"That will never hurt ya"

I'm so tired of hearing people say that. Let me eat what I want to eat, gosh darn it!!
& I'm talking about things like hot dog & hamburgers.. If I'm not interested in eating it, just let it be. I'm not gone all health crazy either, I just know processed things are a big issue for myself, therefore I want to cut back. Sure, I'll eat a hot dog again in my lifetime but it will be when I want to fit it into my calories, not because you said so.
Rant over, ha.


  • cmstraut
    cmstraut Posts: 15
    I hear ya! I feel the same way. Its nice to allow yourself a treat every so often. The idea of giving up a food forever seems like a promise I would never be able to keep, and if you do then the guilt you might feel would be bad.

    Way to go!