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Weigh-In with Wii

mommytantrums Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I check my weight every Sunday morning upon waking and have been wondering if anyone has also weighed in with their Wii (WiiFit)? I'm curious how accurate you find your Wii to be?


  • ame337
    ame337 Posts: 27
    the wii has been the same as my scale. I've had no issues with the wii. just make sure its on a flat surface
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I've been weighing in with my wiifit as well too, but on Saturday when I was at the gym I decided to see how right on it was. The scale at the gym said I was 2 pounds less so now I'm not too sure on the accuracy of it anymore..
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    My Wii has been my only scale.

  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    I know mine is off but I have a rug in the living room where the wii fit is at. It weighs me about 5 - 6 lbs lighter than my scale.
  • day213
    day213 Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh in with the Wii and use that to track my progress. My old bathroom scale is about a pound nicer to me but I rely on the Wii scale.
  • I am hoping it is accurate! I have always used my Wii, and I didnt feel like it was lying when it told me I topped out at 235 ;) I am hoping that it is telling me the truth with my 19lb loss so far! I weighed at the doctor around the same time I had topped out on my Wii at 235, and I remember thinking it was similar. Not exact, but not enough for me to care. I think as long as you are using it in the same spot on the floor with all the other conditions being the same (clothes, morning, before/after bathroom etc...) then it should be fine.

    Good Luck!
  • ismatts
    ismatts Posts: 62
    I've been weighing in with my wiifit as well too, but on Saturday when I was at the gym I decided to see how right on it was. The scale at the gym said I was 2 pounds less so now I'm not too sure on the accuracy of it anymore..

    I can see why the scale at the gym would be under a little :) LOL boost confidence.

    I trust my Wii and is very accurate alongside my digital scale.
  • I use my wii also! It and my digital scale in my bathroom are only off by 2 pounds. I am thinking I am heaver on the digital scale because it doesn't account for the weight of my clothes like the wii does.
  • less_carbs_4_life
    less_carbs_4_life Posts: 15 Member
    it doesn't matter whether you are using your wii or scale and if they are different or not as long as you use the same thing every time. The difference you see every week is what is important and that will only be accurate if you're using the same scale. (but that doesn't mean i dont like to use my mom's scale from time to time(but i dont record it) just to see my weight 3 pounds less than my scale:blushing: )
  • I am so glad to see that so many also weigh in with their Wii and are getting pretty accurate feedback. I also have a digital scale and although it is very new my weight (and my children's weight) is all over the place.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    my wii is very close to my digital scale , I think there is only a lb difference. so I think it is fine to use the wii
  • Serowland
    Serowland Posts: 17 Member
    I believe it doesn't matter which scale you use - the Wii, home scale, or the gym scale, as long as you are using one consistently. I too trust the Wii as much as I trust the home digital scale, the gym scale, and the doctors scale. I personally don't like the gym scale as it is just too public, even when they tuck it away.

  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    horrible. lol.
    It told me at first I was only 138 pounds. I started MFP at 151.6
    It then told me I gained weight when I'd really lost 5 lbs.
    I think it all depends. Since you can't accurately describe what you are wearing and such, it's difficult to come up with an accurate number each time.
  • I have had the same up and down problem with my Wii Fit. I have only used that and the day after the doctor told me I was about 162 (she didn't get it very accurate) I got on the Wii Fit and was like 255. Then I lost 22 lbs then the next day gained 12 back. Then Sunday I weighed for my weekly and I was 133...so Happy that was a 26 lb loss, then last night (when I wasn't gonna weigh again for a week because of the up and down all week) my husband got on it and flipped out because it said he was like 20 lb lighter than he had been when he weighed on a digital scale 2 days prior. It told me I had gained 17 lb in 29 hours....

