First Day of School.. no wonder kids are getting obese



  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Children under the age of 14-15 should not have that option at all! Cereal and milk is cheap enough! Scrambled eggs? Toast? Fruit? All of these things could be easily made and distributed. I say distributed because they should not even have the option for something so unhealthy. They are too young to make that decision on their own! SOOO SAD!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    My daughter was pretty upset last year (5th grade). She was told by her oncologist that she needs to keep herself in a healthy weight range (which she is). She prefers salad, fruits & veggies over anything. So she picked up one of the menus at the beginning of the year and out of the 20 days they went to school, they served pizza or some type of pizza related item almost half of the time, and yet, the district will not let you bring cupcakes or cookies for your child's birthday. Seems like a double standard if you ask me.

    She's happy she's going to the middle school this year where they have a salad bar available every day.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    that's too bad. our school breakfast this morning was:
    strawberry pancakes
    soy sausage patty
    chocolate milk


    cereal with milk
    half a banana
    orange juice

    i was disappointed with the lack of protein options, but i think our district does a fairly good job of providing nutritious food for our kids.
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    As of this Thursday my children will be in Grades 4 and 5. Our elementary school does not have a meal program or cafeteria. They eat breakfast at home, and bring bagged lunch. So the health of their food options depends on what they ask for (provided I don't veto it) or what my husband or I choose for them.
  • Our school only does the "FUN" bkfst once a week on thursday. They probably did it as a fun thing for the first day on school...

    I agree. My volunteer group has handed out cookies in the morning before school for the elementary schoolers. It's unlikely that is everyday. A first day treat is understandable
  • plus, isn't it kind of a double standard for US to get upset? Most buy cake for their child's birthday, or take them out for an occasional ice cream cone. C'mon ppl
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Thats horrible! sugar the kids up and then expect the teachers to be able to handle them, geez! Its bad enough the food is just crap and bad for them, the sugar content really messes with kids ability to behave and focus....and then you get all these teachers saying your kid is ADHD and needs meds....maybe what they need are less glazed donuts provided by the school!
    ^^^so agree with this!!!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    plus, isn't it kind of a double standard for US to get upset? Most buy cake for their child's birthday, or take them out for an occasional ice cream cone. C'mon ppl

    It's different when the school is supplying the unhealthy meal and then in return tells you what you can or cannot send to school with your child for snacks.
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    How sad, but really school food is just a very small part of childhood obesity. Little to no pe or recess, foods that lacks little to any nutritional value at school, tons of sugary snacks at home, too much fast food as a dinner options and then sitting in front of a tv or handheld game are all contributing factors. It all begins at home!
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