurant. It is a family bonding thing, and I don't want to be the calorie-counting downer at the table when they are enjoying themselves. However, I do allow myself to cheat in small ways now and then whenever I just have the urge. Like a small amount of granola with a few chocolate covered coffee beans or pizza or something like that. I actually have always loved fruit, veggies, seafood, salad, etc. even without forcing myself to eat it, so it's not always too much of a struggle for me.
  • mdruif
    mdruif Posts: 13 Member
    I had a very bad cheat day on Saturday, worse then I have had in months. Usually I do not log my weekends. I went back in today and logged what I consumed. I also had a few drinks. Very bad results. It said if everyday were like today I would weigh 8.5 pounds more in five weeks. Lesson learned......No more cheats days like that!
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I have my cheat once a week at 1pm every Thursday, where I have 3 chocolate digestive biscuits, but WITHIN my calorie goal for the day and usually some exercise to balance it out. I have one big cheat meal once a month and all that means is that I have a burger and sweet potato fries or a pizza. I usually counteract that with a calorie deficit the day before and the day after with lots of exercise, so again, it balances out. As I've lost all the weight I need to, I keep my diary at 0.5 pounds loss per week, so in case things come up, I can have it and not freak out on the scales. lol.
  • Thruen
    Thruen Posts: 80 Member
    I have my weekly cheat days, fridays. Which way too often turn into cheat weekends :)
    Daddy needs his alcohol.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    Occasionally. My last one was maybe 2 weeks ago. I try not to stray off my path since I'm cutting, but hey, I'm a fat guy on the inside. :P
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yeah, once a month or so my SO and I can do whatever we want with whomever we want, no explanations needed.

    Wait, you're talking food? There is no such thing as cheating.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" because I pretty much eat whatever I want when I want it... however there are days every now and then that I will go over my macros by a little bit... but there is almost always a day or 2 in the week that I am a little under to make up for it. I try to look at the overall week... not just the day.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you feel satisfied and are happy, then stay at your 1400 calories. Personally, I feel like cheat days are good for the soul.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I just eat normal food every day and log everything no matter how 'bad' it may seem. I make sure I burn enough calories to account for the foods I like to eat and I eat back my exercise calories. This isn't a diet, it's the way I'll eat and work out the rest of my life so I don't want to 'deprive' myself of anything to the point that eating something I enjoy feels like cheating.