    I know that weight can fluxuate based on time of day, how much water etc. I have been very careful about my calories, trying to make good choices and even if I make bad ones making up for it with exercise. I don't understand the HUGE swings that I am having. The Wii stays in the same spot as I use it every night! Has anyone else seen this or is my Wii just special?
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    I have been weighing in on the Wii for 9 months now. Never thought much of it. To handle the "how much do my clothes weigh" isssue I just wore the same thing and counted it for -2 pounds each time. This way when it graphs my progress the slope of the line is the same as it would be even if the numbers are off by 1 or 2. I thought it was a fine scale so long as it was used consistantly.

    Then I started to hear it wasnt so consistant. I didnt pay to much attention. Then this week I weighed myself and it said I didnt loose any weight. I weighed again at it said i dropped .2 lbs. Ok fluctuations on a digital scale are normal and it depends on if your feet are centered or not too.

    So I got curious how much my cat weighed. For anyone without a wii- You are able to do your daily weight and then do it again holding something and it will do the math and tell you how much that item is. After I weighed myself and was told I had not lost any weight I picked up my cat (who I KNOW is nearing 10 pounds) and weighed us both. STILL NO CHANGE IN WEIGHT!! WHAT?!?!? How can that be? it said +- 0.0. Yup nothing. Not in either direction.

    Sooooo.... I no longer trust the Wii to be accurate. While yes it has shown I have had a wieght loss I feel like I need more accurate numbers. When I get on the scale I need to know how much I have lost. Did I do something different this week that made me lose more? or something different and I gained? I can adjust my diet and activity based on this but not if the scale I am using is inaccurate.

    My scale has always been placed in the same spot on a hardwood floor 6-8 feet (recommended distance) from the TV and I always wear the same thing and try to weigh at the same time.

    I added a digital scale to the shopping list for this weekend. I just wish I could manually enter my weight into the Wii because I like how it tracks my weight.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    All I use is the Wii, and I've found it to be pretty accurate. If you are having a problem with the clothes... take them off! You're in your own house! It is best to weigh naked anyways. Then you just enter "0" for clothes on the Wii.

    I've weighed myself twice in a row on the Wii before because I was incredulous that I had lost that much and the difference between the two times (within minutes of each other) was less than a half a pound. I think that is fair for a margin of error.

    I did do a contest where you had to get your weight verified, and I went to my doctor. Both times I weighed myself first on the Wii, and the weight was only about a pound and a half more than my Wii had said. Talking into consideration the addition of clothes when I was at the doctor's, I think that is pretty darn accurate.

    And I will say, the most recent time I had to go get weighed at the doctor's, it was that same time that I was incredulous about the weight I had lost. So even if I still wasn't sure after the Wii had told me I had lost the weight, having another scale register the same weight (within a small margin of error + clothes) was proof enough for me to say that the Wii is reasonably accurate.

    Keep in mind that any scale can be off if it hasn't been calibrated recently, including scales at gyms and doctor's offices. There really is no way to ensure the accuracy of ANY scale beyond all possible doubt, so why worry about it?
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I weigh myself every morning on my Wii and never had an issue. I have tried numerous times in a row and have gotten maybe a few oz lighter or heavier but nothing crazy like my scale. I can step on my bathroon scale and be one weight then try again and be 5lbs heavier. I do though compare the wii to my bathroom scale and they are close, within ounces. I put the wii in the exact same spot on the floor, wear the exact same thing and always weigh at a certain time (within the hour).
  • I have been tracking my weight on my Wii for over a year now. I make sure I weigh myself at the same time of the day and try to wear my usual workout clothes. I have found my Wii to be fairly accurate - it's all relative, right? My bathroom scale I always weigh a few pounds less than I do on the Wii. I just wish the Wii fit would stop telling me "that's overweight" as I watch my avatar balloon up. One of these days, it will tell me I'm normal.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I used to but my bathroom scale loves me more lol

    I don't know if its the carpet in the living room or what but I find that it fluctuates pretty bad for me sometimes so I've taken to sitting in on the kitchen floor to weigh in otherwise pretty accurate :)
  • I used to but the day it told my 4 year old niece she was obese, I banned anyone from weighing in on it. There is nothing to her - she is a normal healthy 4 year old, no puppy fat, runs around like a mad thing and eats anything other than junk food!

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